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Day 1 of Hunting Ogres: Subjugation
It took half a day to reach the campsite in the Ogre habitat.
However, the Green-ranked adventurers who were participating were already exhausted, and they weren't in any condition to go into battle.

The reason was simple: the Blue-ranked adventurers had pushed their luggage onto the Green-ranked adventurers.
The Green-ranked adventurers were participating for the sake of learning, but it seemed they hadn't expected to be burdened with baggage from a large group of Blue-ranked adventurers.
While this had been a common practice until now, with fewer Green-ranked adventurers participating this time, the burden on each of them had increased significantly, leading to discontent.

By the way, I didn't have any of the Blue-ranked adventurers' luggage.
The Green-ranked adventurers seemed unhappy about it, but I wasn't here as a Green-ranked adventurer for this request.
My current position was that of a Copper-ranked merchant.
I was accompanying the Wildcat Claws as the target of their protection because they were joining this request.
However, it seemed that even a few Blue-ranked adventurers had the misconception that I was participating as a Green-ranked adventurer.
Really, these adventurers in this town need some improvement.

After having lunch with the portable food each of us brought, it was time for Ogre hunting.
We were divided into several teams, but here too, a dispute arose.
The adventurers wanted to split up the Wildcat Claws.
I understood the logic that a strong adventurer should lead, but their primary mission was to be my escort, and this Ogre hunting request had been pushed onto us by the Adventurers' Guild.
When we explained this and told them we would leave if they didn't like it, they eventually relented, and the Wildcat Claws became a party on its own, including me.

So, we began the hunt, but there weren't many Ogres around.
Akumi was desperately searching for traces, but even that was a hit-or-miss, with one found every few minutes.
The Ogres we found were usually only one or two, and they were swiftly defeated.
Dismantling them was done quickly; we extracted their horns, fangs, and magic stones, then immediately incinerated the bones and buried them in the ground.
Hmm, this efficiency is quite low.
If it were our usual hunting ground, it would be a feeding frenzy.

"Keuko, can't I use magic power detection?"

"Unfortunately, even our current location could be sensed by monsters, so I can't recommend it. However, with such a low concentration of monsters around here, if we don't make ourselves known, they might not find us. Let's make an exception this time."

"Thank you. Then, here I go!"

I concentrated and performed magic power detection.
I did, but there was still no response from monsters in the vicinity.
When I expanded the range further... Huh, what's this?

"Keuko, over there, it looks like monsters are chasing something around. Do you have any idea what it might be?"

"They're chasing something... Did someone foolishly play the bait for them?"


"It's a decoy role where someone leads monsters around. It's an efficient way to gather monsters, but if you can't defeat them all, it can cause significant damage to the surroundings. It's prohibited by the Adventurers’ Guild."

"That means..."

"We should help them quickly. Can I request you to lead the way?"

"Understood. Talat, give me a ride."

I climbed onto Talat's back, and he used his threads to hang onto a tree branch.
Then, I gave Talat instructions to head swiftly in the direction where the Ogre train was likely happening.
We were moving quite fast, but the Wildcat Claws and were able to keep up without falling behind.
They explained that they had enchanted clothing and shoes that allowed them to keep pace.
If I can contribute in some way, even if it's just this, I'm happy.



"I don't want to dieee!"

When we reached the front of the Ogre train, we found three adventurers who were running around to lure the Ogres.
Ogres are big, but they aren't slow, and they have stamina, so I imagine running around like that is tough.
The Wildcat Claws caught up, and they called out to the leading adventurers.

"Do you need help?"


"If we can have all the loot, we'll help you. What do you say?"

"Please save us! We beg you!"

"Understood. Tomoa, reduce their numbers with magic."

"Roger that."

"We'll take care of the leftovers. What about you, Lady Lily…?"

"It's safer to stay with you, right? Ogres are safer than unfamiliar adventurers."

"... That's true. Cast the first spell together with Tomoa. After that, please finish off the survivors."

"Understood. I'll get ready."

I took out a staff from my backpack and prepared to cast a spell.
The magic we were going to use this time was an Ice Spear magic.
If it pierces through and impales them, that's a win, but even if not, freezing their feet would be good enough.
Without delay, Tomoa and I released the ice spears in unison, piercing through the Ogre horde and causing significant damage.
However, Ogres are tricky in that they don't die easily, so Keuko and the others were moving in to finish them off.
I also worked with Talat to ensure that the wounded Ogres were dispatched one by one.
There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded beast, as they say.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/90281966 



Wow, the adventures in that town are looking worse and worse