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Chapter 5 is missing/skipped in raws.

v4, Chapter 6
Icy Smile
As far as I know, Mother was a woman of tolerance and compassion.
Even when faced with harassment from others, she always treated them with kindness in the end.

"I also approached your biological mother with kindness.”

"You did?”

"Yes, even when they called me a harlot or a mistress, I just let it slide."

I feel full of regret when I think about the past.
That person despised my Mother’s commoner background and said terrible things because of it.

Maybe they wanted to assert their superiority, but Mother always dealt with it calmly.

Even in public, they just kept yapping and criticizing her without any effect.

"Why would anyone think I was okay with my daughter-in-law being insulted? They have also been making fun of my son all this time."

She had accumulated a lot of anger until now.
But why did she endure it until now?

"His Majesty the King has ordered that idiot to be removed completely.”


The King's order?

"Of course, right? Currently, everyone around His Majesty the King is close to Lord Diaz. Making Lord Diaz look like a villain and pushing for reconciliation is worth a thousand deaths."


"That idiot..."

Is that person really planning to reconcile with Father seriously?

"Legally, it's not easy for a woman to divorce and remarry right away. But if she's the former wife, it's possible."

"But in that case, there should be a legitimate reason."

It has to be a valid reason, not just a selfish divorce, for it to be considered after consulting with an attorney.
But Father's reason for divorce was purely due to that person's selfishness, so there's no way it would be considered.

"Yes... that's why."

"As a close aide to His Majesty the King and the representative of diplomats, Father-in-law will never be allowed to remarry such a woman like her. But even if he has no intentions of doing so, if rumors spread..."

She's quite clever when it comes to scheming.
She must have been worried about being left behind in the territory.

"We need to not only strip them of their title but also drive them out of the territory.”

"Not just drive them out, I suppose."

"Of course."

It seems like they have more plans.

"To make her face the harsh reality a little, I gave her some money. It's humiliating, but that money-grubber accepted it."


She gave her money?

"It was really fun. That woman accepted the money while looking at me with a humiliated face... being a Villainess is really enjoyable!"

Mother's expression was lively.
I wonder what kind of exchange took place between them.

"Tell us more, Mom."

"Sure, I'll tell you.”

We listened to her dealings in the Ranford territory.


v4, Chapter 7

Mother-in-law’s Point of View
I had to resort to such drastic measures because that woman's selfish farce had worsened.
I was investigating her before Ryan looked into the Ranford family through a different route.

It was because strange rumors had been circulating in that territory recently.

Rumors that shouted, “Please give me your tears."

He divorced her in despair, leaving because of his unsuccessful self to climb the ranks for the sake of his beautiful wife, and now that he has fulfilled that promise, he can finally come to take her back.

It's absurd if you think about it.
There's no need for divorce if you're trying to establish yourself for your wife.

Ridiculous rumors.
But rumors have a frightening way of becoming reality.

Especially in high society, where false rumors are often presented as truth.
She, in a way, might rival actresses in how she spreads lies about herself as the tragic heroine.

How can someone be so shameless?

I couldn't stand to see Lord Diaz and Marie being manipulated and exploited by that woman any longer.

And then, we started receiving letters frequently.
I didn't read the contents, but I could tell from Henry’s furrowed brow that it was something unpleasant.

―― She's so selfish to the core!

I couldn't let that woman run rampant any longer.
I had to take the initiative somehow, and it wasn't Lady Dania I contacted, but her sister.

"Thank you for coming all the way..."

"I apologize as well."

I sent a letter to Lady Dania's sister and requested a meeting.
To my surprise, she not only accepted it readily but was incredibly humble, to the point that I wondered if they were truly sisters.

"This time, my foolish sister acted rudely..."

"No, Lady, you don't need to apologize. However..."

I told Lady Dania's sister about the harassing and threatening letters she had been sending to Marie.

"W-What do you mean!"

"You didn't know?"

"We were having problems within the territory. We demolished the mansion, but..."

Although she had allowed them to live in a different mansion she had previously used, they had been spreading various rumors among merchants and nobles, claiming that her sister and her husband had taken their property and causing them trouble.

To think that they would do such things to the sister who had shown them so much kindness. They don't seem to understand at all that demolishing the mansion and moving them to another one was an act of mercy.


v4, Chapter 8

Mother-in-law’s Point of View
Lord Diaz, who succeeded the Ranford family, and the previous lord both shared the distinction of being excellent rulers.
However, why did Lady Dania become so arrogant?

And what caught my attention was the sudden death of the previous lord.

"I had no complaints about Diaz becoming the successor."

"So, you didn’t feel like someone else was snatching your home?”

"I would have opposed if it were some other worthless man, but Diaz was someone our Father had always wished for. He treated me well, too."

Ironically, the blood-related sisters can't understand each other, but a sister-in-law and brother-in-law who aren't blood-related seemed to get along.
Perhaps it's precisely because they're not bound by blood.

"Dania always looked down on me. I didn't like her either."

"She's all about social status. I wasn't a noble, either."

"Even if you were a noble, it wouldn't change anything. My husband is a commoner noble. But..."

"You were happy. That's why you distanced yourself from your family to avoid hurting your husband, right?"


Bingo. It seems I hit the mark.
Although we're complete opposites in personality, I found her likable.

It seems she's self-conscious about her appearance, but I like her.

"You are an admirable lady. That's why he took in a son-in-law as the heir... It's tough for a woman to become the head of a household."

"Yes… Father thought so when he was alive. However..."

Dania probably said hurtful things like she's a failure and the like, right?
It's easy to imagine.

"I cannot accept Father's sudden death."


"I wasn't by his side, but there were clearly many suspicious points."

She suspected that Dania was involved in his sudden death.

"Because of my sister, my daughter was also made a public spectacle. I couldn't..."

"You've done well enough. You were too kind."


Well, isn't it true?
She could have left them to their own devices or even banished them, but she gave them another mansion, a few servants, and some money out of compassion.

"They lost their title by their own actions."


"So, would you leave the future to me?"

"What do you mean?"

She seemed more bewildered than suspicious.

"I would like you to sell the Ranford territory. Of course, not all of it, you can keep the cherished places from the previous generation."

I wouldn't say all of it, considering there must be many places filled with memories.
But the current situation is too much for her to handle, so I made a proposal.

"This way, harm won't befall your family."


I felt sorry for her, the victim of Lady Dania.
When I expressed my thoughts, I was able to obtain the full rights to the territory at an extraordinary price.
Next, I took action to drive out those two who remained on the territory.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/91003412 


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