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Thirteen (6)
I wanted to keep my eyes closed, but Prince Hiiro absolutely wouldn't allow it.
I can't even say my head isn't feeling well.
If I try to keep my eyes open, my head starts spinning, and the delicious juice from earlier wouldn’t come out.
In a panic, I closed my eyes and mouth.

"Naruhito! Don't sleep."

I'm not sleeping, I won't, please.
Ugh, and when I retch,

"Your Highness, please let him rest for a while. It's okay; I'll stay by his side."

The person in the white coat helped me.
It really helped because keeping my eyes open made me dizzy. When I exhaled a sigh, I got lifted up.

"Don't go anywhere. Please..."

A murmured prayer.
I can't move, so where would I go?
With my eyes closed, leaning on my body, it became noisy.

"Your Highness, is my earring still around here?"

"No, I handed it over to the research facility."

"I see. I was thinking, you could restrain me and put the earring on me, so we could confirm if an order was given.”

"Do you think it was an order?"

"It's highly probable. If you look at his painful state, he's probably resisting. Like when he punched the Army General."

"He's refusing the order, then."

"If he didn't resist when the order came, he wouldn't be in such a bad condition. Naruhito is doing his best."

A man entered the room and he and Prince Hiiro were talking.
The dizziness subsided when I closed my eyes. It's warm in someone's arms.
I'm frequently asked if I'm awake, so I doze off and wake up repeatedly.
How much time has passed,

"Your Highness, the researchers have arrived."

I was placed back on the bed when someone spoke out.
I unintentionally grabbed Prince Hiiro's clothes and surprised myself.

"I'm right here."

I felt relieved at Prince Hiiro's voice. It's getting confusing. What should I do now?

"Tch. It's you guys."

Prince Hiiro seemed to click his tongue when he saw the researchers.
Since I have no intention of opening my eyes, I strained my ears.

"Prince Hiiro, your anger is justified. However, please allow us to assist. "

"I have no choice. Examine him quickly."

"Understood. Lord Hitachimaru, please hold His Highness down. I'd appreciate it if he doesn’t interfere no matter what. Mutsumine, let's do it."

There was a thud, and then, everything went dark.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/100401176 


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