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The Nature of the Cores and magic stones of the Dribs Golems

The day after the joint subjugation with the Adventurers’ Guild, we were summoned to the over.

Reluctantly, we went, and Alizée happened to be also present.

"Oh, Lily and the Wildcat Claws. Thank you for coming."

"Good morning, Melanie. Why is Alizée here?"

"She came as a representative of the Trade Guild. Today, we plan to explain the handling of Dribs Golem materials—cores and magic stones."


I don't quite understand, but it seems to be something like that.

Including Alizée, we were brought to the outdoor training grounds of the Adventurers' Guild.

However, today, there was no one else here.

I haven’t been here before, but is it normal for nobody to be here?

"Today, the training grounds have been closed off for practical training in handling Dribs Golems cores and magic stones. It's blocked off to prevent anyone from outside peeking in."

"Is it that dangerous?"

"Yes, it is. First, let's have a demonstration. Please get ready!"

At Melanie's command, people who seem to be the Guild staff set two items in the middle of the training grounds and moveD away.

It's difficult to discern from a distance, but they were likely the core and magic stone of a Dribs Golem.

What is about to happen?

"Now that the preparations are complete. Next, please!"

Melanie gave another command.

Then, lightning magic struck the Dribs Golem's core and magic stone, causing a massive explosion!

What on earth!?

"... Well, as you can see, this is the danger of Dribs Golem cores and magic stones. By the way, they only react to lightning magic. However, they explode even with a weak electricity current, so there is a possibility of explosion with magic other than lightning."

I had no idea it was such a dangerous item...

I've been carrying it on my person without knowing.

"I heard from the Guild staff who went for the subjugation yesterday that they couldn't retrieve the cores from the Dribs Golems that exploded with lightning magic. Conversely, it seems they could retrieve the cores from the Dribs Golems that were frozen.”

"I see. We were just defeating them without paying much attention."

"That's understandable. Now, the issue is the handling of cores and magic stones after defeating the Dribs Golem."

Hmm, for the cores, it might be better to just bury them in the ground as they seem hazardous.

I asked about it, but apparently, that's not acceptable.

"We found out that if you bury a Dribs Golem's core in the soil, a new Dribs Golem will be born a few minutes later. While it's good for farming magic stones, we cannot recommend it because Dribs Golems themselves are quite powerful. Therefore, it's necessary to bring back both the cores and magic stones after defeating them."

"Can the cores alone explode?"

"No. The explosion happens only when the core and magic stone are together. Therefore, you can handle the core safely.”

Hmm, what a complicated issue.

In the first place, when you defeat a Dribs Golem, the only materials you get are the core and a magic stone.

The body of the Dribs Golem is just a collection of dead leaves and withered wood.

But when you bring both of these back together, there's a risk of a massive explosion.

Even if you put them in separate bags, there's no guarantee they won't explode upon impact or due to some other reason.

What does the Adventurers' Guild want to do?

"Leaving the cores will result in new golems being born, and leaving the magic stones will strengthen monsters through cannibalism. Therefore, the Adventurers' Guild will have groups of two or more people go hunting, and they will separate into those who carry the cores and those who carry the magic stones. This is currently the safest method..."

"That makes sense..."

If it's dangerous to have them close, having different people carry them is the safest option.

But what are they going to use the cores for?

"The cores of the Dribs Golems becomes a high-temperature, long-burning fuel when ignited. It extinguishes when water is poured on it, and it won't explode even if hit with lightning magic unless the Dribs Golem's magic stone is nearby. Would the Trade Guild consider buying them?"

"Well, while it’s not something I can decide on my own... It can be considered a hazardous material, too.”

It might be useful as fuel for blacksmiths, but for the Trade Guild, taking in such a hazardous material would be troublesome.

In the end, whether the Trade Guild takes them or not can't be decided by Alizée alone, so she decided to discuss it after returning to the Guild.

It's a natural result.

Also, as long as it's in my backpack, it seems that the two items can coexist without exploding.

Since my backpack has had its capacity expanded and the inside has become a mysterious space, it doesn't count as adjacent.

I'm grateful to the Goddess for this as well.

Looks like we'll have to go defeat the Dribs Golems from time to time in the future, though.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98079850 


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