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Clothing for Orphans
While Alizée was handling the fabric procurement, I was working on making patterns.
I had a rough idea of their body shapes, so I was creating patterns to match.
The orphanage included children from 3 to 14 years old, so the range of clothing sizes was quite broad.
I have to divide the paper patterns into several sizes to fit them.
It was not a particularly challenging task.
But even so, creating patterns for an entire set of clothes requires quite a number of sheets.
Although my shop had a decent stock of magic patterns, I've used a fair amount for this task.
I might need to ask Alizée to replenish my stock.

While I was immersed in making patterns, Alizée arrived with a considerable amount of cotton fabric.
She seemed surprised by the number of pattern sheets.
I knew it would be around this much.

"Lady Lily, didn’t you make the patterns too detailed?"

"Really? Even children have a wide range of body sizes, and when you enchant clothes, the enchantments may disappear if you alter it. That's why I was so attentive to detail.”

"... You also enchanted them?"

"Well, yes. Even for simple items, I have to enchant them. Don’t worry, they won't be luxurious enough to be worth stealing."

"In that case, it's fine, but... Are you sure about this?"

"It's fine, it's okay. Leave it to me."

"I can't trust your 'leave it to me'..."

Surprisingly, Alizée’s trust in me was low.
Well, I do have awareness of having messed up various things.

Once I've created a certain number of patterns, I started making clothes.
Since I was using magic tailoring, the fabric disappeared gradually from the edges.
With a roll of fabric, I will be able to make around four outfits, I guess?
This should be enough with the fabric Alizée brought.
If it's not, I can always buy more.
Even if I have to buy more, it should be only a small quantity.

"... Lady Lily, when you make clothes with magic tailoring, are you also enchanting them at the same time?"

"Yes, I am. Is there a problem with that?"

"Normally, even with magic tailoring, enchantments are applied after completing the clothes..."

Ah, now that she mentions it, that's true.
However, as you get used to it, it's more convenient to finish both the clothing and enchantment simultaneously.
As long as the flow of your magic power doesn't get interrupted, there won't be any mistakes.
It would be challenging to keep up just with the natural recovery of magic power, though, because of the quantity.

"... Lady Lily, when making clothes with magic tailoring, you need magic power, right?"

"Yes, indeed. Additionally, enchantments use magic power separately."

"... Where does this amount of magic power come from?"

"Magic power is always floating in the atmosphere. I gather it using magic. I only use a small amount of my own magic power for basic initiation, so it's quite easy."

"Ugh, seriously! This person casually rewrites the history of magic!"

Well, it can't be helped.
That's the way it was written in Goddess' book, and I learned from that.
The problem with this method is that you can't use large-scale magic immediately.
Gathering magic power from thin air reaches a point where it will not be able to gather any faster.
Since large-scale magic requires a considerable amount of magic power, you need time to accumulate it using this method.
Using the magic power within your own body reduces that accumulation time, but I don't want to use it too much because low amounts of magic power in one’s body can cause health problems.
However, the necessary amount of magic power used for magic tailoring and enchantment accumulates quickly enough, so I can use it without any problems until my magic power, which I use for priming, decreases.
Well, even if I continue to use magic with this method, the amount of magic power in the atmosphere will temporarily decrease, but since I'm not consuming magic power on a massive scale, it should be fine.
Now, let's get the clothes done for the patterns I have on hand, shall we?

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