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Third Week of Opening, Teysa and Hannon.
“I see. So, that's why it's getting crowded."

"Thanks to that, it's thriving."

Currently, Teysa and Hanon have come to the Spider's Cotton Cloud.
The shop was quite crowded, primarily with young girls.
In this world, brand-new clothes are generally expensive luxury items.
However, girls still want to dress up at times.
It seems that's why these girls were gathering at this shop.
It's all thanks to Alizée’s information.

"With such good designs and affordable prices, it's no wonder it's becoming popular. And the colors aren't monotonous, either."


The colors are a secret, as I use universal dye materials.
When I use this for dyeing, I get colorful clothes that hardly fade.
If you try to sell clothes dyed with dye materials, even nobles find them quite expensive.
However, the universal dye I have is unlimited, so there's no need to reflect it in the price.
Therefore, I can change the color by just raising the price a bit.
I only have a few pieces like that because if I overdo it, other shops will start to glare at me.

"But still, you have various types of leather armor here. Isn't the cost of materials high?"

"Not really. When making leather products with magic tailoring, only the necessary parts are cut out. There are no unnecessary scraps, so it's economical."

"But even so, leather has sturdy and not-so-sturdy parts, right?"

"The leftover parts are used for leather hats and backpacks. Having a hat or not can make a big difference in survival, and a backpack can carry prey without getting in the way. Since both don't need very sturdy leather, I reuse the leftovers like that.”

"I see, that's well-thought-out."

In my shop, I also sell leather hats and backpacks.
Leather hats come in various styles, from something like a hunting cap to ones that cover the entire head except for the face.
Backpacks range from small ones that can only hold magic stones or rabbit meat to large rucksacks like the one I use.
I also sell backpacks on consignment through the Trade Guild.
Their sales are going well too, and merchants are buying them as well.

"By the way, are both of you taking a break from the shop today?"

"Yes, we've been working without a break for a while, so today is our day off."

"Thanks to recommendations from here, the Adventurers’ Guild, and the Trade Guild, our shop has been getting more customers... and we can't keep up with restocking the products."

"That's why we decided to take a week off to rest and restock the goods. Today, we came here to relax."

"I see. It's good that you're making a profit."

"Definitely. Thanks to Lady Alizée recognizing our skills, we can now purchase monster materials wholesale, and our connection with you guys has been a great stroke of luck for us."

"While it's true that we can only take Red-ranked requests if people provide their own materials, we can accept custom orders up to Blue rank now. It would be great if we could move to a better workshop, though."

"Oh, is that workshop a rental property?"

"Yeah, that's right. We rented that workshop together because prices are high in this city. But at the current pace, we're running out of storage space for our products, and the facilities are old. We need a better place."

A better place, huh? I don't have any suggestions myself.
Oh, maybe Alizée could help.

"If you don't mind, I could ask Alizée?"

"Is that okay?"

"Selling equipment related to adventurers can be a mutual benefit, so it's worth asking."

"Got it. When can you ask her?"

"Two days from now, my shop will be closed, so we can go to the Trade Guild then. Before that, I'll check if she's available for an introduction tomorrow."

"Thank you for everything, from start to finish. If there's ever a need for equipment, consider it a service from us."

"No need. The equipment you made for the Wildcat Claws' is already as good as Bronze-rank gear... You know?"

Yeah, it’s true.
Originally, we asked Teysa and Hannon to make weapons suitable for Red-ranked adventurers, but when they were completed, they turned out to be such fantastic items that even Bronze-ranked adventurers rarely have.
Of course, their skills are amazing, but apparently, the materials we brought back had very few defects, and the quality was quite high.
We had used thread to tie them together or electrocuted them with lightning magic, after all.

In the end, their shop was moving to the alley behind my shop.
It seems that the building was quite old, so it needed more renovation than my shop, but they managed to stay within budget.
They'll move in after the renovations are done, and it will be nice to have neighbors to interact with.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/89739980 


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