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Day 2 of Ogre Hunting: Negotiations with Melanie at the Trade Guild
Melanie, who came from the Adventurers’ Guild, was also a Vice-Guild Master.
That is a bit surprising.

"Melanie, you're a Vice-Guild Master, but you're working at the reception?"

"Thanks to our Guild Master, the Vice-Guild Master’s seat is incredibly uncomfortable."

"Ahh, I see."

Working directly under someone like that must be unpleasant.
But in situations like this, you have to fulfill the duties of a Vice-Guild Master.

"Melanie, I imagine the Guild Master on the other side isn't too pleased, since you are the one who came?"

"I doubt he’s thrilled. He sees me as nothing more than a Vice-Guild Master in title and does as he pleases anyway."

… I hope it's not entirely like that.
Is that muscle-headed Guild Master really so incompetent?

"Well, if you've come, then we can get to the point quickly. Let's hear the requirements of the Adventurers’ Guild for the Trade Guild."

"The requirements of that muscle-head? Does it make any sense to ask?"

"Just as a precaution."

"Understood. It's ‘Handover of three captured adventurers, call the Wildcat Claws over, and bring Lady Lily back.”

"He still thinks he can have his way with everything."

"He's a former noble's brat, after all."

So that muscle-head Guild Master was a noble's child.
I couldn’t understand how he was the Guild Master of the Adventurers’ Guild.
It turns out he became the Guild Master of the Adventurers’ Guild due to various political factions within the nobility.
As a result, he has no achievements as an adventurer, and his combat skills are limited to some muscles on his body and superficial martial arts.
I really don't get it.

"So, can I go ahead and state the Trade Guild's response to those demands?"

"I'm just listening for now. Negotiations will start from here."

"Very well. 'All of your demands are rejected. The Trade Guild cannot make deals with those who have attempted to kidnap our Guild members. Therefore, the Trade Guild will sever all ties with Vardmoi’s Adventurers’ Guild.' That’s about it.”

"Well, it makes sense. Can we start negotiations?"

"Please go ahead. First, let's hear the demands from the Adventurers’ Guild."

"The Adventurers’ Guild withdraws all of our demands. Instead, the Guild Master will take responsibility for his declaration of severance. Specifically, the Guild Master will be removed from his position, and his personal assets will be seized."

"Good proposal. But what will happen to you?”

"I will offset my punishment by succeeding in getting Lady Lily and the Wildcat Claws on loan from the Trade Guild to take down the High Ogres.”

Wow, Melanie is quite strong too.
But is it okay to assume that we will act?
Priscilla seems concerned as well.

"Melanie, it's not confirmed yet that Lily and the others will act, you know?"

"If Lady Lily’s group acts, the Adventurers’ Guild will pay a total of 3 million Rubies to the Trade Guild. Please decide the rewards for Lady Lily’s group from that amount."

"... Setting a maximum amount like that, you're really something."

"Well, I wonder what you are talking about?”

Yeah, Melanie is truly strong.
She's not someone we want as an enemy.
Let's keep on good terms.

"What do you guys think about the current situation?"

"If it's a request from the Trade Guild, I think I'm willing to accept it. What about Keuko and the others?"

"If Lady Lily agrees, then we do too. Besides, as long as we don't underestimate the High Ogres, they're not our enemies. Depending on where they're located, they could be obstructing traffic, so we should deal with them promptly."

"I understand your intentions. As a compensation for the danger, we'll give Lily 700,000 Rubies, and 500,000 Rubies to each member of the Wildcat Claws. The Trade Guild will keep the rest. Any objections?"

Hmm, everyone getting 500,000 Rubies... that's a bit low.
However, considering the overall amount, there's only 300,000 Rubies left.
Okay, let's negotiate on a different aspect.

"Hmm, can we have all the materials we obtained during this request?"

"That much is fine. Just be careful because we don't know how many High Ogres there are."

Negotiations were now settled.
It seems the members of Wildcat Claws weren't concerned about their share being lower.
They consider it a great deal to receive this much for dealing with High Ogres.
We've also heard the location of the High Ogres' hideout that the adventurers found last night, so let's head out for the subjugation right away.
As for the Adventurers’ Guild, I trust Melanie to handle things.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/90819196 



destroy the guild master