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Adventurers' Guild’s New Personnel
With the removal of Shivek, the former Adventurer Guild Master known as "Muscle Daruma," and Melanie resigning as Vice-Guild Master, the personnel changes within the Adventurers’ Guild were proceeding at a rapid pace.

First, temporary personnel sent from the Adventurers’ Guild headquarters were filling in as Guild and Vice-Guild masters.
This was because the local Vardmoi Adventurers’ Guild lacked suitable candidates from their current roster to oversee the Guild.

Furthermore, many high-ranking members of the Vardmoi Adventurers’ Guild had collaborated with Shivek, the former Guild Master, in various illicit activities.
As a result, the Guild was short on personnel, so additional support was dispatched from the Adventurers’ Guild headquarters.

The relationship with the Trade Guild that was in disarray due to the outstanding 3 million Rubies, was resolved by a payment, thereby normalizing their relations and restoring the previous partnership.

In fact, many people were annoyed by the bad relationship between the two guilds, but no one was happy about it.

Oh, there were a few people who were happy.

"Is that the Jagant Company..."

I was questioning this because Priscilla had summoned me to the Trade Guild, and the Grand Master of the Adventurers’ Guild, Rumaja, was also present, explaining the situation in detail.

But is it acceptable to share such information with a mere merchant like me?

"Oh my, of course not. However, this time, you're too deeply involved, and it was decided to fully disclose the details to you."

“Umu. The more people who know about their misdeeds, the better.”

"I see. Is it a matter of that nature?"

"It's important to keep those who are aware of their wrongdoing."

I see, that's the reason.

So, what had the Jagant Company been up to? It turns out they were collaborating with Shivek, the former Guild Master, to prioritize selling monster materials to the Adventurers’ Guild at discounted rates and siphoning off a portion of the payments for guild-supplied items into Shivek's pockets.

Yes, their actions were undoubtedly that of small-time villains.

However, the exposure of their misconduct led to the Jagant Company undergoing a thorough inspection and being forced to pay a substantial amount in compensation.
Additionally, they had items classified as forbidden goods seized from them.

It's quite a mess they've gotten themselves into.

"So, why was I called here?"

"One reason is to share this information. As far as we've investigated, the Jagant Company had their sights on you as well. While the kidnapping didn't come to pass, there were signs that they were the ones planning it. We couldn't pursue it further due to weak evidence."

"That's right. You should be more cautious than ever, Lily. The Jagant Company might be planning to target you seriously as a last-ditch effort."

"Understood. Is there anything else?"

"I plan to introduce the new Guild Master and Vice-Guild Master of the Adventurers’ Guild to you. Would that be fine with you?"

Hmm, the Guild Master and Vice-Guild Master of the Adventurers’ Guild, huh?

It might not be of much significance to know them, but if they're being introduced, I might as well meet them.

"Okay. I will meet them.”

"Alright. Rolan, Aude, come in."

When Rumaja called out, a young man and woman entered the room.

They both appeared to be in their late twenties to early thirties.

At first glance, they seemed to be of the human race, but...

"Let me introduce them. The man is the new Guild Master, Rolan. The woman is the new Vice-Guild Master, Aude. You two, this is Lily, who was at the center of the recent incident."

Referring to me as the center of the incident is quite impolite.

However, it's not entirely inaccurate.

In response to Rumaja’s words, the two of them smiled wryly and introduced themselves.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Rolan. I used to be a Gold-ranked adventurer before joining the Adventurers’ Guild. I look forward to working together."

"I'm Aude. Like Rolan, I was a former Gold-ranked adventurer. I hope we can work together."

"I'm Lily. My association with the Adventurers’ Guild involves supplying Ogre materials and selling beginner to intermediate level female-oriented equipment. I don't do much work as a Green-ranked adventurer, but I look forward to working with you."

I'm more involved in business as a merchant than in my capacity as an adventurer.
I emphasized this in my introduction, but it seemed they were particularly interested in the female-oriented equipment aspect.

Melanie knew well, but these two are unfamiliar with my work, so I explained that I sell female-oriented leather equipment in my store.

They seemed curious about the female-exclusive aspect, but since I also mentioned that the Adventurers’ Guild promoted it, they expressed an intention to visit for an inspection at a later date.

I don't have anything to hide, so I don't mind.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/91558734 



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