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Rinka and Wolfanea
Rinka’s Point of View
Today is my day off. What should I do? It might be nice to sunbathe in the garden or go shopping in town. Oh, I could also reread the Great Teacher Usamegane’s bible.

"Hey, Rinka."

"Hello, Judas-sama."

I was lost in thought about my plans for the day when Judas-sama called out to me. I couldn't help but look for Lavi-kun. Lately, Lavi-kun has been borrowing bodies from animals and spirits on a daily basis. Lavi-kun was behind Judas-sama. I couldn't help but smile happily.

"Rinka, you were going to take the day off today, right?"


"... Sorry, but could you help with some work? You're good at calculations, aren't you?"

"Sure thing~"

I readily agreed to Lavi-kun's unusual request. I had thought it over lightly since I had nothing else to do.

"......... Is that true?"


"Is it really okay? Will you help us!?"


Seeing Judas-sama so eager, unlike his usual self, I wondered if I had acted too hastily at that moment.


I let out a strained "Uoh."

"We've piled up too much work! Clearly, this is way beyond what can be handled with this number of people!!"

The room was filled with documents. It was way beyond the level of just slacking off!

"... The king... piled it up..."

I saw that Juties-sama, also known as Jess-sama, was completely exhausted.

"So, where's the man in question, His Majesty?"

(He ran away.)

Everyone seemed worn out... They wanted to catch him, but they couldn't just leave the paperwork undone, so they kept working. Judas-sama and others were planning to come out to catch him during the break.

"First, let's sort these out. If there's someone else who can handle it, delegate it."

Between those with deadlines and those that weren't urgent……... as I was sorting through them...

"The handwriting is messy, and there are documents from different departments mixed in..."

"Lord! I've delivered it!"

"Oh, thank you."

We were so short-handed that we had even enlisted the help of not only the Spirit Kings, but even the deities themselves. Currently, on my desk, we have Ten-chan, Mi-san, Kon-chan, and Ka-chan. Ka-chan is a kappa who goes by the name Katsuo Katsuno. Kon-chan is Inari Kitsutaro. The Spirit Kings were helping by transporting documents and assisting with sorting.

"... The end is in sight..."

"It's a miracle..."

"Just a bit more, indeed."

You must be exhausted, Judas-sama, Jess-sama, and Lavi-kun. However, it's frustrating that the main culprit hasn't done anything.

"I'll go catch the King myself. I want him to handle the remaining work."

"... Father is unusually agile; capturing him is difficult."

"It'll be fine. Tsu-san seems to be able to track him. He's been used by the His Majesty before."


For some reason, Judas-sama and Jess-sama looked disturbed. Lavi-kun had a distant look in his eyes. Why are the Royal Guards saying something about "soiled underwear”?

"Tsu-san, let's go!"

And so, I easily captured the King.

My divine Revelation, the ultimate trap master, was useful. It was a simple job: locate his position with Tsu-san, and set traps at the predicted points of progress.

"Your Majesty, do your job properly!"

"But I refuse!"

"Ugh... What a straightforward answer!"

Honestly, I don't dislike him, but Judas-sama and the others are in trouble! How can I get him to listen? Torture is out of the question... Persuasion seems impossible. Ah, I've got it!

"If you won't listen... I'll invite you to the forbidden world!"


"Tsu-san, do it!"


"And then, His Majesty and I returned to the office.

"Judas, Juties... I apologize. I will work seriously. I won't slack off anymore! I won't slack off ever again!"

"... Rinka."

"Yes, sir."

"......... What have you done?"

"We administered a punishment that combines enjoyment and practicality..."

They must have wanted to know what I really did! But...

"Please. Don't ask, for the sake of my honor..."

His Majesty’s tail was twitching between his legs. Maybe I went a little too far?


"Hahaha, did I open a new door?"

"......... (Hands together in prayer)."

"... My condolences."

Unlike the incomprehensible Wolfanea group, the Spirit King Group and the Japanese deities seemed to have a fairly good idea of the happenings. Only Kon-chan was laughing uproariously, though.

His Majesty began to work seriously afterward.

"R-Rinka-sama! I'm working! I'm working, I promise!"

However, I wish he would stop hiding his butt when he sees me.

Next chapter:https://www.patreon.com/posts/90503434


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