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Dungeon capture, I think there are many things I can’t do anything about!
The entity presumed to be Dungeon Master turned into a flickering shadow. Earlier, it seemed like a human hand was trapped, but perhaps that was my misunderstanding. When Dungeon Master raised the shadowy hand, something was summoned.

It was a dragon that I had seen somewhere before. One had red scales and impressive horns, while the other had beautiful scales with a sparkling crystal glow. Their intelligent eyes seemed kind.

"Maria-san and Rulan!?"

It was Kou's mama dragon and Rulan, my Crystal Dragon friend.

"Oh my, Rosarin-chan. How have you been?"

"I-I am doing well. Kou is also lively as ever."

"It's been a while, Rosarin. Jash, give me some baked sweets again."

"Oh, sure."

Jash took out some baked sweets from his bag and handed them to Rulan.

"... You're still giving out baked sweets?"

"I did a lot of terrible things, and Crystal Dragons always seem very pleased, so I keep doing it."

Well, if Jash likes it, then it's fine. It seems like he has become quite friendly with the Crystal Dragon.



Maria-san and Rulan started to struggle. It seemed like Dungeon Master was trying to brainwash them.


However, Maria-san broke the brainwashing on her own.

"Compared to that Evil thing, this is much easier! How many times do you think I'll let my body be taken over!"

That's certainly true. Then, Maria-san attacked Dungeon Master. Perhaps distracted by that, Rulan also broke free from the brainwashing on his own.

Maria-san disappeared just before biting Dungeon Master. Rulan also vanished at the moment he tried to attack.

"What's going on, you guys!! Why do you have so many acquaintances among monsters! This isn't even a proper trial!!”

Dungeon Master scolded, but honestly, there was nothing else to say even if he said that.

When Dungeon Master raised their hand again, space distorted, and a huge dragon-like fish with a bouncing motion appeared.

Bahamut. It was a giant fish. It can fly, but perhaps because it was summoned abruptly, it was bouncing... no, flickering. It's dangerous because it's big. A hit from its tail could be fatal.

We also have acquaintances among Bahamuts, you know. This was a familiar-looking Bahamut. Well, I don't know this Bahamut that well, though.

"Phew, I was surprised to be suddenly summoned on land. Oh, Rosarin-san, hello."

"......... Hello."

As expected, it was the acquaintance Bahamut... Kuurin’s Papa. Dungeon Master, why do you keep summoning acquaintances like this?


It seemed like Dungeon Master was trying to brainwash him, but Kuurin’s Papa is a formidable being who stood by Kuurin’s Mama (Water Spirit Queen), even when she was invaded by Evil, without being affected by it.


As expected, he easily broke free from the brainwashing. Dungeon Master's brainwashing seems to be inferior to Evil, so it's natural. It's unclear whether it's difficult to affect Bahamuts or if Kuurin’s Papa is just special.

"Sorry, but I'm not a small fry who can be easily manipulated by others."

Indeed, he's not a small fry, at least not in a fishing sense. If he gets caught, the boat might capsize. Kuurin’s Papa smirked and disappeared.

"Seriously, what's going on! Why do you have so many acquaintances among higher-level monsters!!"

"Uh, well... yeah, sorry about that."

I apologized to Dungeon Master, who was getting angry. Huh? Dungeon Master was surrounded by something like a shadow... or something black?



He easily purified it. It seems like it wasn't attached, but rather attracted by anger.

And, the Dungeon Master, now free from Evil, had an unexpected appearance.

"In that case, I'll test you myself!"

"Dirk, no need to interfere. I'll handle this."

"Well... I guess you're suitable? Just don't let your guard down."


I got permission from Dirk. The other members nodded. There's a slightly exasperated look, but I don't mind. My focus was entirely on Dungeon Master.

Dungeon Master dashed. Like a moth to a flame. I caught Dungeon Master and unleashed my Golden Finger at full power. 100% of 100%! I put my heart, skill, and body into it, and I fluffed. Yes, I fluffed and fluffed and fluffed.


Dungeon Master screamed. Dirk looked at him with pity. Rinka told him to rest in peace. He’s not dead.

Yes, Dungeon Master had... strong legs that firmly touched the ground, a pointed tail. Proud eyes. The appearance of a fluffy puppy... no, a baby wolf with silver fur just like the old Jend!

"Fufu... fufufufu"

This is my fluffy prey. My beloved fluff is, of course, Dirk, but the fluff in front of me will not be overlooked. It's an enemy, so there's no need to hold back.

As a result, Dungeon Master’s fluff fell.


Drooling and twitching. Well, I overdid it. He was no longer speaking human language!

"...... What are we going to do with this?"

"...... What should we do?"

It goes without saying that I received a Shining Wizard from Rinka. However, I have no regrets. It wasn't as intense as Dirk's, but it was a good fluffing!

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/97281620 


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