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v3, Chapter 20

Thoughts of the Brilliant Count’s Daughter (1)
My name is Mirial Felt.
I was the second daughter of the Count's family and from a middle-class noble family.

From a young age, I was misunderstood by those around me.
Outsiders spread rumors that my sisters and I had a bad relationship, and they even said baseless things like that my parents didn't love me.

After graduating from academy, I ran around to distant territories and engaged in trade to support my family.
My elder sister was already married and lived near our home, while my younger sister was preparing to welcome an live-in son-in-law as the excellent heir she is.

The prospective son-in-law was our childhood friend.
However, it was only I, the second daughter, who was rumored to have no engagement, which led to gossip in high society.

"Hey, did you hear?"

"Yes, I heard. The rumors about Young Lady Mirial."

"How unfortunate."

As I began to appear more in high society in place of my sister, I was increasingly subjected to baseless rumors and malicious harassment that had persisted since my student days.

Though, the harassment was merely people spreading false rumors about me.

"But isn't it unavoidable?"

"With that stern expression and tall stature of hers..."

"She treats her elder and younger sisters as nuisances, too."

"Actually, there's a rumor that they are not even blood-related."

Absurd! I was used to being rumored about due to being taller than other girls my age.

Especially those with less appealing figures were envious of me.
Back in my student days, I hated being tall.

But now, I've come to embrace my height and use it to command the attention of gentlemen with fashion.

Not turning my height into a weakness.
Creating dresses that emphasize my good figure and even incorporating it into my business.

However, due to my inferiority complex, there were always people attacking me.

"So, the Felts intend to push Young Lady Mirial out since the younger sister will be the heir?"

"I hear she's desperately searching for an engagement in high society."

"Oh my, she's too desperate."

Because I frequently attended banquets, strange rumors began to circulate.

Saying all sorts of baseless things.
I couldn't bring myself to pay attention to those who spoke without knowing anything about us.

Because my sisters and I got along well.
It's not as outsiders claim, that we have a bad relationship, and I accept my younger sister becoming the heir.

The Felt family is not strictly primogeniture.
The elder daughter, while frail in health, was knowledgeable and surpassed scholars.

In contrast, I am not suited to become a lord.
I much prefer running around the territory while assisting rather than ruling.

That's why my younger sister became the heir.
I believe that she, who cares for her subjects more than anyone and is kind, is the most suitable.

There's a saying: 'Right person in the right place.'

Someone taught me that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

However, the rumors about me never ceased in high society.

Then, one day.

A letter arrived from His Excellency, the Prime Minister, written in his own hand, at the Fate family's residence.

This was the beginning of everything.


v3, Chapter 21

Thoughts of the Brilliant Count’s Daughter (2)
My Felt family was a middle-class noble family, and receiving a handwritten letter from His Excellency the Prime Minister was something that was beyond imagination.

Even among the nobility, one's position varies based on rank, status, and achievements.
Commoners might misunderstand nobles, but merely holding the title of a Count doesn't necessarily signify a high status.
Conversely, there are instances where someone with the title of a Marquis might hold a higher position than a Duke.

Nowadays, old noble families are dwindling, existing based on their lineage alone.
Amidst this, the Prime Minister's family was a Marquis family and had once faced near ruin.

However, under the Prime Minister's leadership, they were able to recover and stabilize. Furthermore, during the civil strife that occurred in the Capital, the Prime Minister extended aid to the local nobles who suffered losses, earning their gratitude.

Having received a handwritten letter, I am now prepared to obey any impossible orders.

However, I wonder why the letter is addressed to me.

"But why Mirial?"

"What on earth..."

I offered a reassuring smile to my anxious parents.

"No need to worry."

I don't understand why His Excellency the Prime Minister summoned me.
Nevertheless, I have no recollection of behaving in a manner that would warrant reprimand.

"I ask both of you not to speak a word of this to Elder sister and Junna."


I don't want to burden them with needless worries.

