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Opening, Week Four, Jenna the Knight and Tanya the Maid
"I am Jenna, the fourth daughter of the Schelling family. It's been six months since I graduated from Knight apprenticeship, and I am looking forward to working with you!”

"I am Tanya. I'm an Elf from the Peasie Forest, and I've been working as a maid in Marquis Vardmoi's household for 15 years. Nice to meet you."

Jenna was a human with short blonde hair, while Tanya was an Elf with long honey-blond hair.
But why did he suddenly assign them as escorts and mentors?
I need to find out more about this.

"You want to ask for the reason for increasing escorts and assigning mentors at this time? Simply put, your knowledge of nobility is too shallow. If you easily take out such valuable items that they might even kidnap you for, without any precautions, it would be concerning for the future."

"I see..."

"In essence, it's about mentoring your knowledge of nobility. Jenna has only recently become a Knight, and she's not very experienced. However, her upbringing as a noble's child should come in handy. Tanya, on the other hand, can assist in manners and negotiation. She has worked in our household for 15 years, and for the past 12 years, she has also been present at meetings with nobles. Moreover, she possesses an appraisal skill that humans can't acquire. I have others with appraisal skills at my disposal, so it won't be a problem for me, but it will be valuable to you. Don't hesitate to accept it."

"Err, I understand. Both of you, please take care of me from now on."

"Lady Lily, you are going to be our new mistress. Please speak in a more relaxed tone. You can call me Jenna."

"You can call me Tanya, too. Nice to meet you."

"Um, best regards."

After the introduction, the group of the Marquis Vardmoi left.
It seems that introducing the two of them was his final purpose.

As for Jenna and Tanya, it seems they've brought everything they need with them.
They were even given extra allowances to purchase anything they might be missing.
Since having a new mistress is a significant change for them, this might be a farewell gift of sorts.

Now, about their sleeping arrangements, despite being offered two separate rooms, they insisted on sharing one.
This house doesn't have something like an attic room, so Tanya will be sleeping in a regular room as well.
Jenna didn’t seem to mind not having her own room, apparently only high-ranking individuals among Knights get their own rooms.

It was still early in the day, so we went out to buy furniture for their room and some groceries for a welcome dinner.
Although it was supposed to be a welcome party, Tanya insisted on doing the cooking, so it seems I won't be in the kitchen in the future.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/89840279 


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