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v5, Chapter 32
Trial (4)
The two making a commotion in public were ridiculous.
I can't believe that despite all the sympathy and support for me at the trial, they still insisted they were not in the wrong.

"Are you listening! Hurry up and get Marie!"

"Marie is sick and bedridden."

"Then wake her up! Tell her to help me no matter what... It's this man's fault! This failure, Shepherd!"

"You are such a coward! Are you only thinking of saving yourself? Henry, don't you want to help your Brother-in-law... Wake Marie up! This is an order. That girl..."

I want to kill them.
I can't forgive an easy death, but I can't tolerate keeping them alive here.

But I have to endure it here.
Because all the efforts so far will be in vain.

"Marie is bedridden due to psychological shock. To the point she can't get up... Do you want to make my sick wife suffer even more?"

"Huh? In the first place, that girl..."

"You guys need to stop it!"

Interrupting the two who kept insulting, a commoner who participated in the trial spoke up.
She was the wife of the Guild Master in the Capital.

"If you had just listened quietly, would you still be saying such things?"

"Hey, you..."

"You abused your own daughter you suffered to give birth to, hurt her husband, and only think of yourself! People like you are called monsters! Reflect on it!"

"How dare you talk to–... Aghhh!"

A fist dropped.
Truly the wife of the Guild Master.

She silenced the insults of the two without caring.

"Remember. Curse others, and it comes back to you... What are you sleeping for?"

No, it's not sleeping; she’s unconscious.
Fainted after taking a punch.

Shepherd was frightened.


"Don't come near!"

"If you're a brother, don't think about using your sister. You're an adult, relying on your sister. Parasite."

"I'll let you say that..."

"Reflect on it!"


She dropped another punch.
The knights were speechless, unable to react in the heat of the moment.

"Madam, please, stop right there..."

"I know. We'll probably meet again."

I didn't understand what she meant by meeting again.


"Huh... Yes?"

"Protect your wife properly. That's all I want to say."

Saying that, she bowed and left.

And so, the trial ended, and those two were taken away unconscious.


v5,chapter 33
While narrating the events at the trial, I couldn't articulate my thoughts fully.

"In this world, there is no evil."


The way I phrase it might be biased, but after the trial, I understood it anew.

"People always want to distinguish between justice and evil, black and white. But evil can sometimes become justice, and vice versa."

In this trial, I stuck to my sense of justice.
However, there may be those who consider me evil, so there is no perfect justice.

"My justice, their justice... It was just different."

Generally, many would consider me evil.
On the other hand, someone who only heard part of the truth without knowing everything might sympathize with Dania and others.

"I have a request when you write about this trial in an article."

"What is it?"

"As a journalist, write an unbiased article... don't make only one side righteous."

I also used unfair tactics to win the trial.
I won't claim it was right.

Even so, I stuck to my sense of justice.

"You can write anything. But, don't write something that would be considered convenient to our side. Make sure this trial can be beneficial in the future... don't write things that can be forgiven just because I'm a noble."

Surely Marie would want that too.
It's not right to be favored because of power.

"I want journalism to be fair."


Even if there are people who don't approve of what I did.
Even if, in a few years, there are those who speak ill of the past, I hope that judgment remains equal when similar situations arise.

I earnestly wish for that.

A few days later, the trial was widely covered in newspapers, and a book was published.

The article written by the reporter Giuseppe Pergoni, which told the truth, received mixed reviews but was appreciated.

Later on, many raised their voices, stating that the trial should be equal regardless of social status.
Handwriting analysis became valuable, playing an important role in trials.

Ironically, Marie was the one who researched handwriting analysis.

Until a few years ago, handwriting analysis was not used in trials.
However, when bullying occurred within the school and handwriting analysis was used to find the culprit, it proved successful.

Since then, the school authorities began to value handwriting analysis skills, using them even in criminal cases.

I thought it was ironic.
Marie was the one who researched handwriting analysis.

After the trial, the two were sent to the northernmost reaches, but the details are unknown.
Since I wasn't allowed to meet them after the trial, I only watched from afar as they were loaded onto a ship, receiving insults from the crowd in the Capital.


v5, Chapter 34
Visiting a Grave
Everything came to an end, and my health was improving.
We had come to visit Grandfather's grave.

Unlike his previous grave, this one was well-maintained.

"Father-in-law, I can finally greet you."

The previous grave was covered in moss, and Dania didn't allow visiting.

"It's good that the ashes were properly laid to rest... Rest in peace."


"Marie, I truly apologize for causing you suffering for so long."


He apologized repeatedly.
However, it wasn't his fault.

"You had someone you loved, Father."

"Yes, but I thought it would be better to support her future than be with her."

Being a noble, it's challenging to be with a commoner.
I could see that well thanks to my situation with Henry.

"But I have no regrets."


"She was always frail. That's why if she lived with me, she wouldn't have lived long... And it wasn't all bad. You were born."


Father, who had suffered and endured for a long time, always smiled.

"Marie is the name Grandmother gave you."

"Grandmother did?"

"She wanted you to become a kind, beautiful, and intelligent woman. In the southern country, Marie has the meaning of happiness."

I was not loved by my birth mother for a long time.
But what does that matter?

"You were very much loved."


My Grandparents poured a lot of love to me, and I received deep affection even from my Mother-in-law, who wasn't connected by blood.

"Thank you very much, Grandfather."

Please watch over us from here.

I will continue to live without forgetting the past.

"Let's go soon. They must be getting impatient."

"Yes, you are right. We should head back."

"I, for one, don't want to go back."

The visit to the grave was only for Father, Henry, and me.

However, after a long silence, when we returned to the estate in the Ranford territory:

"Madam, you're amazing!"

"I still have a long way to go. Bring more!"

As expected, a barbecue party led by Lady Oriana was being held.

"Why all this commotion?"

"I can easily imagine."

"Yes, it's quite easy to imagine."

It might seem like an unusual scene, but it's Lady Oriana we're talking about.

"I can't drink anymore..."

"You are a bit sloppy! But you are still my son!"

"Yes, you are sloppy."

Lady Eliana.
She was becoming more and more like Lady Oriana.

The delicate lady from her sickly days was no more.

"My head hurts... really."

While Henry and I, along with a lively group, joined the festivities, we spent enjoyable time together.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98687249 


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