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Hiiro (25)
"It just won’t stop; riots are breaking out all over the Empire."

So what? That's what I want to say. I just want you to treat me the same way you treat Toshitane. In other words, a retired soldier. I'm tired. In the end, I had to return to the Royal family, and the post-war process was dragging on endlessly. Besides, wasn't Akemi supposed to handle the war this time?
As I remained silent, Akemi lowered her eyes in a troubled manner.

"There's no one else we can entrust this to. I'm sorry."

The unit I took with me last time has been reinstated. From a psychological perspective, the Kingdom stipulates that units sent to the battlefield must be able to return within a year. It's a rotation system. I want them to take a break and get back to their daily lives for a while. And I should be on vacation during that time, too.

"This time, send Sekitora.”

"That’s impossible. Absolutely impossible. That one is really useless."

But what's your plan then? I reported that forcefully suppressing riots would be useless.
However, as I stood there with my arms crossed and glare, she nodded.

"I read the report about the possibility of being manipulated by the earrings. If we remove them, we might be able to suppress the riots, right?"

Can she read minds?
I haven't said anything.

"Rather than sending an entire unit, it's best to approach the individuals in power and remove their piercings one by one. The only thing left is to identify the commanders..."

Understanding Akemi's thoughts, I emitted a murderous aura.

"Don't make such a scary face. I like you. It's sad when you direct your killing intent at me, you know?"


I forced a laugh with just my mouth. It's not funny. Is she planning to use Naruhito for identifying the higher-ups?

"Well, listen to what I have to say."

Saying that, she opens the door to the servant's waiting room. I thought there was no one else in Akemi's office, but maybe they were hiding there.
The one who came out was a commanding officer of a unit that returned recently.

"Prince Hiiro. It's been a while. I have returned."

The commanding officer saluted neatly without flinching at my killing intent.
I reluctantly suppressed the killing intent.

"Ah~ thanks for your hard work. Sorry about that. I threw everything on you for the post-processing."

I felt a little bad because I left everything to him.

"No, it's fine. I received clear instructions for what to do after that, so it's okay."

The capable middle-aged soldier smiled refreshingly.

"I'm glad you've calmed down."

When I was leaving, Naruhito was still not waking up, so I was getting anxious quite a bit.

"... Sorry for causing you worry."

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98975939 


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