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These maps were made during my time with Crosshead's Big Bad Evil Brand project. As the project is now defunct and the maps are no longer available, I decided to share my maps here as I retain all rights to share them in a non-commercial format. Hope my fantasy game Patrons can use them.

Unfortnately, the versions I am sharing here are the only versions available; I do not have all of the normal gridless versions, nor the different formats.



Andrew Klann

I believe you are at your best when you are creating fantasy hideouts. Notably your caravanserai is absolutely Exquisite. Your Taverns, and warehouses, and other assorted homes are wonderful.

Tim Maloney

You are too kind! (Hit enter too soon). As you can tell by my maps, I love lots of detail and clutter. Sometimes they are a bit of a pain to fill in, but I think the details.male a map feel more real and "lived in" if that makes sense.