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Dungeon capture, the Hero’s awakened son.
Today, we leisurely worked on collecting materials and decided to set up a hideout on the stairs again.

Jend seemed to be thinking about something, so I called out to him.

"Jend, is something wrong?"

"Hmm... when I use super intuition too much, I get a headache. I was wondering why Otousan is fine even though he uses it a lot. He doesn't seem to know why himself..."

"I can probably answer if you want?"

"Tell me!"

"Geraldin-san seems to use it only for a moment. It's difficult to activate it continuously, so it's just for a moment over a wide area. However, during battles, it seems like he is activating it continuously."

"... How can you tell?"

"Through the flow of magic power. However, it's just a guess, so I'm not sure if it's correct. Also, it might be helpful to give a direction to the super intuition, no? Instead of just vaguely, try to use it with a specific image in mind, like wanting to 'find something,' and actively imagining it."

"... I'll give it a try."

Jend smiled with a nod. Now, as we were about to move, something unusual happened.


"Oi!? Uaaahhh!!"

Ki-chan and the Magic Eater, started suffering. They went berserk.


Dirk hugged me tightly and retreated. The woodcutter Rinka was being carried by Jash, creating a surreal scene. Thankfully, everyone was safe. Mary, Geraldin-san, and Jend seemed to have evacuated on their own.

"Guh, aaah... Rosarin… the Dungeon Master, is..."


"Leave it to me!"

Arisa lifted Ki-chan curse. It seemed to be interference from the Dungeon Master.

"I am saved... ah, but that fella..."

The Magic Eater was rampaging, and it didn't seem easy to approach. Moreover, since it was the natural enemy of spirits, we couldn't just send Arisa alone. In desperation, when I tried to freeze it, Jend stepped forward.

"... I'll go."

For some reason, Jend, not affected by the Magic Eater, ran towards Geraldin.


Geraldin crouched down, using his whole body as a spring to throw Jend towards the Magic Eater. It seemed to be an eye contact through super intuition, but their movements were so smooth, as if they had coordinated it in advance.


"Yo! Ha!"

Jend effortlessly climbed up the branches. It seemed like he was reading its movements.

"There we go."

Jend took something out from the trunk, and the Magic Eater collapsed. Huh? What's that? It's scary.



Geraldin-san collected the falling Jend. And Jend then handed me a fist-sized greenish fruit-like thing.

"Rosarin, have Arisa heal it.”

"Oh, sure? Arisa."


Arisa lifted the curse. Could this be... when I placed it on the ground, the twin-leaf monster grew rapidly, and in no time, it turned back into a normal Magic Eater.

"... How did you know it was the core?"

Ki-chan’s face turned pale. In other words, Jend suddenly pulled out the core of the Magic Eater and neutralized it.

"Huh? Just a feeling."

Super intuition is scary!!

One-hit kill!?

"... Otousan, I want to train a bit. Will you join me?"

"Umu! Got it!!"

As soon as he said that, the old man started running... no, flying around. He used the flexibility of the trees to move freely in all directions. It was barely possible to keep up with him.


"... Ey!"

Jend easily caught Geraldin-san, who was flying around.


"Otousan, try to escape again."

"Yes! Wahahahahahaha!"

After that, Jend captured Geraldin-san several times. The old man was panting. It's amazing to easily catch the old man, who excels in both instantaneous power and stamina.

"Thanks to you, Rosarin... I might have grasped the trick."

Jend smiled with a nod. It seems the Hero's son has awakened.

"I haven't done anything. It's the result of your efforts."

I don't want everything to be blamed on me. Whether Jend has grasped the knack of super intuition or is about to undergo further rapid growth, it's due to his own efforts, and my advice was just a catalyst.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/95969260 


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