And so, I made my way to the royal palace.

"I apologize for summoning you so suddenly."

"No, it's..."

I was called into a guest room in the royal palace, but unexpectedly, the His Majesty the King and the Chief of Civil Affairs were also present!

"Don't be alarmed, both of you."

"We didn't mean to. Miss Felt, daughter of the Count. We would like to ask you for a favor."



Various factions involved in running the country, and they want to entrust me with a task. What could it be?

"It's a slightly risky job for you before you get married. If you're willing, we'll provide appropriate compensation."

"Um... What kind of job is it?"

"Put simply, we want you to get close to a certain man and tempt him. We want you to set up a honeypot."

His words were quite straightforward. Are they asking a young woman like me to sell herself?

"Please don't misunderstand. We just want you to get a bit closer, capture his interest, and hopefully get engaged."

"Your Excellency, but..."

By setting up a honeypot, it's implied that there would be some level of involvement.

"It's an engagement between nobles. We won't ask you to have a physical relationship. The other party is a lower-ranking noble, so... you'll need to use sweet words and endure a bit of physical contact."

If it's only to that extent, it might not be a problem. But does this mean that even if we become engaged, it would be acceptable to break off the engagement later?

"Let me explain the situation to you now."

"Your Majesty."

"This task also concerns your dignity. We won't force you into anything. Please listen with that in mind."

Normally, refusing an order from the King would be unacceptable, so there must be a significant reason for him to be speaking to me with such sincerity.

At this point, my determination was already set.


v3, Chapter 22

Thoughts of the Brilliant Count’s Daughter (3)
The person who was a friend of His Majesty the King has been continuously exploited by his wife and son.
That person was Viscount Diaz Ranford.

I also know about that person.
He's well-known among the middle-class nobility, and his daughter, Young Lady Marie, was quite famous during our generation.

She had been an exemplary student since the start of the academy, surpassing even higher-ranking nobles and maintaining the top position, leaving numerous achievements within the student council.

In contrast, I was in the regular course, but I had heard rumors about her.
When our territory was struggling due to financial difficulties and a plague during my younger days, Viscount Ranford selflessly donated medicinal herbs.

I have no idea how much it cost him.
I am so grateful to Lord Diaz, who helped us without repayment, and to—

The one who helped me when I was in trouble at the academy.


For hurting the person who had saved my family.

But at that time, my anger was directed solely at Lady Ranford.

I thought Shepherd might have been merely used.


When I met him in high society and talked to him, I quickly realized.

"Women don't need education. Don’t misunderstand things."

In public, he acted like a good person, but he was a hopeless and foolish scoundrel deep down.

"Even if she’s a Count’s daughter, she’s ultimately just a woman who relies on men."

"You are a terrible man."

"I'm the one who approached her first."

"Well, she might be Count’s daughter with no engagement, but she has money.”

Behind my back, he spoke vulgarities, insulted me, and my anger grew colder.

It's not like I've fallen for him.
It's not like I have feelings for him, but...

"What about your sister?"

"Ah, that scum. She's useless and ugly... someone focused on academics despite being a woman. I wish she would just drop dead already."

"Hey, she's still your sister, right?"

"Unfortunately so. She could have been useful if she became the wife of a wealthy, elderly noble. She's utterly useless, which is why I drove her out of the estate."

"That's really harsh!"

At that moment, it was the first time I wished for someone's death.

No, just killing him wouldn't be enough.
I wanted to make him taste the suffering of living hell.

"I will crush him."

I won't call using others cowardly.
I understand that sometimes, it's inevitable to do to protect one's family and home.

But who's responsible for that man's comfortable life?

He doesn't understand that his life is possible because of the sacrifices made by others.

In the shadows, I investigated Ranford’s situation and discovered a horrifying truth.

That vile woman was treating Viscount Diaz as if he were dead, using him as a prize.

I also learned that Lady Marie was forced out, left with nothing, along with her husband.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88272109 


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