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I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's decided to take the plunge and become a Patron.  A number of you have messaged me to ask if there'll be anything special for Patrons, and yes, there definitely will be.  I don't want to start doing Patron-only videos, because that would mean I've started to go down the "You must pay me to watch my content" path, I always want my gaming videos to be free for everyone.

However you guys have gone the extra mile for me so you deserve something special.  I have a few ideas myself but I'm keen to hear what you think.



What plunge mate? I'm giving up a dollar to keep reliably entertaining content going up? I honestly think it's just a reliable investment. If you are going to do special vids for patrons, I'm happy to get "bonus!" stuff rather than "pay for content" stuff. Eg. Personal trips. Vlog style maybe. Keep the gaming content open for everybody though. I'd like periodic votes on content going up (choose all the stuff you like to do and you think would make money and let the patrons give their more formal opinion on what they want).


I hate watching ads, I'm using an ad blocker, so I've been watching your videos for free so far - that's why I'm happy for this opportunity to support you directly. Please take my money and keep doing what you're doing!


I was suggesting special or just "free" Cups or T-Shirts once a year. But honestly, It's already an honor being one of the few people being able to talk to you, since there is surely much less traffic on Patreon than on Youtube. Also, first thing I did here. Got myself a patreon account to support you. I love your videos for years now, I've been using an addblock because fuck google and I think it is finally time to give something back to you. Thanks for entertaining me the last couple of years.


Honestly, a lot of your charme is being yourself, not ducking down to youtube, WarGaming or anybody else, and having a very clear, trustworthy line in criticism. That's what I loved about your Mingles with Jingles lately. It's open, it's honest, and it's critical. So keep doing what you LIKE and ENJOY, this way you stay the one we like so much.


Yeah, T-shirts with the white bearded guy from the Mingles with Jingles cover would be great. Just put its cost into the pledge.


Foreman in the salt mines?


Just your laughing is enough for me, cheers!


You could show bloopers, gag reel, behind the scenes,... only for patrons


It's time to buy yer Dayton Airshow tickets and take a Cobra gunship ride

Peter Borregaard

Just shut up and take my money.. Ohh wait - ehh dont shut up :-p hahaha..