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Hiiro (27)
It seems that Akesora's illness has relapsed. I'm not sure about the details, since I've been returning all the letters from the Nijou family without even opening the seals.

The number of mice infiltrating the mansion is increasing. They probably plan to kidnap Otoha. As expected of the Nijou family's covert operations, they are quite skilled. If the opponent were not Hitachimaru and Toshitane, it would have been an easy job. Rikimaru also comes to play at our place. Who the hell is this? He says while catching one or two after entering.

It was a bit troublesome, so I left them alone for a while, but the number of infiltrators has become too significant to overlook. Are they getting desperate? Is it going to be a full-scale war? Nijou family, do you want to be annihilated?

Intentionally not catching anyone for a couple of days, letting them increase, and allowing them to play with all their might, coinciding with Rikimaru's school break. I conveyed only the important points, and Hitachimaru and I decided to work at the Royal castle.

Don't get too excited and destroy the mansion, alright? I don’t need to have such concerns about Naruhito, but I added a cautionary note for Rikimaru, whom I didn’t trust with this. Well, he seemed to have fun. I've heard that training with someone of similar strength makes your abilities grow rapidly, but both Naruhito and Rikimaru have become uncontrollable. Hitachimaru and Toshitane were nearby, so they haven't noticed at all, but I can't stop them anymore. Hitachimaru and Toshitane have also become extraordinary since they started living together.

Why would someone try to set something up in such a mansion? Depending on the outcome of this incident, we might sever ties with the Nijou family. We returned to the mansion with a police squad that handled the rest with care. The extent of the damage was within expectations. Well, they've grown up a bit, I thought with relief, but the police squad collecting the intruders were running to call Ikumatsu. Groans can be heard here and there.

"Did you keep the promise not to cause serious injuries?"

When I asked, both of them nodded naturally.
Stretchers were prepared, and all the captured individuals were carried away on stretchers.

"I just broke the bones in their legs so they couldn't move," said Rikimaru.

"I just cut the tendons in their legs," said Naruhito.

According to their criteria, injuries that don't involve a threat to life apparently don't count as serious injuries.

"It would take too much time to tie them up with ropes.”

Rikimaru explained, and the Naruhito nodded in agreement.
Let's leave the lecture on the definition of serious injuries to Aoba...

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99426793 


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