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Have the misunderstandings been cleared up?
"Wa-wait a moment! Please lift your face! We haven't been put in a position that needs an apology like that!"

Mariel-chan and I hurriedly approached Alicia-sama, supporting her to lift her upper body.
Alicia-sama was shedding tears uncontrollably.

"But I... I said terrible things to you, Cristea-sama."

"I don't mind at all. If the misunderstanding is cleared up, that's enough for me. From now on, can we get along?"

I took out a handkerchief and wiped away the tears streaming down Alicia-sama's cheeks.

In reality, aside from the initial rude remark in the salon building, she mostly responded with a haughty attitude whenever our eyes met. There wasn't any outright harassment.
She seemed determined to compete academically, which is normal for students.
Harassment is a whole different level. In my past life as an office worker, I experienced some harsh treatment from senior colleagues, so being ignored by children is nothing... heh.

"G-Get along with me..."

"W-Well, we're classmates! I would be happy if you could get along with me!"

Mariel-chan pleaded desperately to Alicia-sama while stuttering.

"Yes, me too."

"Thank you very much… Cristea-sama, Mariel-san. I appreciate it. Please take care of me."

Tears welled up again, so I wiped them away and handed Alicia-sama the handkerchief.

"Yes, ple—"

"Nfufu, good job, Allie! You apologized properly, and now you've made up!"

Just as I was about to say "please take care of us," Ruby hopped onto Alicia-sama's lap.
Huh, Ruby, isn't calling Alicia-sama "Allie" a bit too familiar all of a sudden!?


Alicia-sama was surprised and leaned back, lifting her upper body.

"I love honest and good kids. Especially if they're my fans! As a reward, I'll let you pet me."

In an instant, Ruby lifted his silk hat and it vanished.
Since there was no wand in his hands either, it seems he stored both items in his inventory.


Alicia-sama stared in surprise at Ruby.

"I-Is it okay...?"

"Yes. It's a fan service!"

"F-Fan service, you say...?"

Alicia-sama echoed, tilting her head at Ruby, who winked.
Mariel-chan, what are you teaching Ruby?
I glanced, and she avoided eye contact. Mariel-chan…

"W-Well, then, excuse me..."

Alicia-sama timidly placed her hand on Ruby's head and gently stroked him.


Alicia-sama's cheeks softened, and her eyes sparkled.
In that moment, I was convinced that we had gained another member for the "Admiration of Fluffiness Club."

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/94645304 


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