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v5, Chapter 20
Masked Up
I headed towards the entrance and welcomed the two.

"I have been waiting for both of you."

"Hmph, you made us wait quite a bit..."

"What is this place?"

They were surprised as they looked inside the mansion.
Unlike the Ranford family, this second residence was quite spacious, adorned with high-end artworks.
After all, most of the artworks here were gifts from the Ducal family.

"This second residence is a temporary residence for entertaining guests. The other residences are quite distant, and this one is the most compact and convenient, so I chose it."


Haku, Kim's aide who had disguised himself as a servant, prepared tea.

"Why not the main residence?"

"It's quite a distance from here. Besides, the owner of the main residence is Lady Anesia."

"Huh, you really are so obedient to that woman? You are foolish."

"Marie, you are foolish to be manipulated by that woman and not saying anything."

I knew it was coming, but it was unpleasant.
They don’t know how kind Mother was to me.

"The Pollet family is now a Viscount family. Currently, she is scheduled to receive the position of a Countess. There are only three women in our country who have obtained the title of a Countess. She can also participate in politics."

"Heh, just a figurehead, right?"

"Yes, just a figurehead. She used dirty tactics anyway. Even His Majesty has become spineless. He has no judgment."

They're saying whatever they want.
Still, I recorded the conversation without stopping, and Kim was secretly watching from the garden.

"Please have a seat."


"Only tea? You really lack hospitality."

"Your visit was too sudden."

I had prepared cookies just in case, but it seemed insufficient to them.
They are really audacious people.

Still, I endured.

"So, about the conversation... We are already strangers on official records."

"Is that attitude towards your brother necessary?"

"It's a thing of the past. Didn't you both say to cut ties?"

"Marie, are you still angry? Taking a simple joke seriously, for such a trivial matter... From today, we'll manage this second residence ourselves."

"The right to this second residence is not only mine..."

"Shut up! Do as I say! If you can manage a department store, then I can do much more! Hand over the rights immediately."

"Yes, that's right. While we have been struggling, you have been living such a good life... Hand over all the rights."

That's the only purpose, after all.
It's just as I thought, and even then, I'm amazed, but I can't say anything.

But it must not end here.

I have to make them confess.


v5, Chapter 21
Limit to Patience
I have to endure it here.

I must not let my emotions take over.
It would be meaningless if I don't make them confess everything.

Even though I thought that way, my heart was telling me:

—Hit them right now.

These two are hopeless.
They act as if they are the center of the world.

"Especially someone like you should understand your place in business."

"Yes, you should move according to our instructions and work to make our lives easier! Who do you think supported you all this time?"

My wet nurse raised me until now, and then Father provided for my upbringing.

"You becoming the top student at the academy is out of pity. Otherwise, it's impossible."

"Someone like you who doesn't even understand their place, how laughable. Is the Capital's academy full of dull minds, or did they become interested in someone with a different color? Maybe you sold your body?"

"Mother, embracing such a useless person only dirties yourself. Huh... if that's the case, Henry must be quite crazy, too."

Terrible... even Henry.
What will happen to Father, who has been tied to such a greedy and despicable woman?

"I didn't willingly let Diaz embrace me. Yet, he's always been mediocre."

"Indeed. Having such trash as a father... truly not worth living. Well, things have improved now, so if you lower your head, you might get another chance."

"Yes, Shepherd could inherit the Countdom in the future... but there’s an obstacle."

"Then why don't we remarry her publicly and get rid of the obstacle! Maybe she already has a lover under the King's pity?"


They are rotten to the core.
While reaching the limit of my patience, I clench my fist.

"What's with that look?"

"You've been silent for a while now. Do you have any complaints?"

"No, just refraining from using vulgar language for a while..."

But I couldn't endure it.
I lifted my face, suppressing my emotions as much as possible.

"It might be better to refrain from making such remarks in front of Lady Mirial."


"Although she is a mid-tier noble, Lady Mirial has started her own business and is now famous in the social circles. Which reminds me, is it true that you are going to marry Lady Mirial and enter her family as a son-in-law?"

I already know that the engagement has been broken, but I pretend not to know.

"You bastard!"

"Don't mention that woman's name in front of me!"

I got slapped hard with a fan.


I appealed to the Guild, who were standing by.

All the windows were open, and our voices could be heard outside.
This is where the abuse begins, where everything starts.

But these two said things they shouldn't have.

"Even though you are but a lass! How dare you..."


I intended to stay quiet until the end, but I changed my plan.
These two don't deserve any mercy.

I will crush them thoroughly!


v5, Chapter 22
I know about the broken engagement with the Count’s daughter and the subsequent assault on the Duke's son-in-law.

"What about yourselves?"


"Putting your own mistakes aside."

I uttered the words I least wanted to hear.

"Understanding your place is your responsibility."

"What did you say?"

"The Royal Academy operates on pure meritocracy. Even if you got in as a substitute, you couldn't keep up with the classes."


Although he tried to grab my collar and hit me, I don't avert my gaze.

"A brute who raises hands against women. I can't believe Father's blood runs in you. No matter what humiliations Father faced, he never resorted to violence. Perhaps you weren't worth the trouble."

"What are you..."

"A person of high standing never forces others to submit through force. That's more of a lower-class behavior."

"What are you talking about?"

"Shall I enlighten you? Father has now received the title of a Marquis, and even the old Duchess is seeking to remarry him... There's no place for you anymore, Dania."


Shepherd, who got angry, took out a dagger from the displayed artworks nearby, ready to strike.

"Kill her, Shepherd! Kill this scum! If she dies, all her possessions will be ours! I should have sold you off to a wealthy noble just as I planned!"

"But the plan didn't go as expected, did it? Too bad for you."

"Then I'll kill you now! I'll sell your child as well!"

Don't they understand that even if I die, my inheritance won't be theirs?


"Kill her, Shepherd! Burn her later and turn her into bones, just like I did to my father!"

I was waiting for those words.

"It won't go that way."



Restrained by a whip, Shepherd was slammed onto the floor.


"If you had just kept quiet, you scoundrels."

"What are you doing!"

Kim restrained Shepherd, and Haku forcefully slammed Dania's face onto the floor.

"Ow... Stop it!"

"It suits a filthy woman like you."

They were on the verge of losing their temper.

"Who do you think I am?"

"A commoner fallen from nobility, a criminal. And beside you is a lunatic of an ex-wife. It seems insane is the only way to describe you two.

"Why do you think Lord Diaz still cares for you? We will report all the conversations up to now to him. Insulting the King is also a crime of disrespect."


"For the attempted assassination of the lady, verbal abuse and assault, you're headed to the pigsty."

They stood in front of me as if to protect me.
In contrast, Shepherd and Dania seemed unable to accept reality.

"It's all over now."

I'll teach them the harsh reality now.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/96890481 


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