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v3, Chapter 32

Sworn Enemy of the Crown
Miss Marie's idea was stolen, but with Lord Henry’s quick thinking, we managed to turn the situation around.
He's truly a formidable man.

"I bet he never thought of being outwitted."

"Yeah, I thought I'd lend a hand if necessary."

The one who stole the idea was a noble who had disliked Dee for a long time.
He was a high-ranking noble, a mere fool who despised lower-ranking nobles in name only.

"The Monhan Household is now wealthier than even high-ranking nobles."

"He’s truly a fool, holding a grudge against Dee for accomplishing what he couldn't."

It’s even more foolish to direct his resentment solely towards Miss Marie.

"It would be troublesome later if we took direct action."

"In a way, Lord Henry is truly clever."

The trading company that had been dealing with them as a camouflage in this matter can never work with Lord Henry again.

Rumors had been circulating for two weeks now that they were using fake silk and leather.
What a brilliant move.

"Lord Henry is quite the schemer."

"He's been quiet until now, after all."

Despite being treated quite poorly in his territory.
He remained hidden, probably for Dee and Miss Marie’s sake.

"We really wasted his talent."


We won't be able to let talents like him smolder from now on.
But there are still laws that need to be amended.

"So, what's the next plan?"

"It's already in progress. The foolish mother and son seem to be self-destructing."


When I saw the documents, did my eyes deceive me?

"Is it just my imagination?"

"No, it's not."

Why is there a complaint like this among the documents?
From Duke Persia?

"At the ball, Benoah, the son-in-law of the Duke of Persia, was assaulted?"

"When I asked how it happened, it seems the fool pushed Young Master Benoah from the balcony. Fortunately, it resulted only in a minor injury."

"What a foolish thing to do."

I'm glad they've brought about their own downfall to this extent, but are they really this foolish?

Benoah was highly regarded in the Duke's family.
He was desired as a son-in-law and was treated with deep affection as a family member.
The Duke must be furious.

"It's the Duke's family we're dealing with. Apologies won't suffice."

"They haven't even apologized, it seems."


Are they idiots?
Not even apologizing when they're clearly in the wrong?

"There's no need to exterminate maggots."

"Yes, but I plan to take action rather than wait for them to self-destruct."

We must make them taste hell while they're still alive.
It's because we have to make them suffer more than the humiliation Dee had endured.


v3, Chapter 33

Climbing as an Eel
Thanks to Henry's secret plan, we were able to successfully announce the new fall fashion. We showcased dresses and coats designed specifically for elderly individuals.

Currently, coats made of leather are in fashion.
Leather is popular not only in our country but also in aristocratic circles elsewhere.
However, it requires considerable care and can be a bit heavy for the elderly and those with illnesses.

On the other hand, coats made of cotton and fur, especially those with lighter fur, gained a reputation.

"This fur is incredibly comfortable."

"Even the boots have cotton inside... It's not uncomfortable even after wearing them for a long time."

Leather shoes can become tiring after wearing them for extended periods.
They can also develop a smell and mold if they remain wet.
Maintenance can be quite simple, though.

"This coat is soft, and when you hold it, it feels a bit heavy. But when you wear it, it's light."

"The design is lovely, and it's cute yet suitable for adults."

This new collection popularized coats that were both elegant and cute for adults.
Another hit was the dresses.

"I can't believe the ribbons on the dresses can be removed."

"It seems like you can coordinate them however you like."

"It looks like you can use them for tea parties and evening gatherings separately."

Noble women tend to own many dresses, and the idea of never wearing the same dress twice is something reserved for court nobles.
For important and truly memorable dresses, they want to wear them frequently.

Especially for their favorite dresses.

So, we thought about making it possible for them to interchange accessories, ribbons, and more to create their own looks.

The ability to mix and match accessories for hairstyles also became explosively popular.

"Clothes from here on out should be bought here."


The new brand that was supposed to be announced in a month was exposed for its shady dealings by the company, and the products were recalled, never making it to the public.

Simultaneously, news of the theft of our designs spread in society, and the nobles who had hindered us ended up with debts and faced charges.

Our joint venture, a clothing store, was widely accepted by young and old women alike.
The baby clothes that we presented together were also very well received, as many baby clothes had been designed the same way until then.

The custom-made orders were a huge success, with orders pouring in from overseas as well.

The noblewoman who liked our brand advertised it in social circles, which greatly boosted our sales.
The department store plan was also progressing smoothly, and we were able to open it soon.

I became the president, and Lady Eliana became the vice president.

At first, I thought Lady Eliana would become the president, but she asked me to take on the role.

I didn't know the reason for her request.


v3, Chapter 34

Everything is a Nightmare.
Due to a series of unfortunate events and the foolishness of Benoah, who recklessly fell from the balcony on his own, the Ducal family has come knocking to demand an apology.

These nobles, who had previously only regarded me by my lineage, now had the audacity to blame me.
Their lawyer has demanded an apology and compensation.

In other words, they want money.
Even if they call themselves a Ducal family, they must be destitute.

I have no intention of paying a single coin.
There's no need for an apology on my part, and in fact, I want to demand compensation from Benoah, who tarnished my honor.

"So you won't apologize no matter what?”

"You're persistent, and a dim-witted lawyer. Are you even a real lawyer? You're probably third-rate."

It's been the same conversation over and over again.

"It's the Ducal family's responsibility to pay compensation, right? They insulted me, and that kind of..."

"I see, understood."

"When you get home, deliver the message. It's his own doing. He couldn't even defend himself, and even though the Ducal family is on the brink of collapse, they chose a man like him as their son-in-law."

Even if they are called the Four Dukes, they are probably already on the verge of collapse.
They didn't have an heir, so they must have chosen that man arbitrarily.

Otherwise, there's no way they would choose a man who is neither impressive in appearance nor character.

That's right.
It’s impossible for her not to be attracted to me and to be attracted to that man instead.

The lawyer left.

"Shepherd, are you okay?"

"Do not worry, Mother."

As the next head of the family, I must maintain my dignity.
What could possibly a family on the verge of ruin that is going to be removed from the Four Duke’s do to us anyway.

"What? Confiscation of the territory?!"

"What is the meaning of this!”

"There's nothing I can do. Your son insulted and assaulted the heir to the Duke, with no apology and further insults. Therefore, all your territory and property will be confiscated."

"No way..."

"The Ranford territory will be forfeited. The acting head of the family has already agreed. The mansion will be demolished soon."

"No way..."

"You are guilty of lèse-majesté... but Young Master Benoah has decided not to pursue any further charges against you."

"You should be grateful for his mercy."

Is that man trying to make me owe him a favor?

"This is no joke! I can't accept such humiliation!"

"That's right!"

"No matter what we say, it seems futile. However, the decision to demolish this mansion is final. Also, you won't be excused from paying the compensation to the Ducal family."

"What's with this amount of compensation?"

The document handed to me contained an unimaginable amount of money.
There's no way I can pay such a sum.

Why should I have to pay such an amount for a mere scratch?

However, heartlessly, after being driven out of our territory, we ended up seeking refuge with my aunt and uncle.

But life there was nothing but miserable.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/89739788 


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