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v5, Chapter 23
Despair is about to begin.

"You will receive an appropriate punishment, in prison."

"What are you saying?"


Considering their actions so far, they will never get out of prison.
If they were nobles, it might have been a sentence of about ten years, but they have already become commoners, indulging in whatever they pleased, and the people of the Ranford territory won't forgive them.
The neighboring fiefdoms would have no sympathy for two people who are no longer nobles, either.

These two have done a lot of foolish things within their social circles.

“Commoners attacking nobles is considered a serious crime in our country, not to mention the fact that you have attacked numerous nobles as well. You have assaulted the Duke's son-in-law, insulted His Majesty’s close aide that is my Father, and tried to kill me, his daughter. There's more."

"Wait... that's..."

"I have an audio recording. I have already sent it to a lawyer as well, so it's too late."

"Lies... that's..."

Finally, they seemed to understand the situation.

"There are even neatly taken photos."

I showed them a photo of when they tried to kill me.


"This is the latest device. If such a clear image is captured, even newspaper reporters can't ignore it. The fact that you tried to murder me in broad daylight with a knife... even if you are not convicted in court, you will be seen as murderers in the Capital."

"Marie, how could you–”

"Don't use my name so casually.”


I overturn the nearby vase and splash water on their faces.

"What a dirty face you have. A woman with a filthy heart is detestable, both inside and out. Did you really try seducing Father with that ugly face of yours?"

"What are you talking about… Have you gone mad?"

"Marie! I can still forgive you.”

"You should be the one asking for forgiveness, Shepherd."


They don't seem to understand their position.
They won't listen no matter what I say.

"You will receive retribution for playing with people's lives."


"I have told you to call me ‘Madam’.' Are your ears just decorations?"

"You harmed the Madam, so do you think you'll get away unscathed?"

Kim and Haku tried to attack the two, but...

"There's no need to dirty your hands for such trash. They should be judged by the law."

"You bastard! Cut it out... darn it!"

"You should cut it out, you parasite."

"If you dare disrespect the Madam, I'll break those arms of yours."

They still haven't learned anything.

"Fine. As long as it's not lethal."


"I told you not to call me by my first name."

There's no room for sympathy anymore.
It's unbelievable how heartless and despicable this woman is.
And I'm just as terrible.

I can't feel sorry for them.
If anything, I find myself wishing they would suffer even more.


v5, Chapter 24
Heart full of Wounds
With this, I have finished saying everything.
Everything that happened at the separate residence.

"I am a terrible woman, just like Dania."

Even if I hurt my real mother, I don't feel guilty.
It's the same for my half-brother, Shepherd.

"No, it's different... that's not true."

"Marie, listen carefully."

Mother grabbed my shoulders as I lower my head and speaks to me as if imparting a lesson.

"It’s possible to have a distant relationship with someone, even if you are related by blood. Just because there's a blood connection doesn't mean there's love. Rather, you believed in them until the end, Marie.”

"I did…?"

"From the beginning, there could have been a more efficient way to handle those two. But you didn't do it."

Did I believe in them?
Did I show mercy in the end?

"Your kindness was trampled upon when your beloved father was insulted."

"That's right. You're not a terrible woman. If you were, what would happen to this great witch in front of you?”

"Why are you saying such things to your Mother?"

"You have already done it, haven't you?"

Even in times like this, their unchanging interaction is comforting.

"Will you forgive me, Henry?"

"There's nothing to forgive."

"Marie, you truly are my daughter. Sometimes, women must be strong."

"Stop saying unnecessary things..."

Mother gently held my hand, and a smile appeared on her face.

"As a mother, you must be strong to protect your child. You need determination to protect your child."

"Please don't provoke her any further."

I still don't possess the strength and wisdom of my mother-in-law or Lady Oriana.

But perhaps I have gotten a little closer.

"Marie, you will face even more difficult times from now on. You must drink dirty water to survive."


"But you can’t lose. You are not alone."

That's right…
I'm still a newcomer in the social circles, and my spirit has been on the verge of breaking.

I can't break.
I mustn't break.
Yet, I was this scared and tried to escape.

“It's just beginning. Your fight has just begun.”


"But you're not fighting alone. So this time, rely on me properly."

"Shouldn't that be me?"

"Men can't enter the battle among women."

I smiled wryly at Henry’s disgruntled expression, but my fight has only just begun.
It will continue.

I must keep fighting.

"Yes, I will keep on fighting."

I felt that I needed to become stronger to laugh off the past.


v5, Chapter 25
After the Decisive Battle
After hearing everything from Marie, I headed to the Monhan residence.

"I see... I'm sorry."

"Not at all."

I didn't want to hurt my Father-in-law any further, but the truth had already been conveyed.

"I saw the records from the lawyer... it's unbearable."

"I suppose so."

But how much did Marie, who was at the scene, get hurt?
Not just physically, but her heart was torn apart, and on top of that, she was repeatedly told that she would be killed.

"It doesn't matter what I say now, but..."

"Marie won't forgive them, right?"

"That girl is kind. I can endure to some extent, but if it were the other way around, I wouldn't be able to forgive them, either."

Why did he marry such a vicious woman?
No, it would be the end of the story if I said that, but I can't believe that they could be this crooked.

"That woman probably wanted all of your Father-in-law’s affection... even though he was trying his best.”

She's just too greedy.
Her desires kept increasing, and her cravings became more intense.

In a way, that woman might have been unhappy.
Always wanting more, never satisfied.

She didn’t realize how fortunate she was.

"The verdict in the trial is guilty. The situation will be tough from now on."

"What will happen to them?"

"They can't pay bail, and their future is already decided. Some people might rejoice at their downfall..."

"No one will be troubled, I suppose."

They caused a lot of trouble and don't understand how terrible their actions have been.
They will realize it when they go out and see that they've lost everything.

In a way, being in jail might be safer...

"For now, I want Marie's emotional well-being to be the top priority."

"I understand."

"I never thought it would come to this..."

"Marie is looking ahead properly."

I earnestly hope that my Father-in-law won't blame himself any further.

When I returned home, my current issue become...

"I think torture to be necessary, after all."

"The current charges are not enough. The guillotine is too lenient."

"Yes, we can't allow them an easy death."

The three people before me were plotting something horrifying right in front of me.

Lady Oriana and Lady Eliana, my Mom.
When these three gather, nothing good happens.

"Henry, what are you spacing out for?"

"That's right. When they assaulted Lady Marie, we should have them flayed and hung upside down in a crocodile's nest."

"I want to poison them, but that would only cause a moment of suffering, right? I would prefer to make them experience living hell."

It's fine if those two get the death penalty, but when these three are involved, it turns into a hellish scene.

For now, I should inform my Father-in-law so they don’t go too overboard.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/97335001 


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