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v3, Chapter 7

Malicious Gossip
I was glad to hear stories about my Father, whom I didn’t know well.
After a while, he finished his greetings, and I was waiting for him to come back.


“Coming to such a place so boldly.”

“Such a brazen woman.”

I heard whispering voices.



At the end of my gaze was Mother, and the ladies seemed to be speaking so that they could be heard on purpose.

“Oh my? How do you do?”

“That dress really suits a nouveau riche like you.”


Not only did they talk behind her back, but the ladies also insulted my Mother’s dress in a gaudy manner.
Why, the exposure of her skin is not even that high?

“A red dress is not fit for a celebration.”

“How uncivilized.”

The ladies who blamed my Mother in multiple ways laughed at her, and people gathered as if something had happened.

“I wonder who she’s trying to get with this time.”

“Did she seduce Count Monhan with her body?”

My Mother has never done anything like seducing someone to help with her work.

Mother, who takes pride in her business, would never do such a thing.

“Stop it…”

“No, wait…”

“Please stop.”

I tried to go to my Mother, but I was stopped by Lady Oriana and Henry.

“There’s no need for intervention.”

“Yeah, it’s not necessary.”


Why, when it’s happening right in front of me?

“Remember. You can’t win by confronting someone who talks behind your back head-on.”


“In the social world, the one who plays well wins, and you have to use your head.”

My hand was clasped stronger.

All I could do now was watch over Mother.
How powerless I am, filled with regret.



“Haa~ how distasteful.”

“Well, it’s self-inflicted, isn’t it? Really incorrigible.”

Mother had a wonderful smile on her face.
As if she was enjoying being gossiped about.

“That’s an honor.”


“I guess this beauty is a sin? Making everyone else jealous… I’m really sorry.”

“What are you…”

“Being beautiful is really a sin.”

The smile on her face as she held a fan in one hand was… something.

“Don’t be stupid.”

“What we want to say is!”

The ladies who were being sarcastic to Mother were getting irritated but continued to make nerve-wracking remarks while realizing it.

“It must be hard for you as women not to be desired by men…”


“Not being able to get along with your husband and participating alone today, how pitiful.”

I couldn’t believe my ears.
Participating alone?

That means…

“Oh my? Your husband has arrived.”


At the end of my gaze was a middle-aged man escorting a woman a generation younger. They were too close together.

I think it’s too much for a social occasion, but those two are…

“Oh, that’s the husband of Lady Morabon, the one who was being sarcastic.”

“And by the way, the mistress is her niece.”

Is such a terrible thing happening in the Royal Capital’s social world?


v3, Chapter 8

According to Lady Oriana, these women came to balls and tea parties and made sarcastic remarks about Mother.
They spread bad rumors about her, but recently, Mother has been less visible in the social world, and they seem to have thought that something had happened to her and decided to try to poke her with sarcasm.

“It’s really tough. Your husband is still young.”

“Yes, infidelity is a man’s worth.”

“I’m envious. My husband is clumsy… he says he’s not interested in anyone but me and doesn’t even have a mistress.”


Her face was contorted.
I could hear the sound of her grinding her teeth while desperately making a smile, and the sound of her gripping her fan.

“She really has a good personality.”

“As expected.”

The two of them knew this would happen.
That’s why they didn’t intervene.

“That’s right. I heard that a child was born to the Marquis of Hasett’s family.”

“Eh… yes.”

“It’s good because the Marquis said he couldn’t have children for a long time.”


“I wonder if it’s because his wife is young? My daughter-in-law also had a child the other day… a cute boy.”


The lady who turned pale was also grinding her teeth.

“By the way, the woman who is now making a devilish face is Lady Hasett. Her daughter couldn’t have children for a long time, but her husband’s mistress did. It seems that he will be the heir.”

“This must be boiling her guts.”

“I was relieved that it was an easy delivery. Our house is safe now. My daughter-in-law is still young.”

What a sarcasm.
The ladies returned sarcasm with sarcasm and left with red faces as if they were running away.


What a brilliant counterattack.

“Haa~ she really does it so well.”

“There’s no more sarcastic person than her.”

Mother, who thoroughly attacked her opponent without making a fuss, is amazing.

“In the social world, the one who becomes emotional loses.”

“Raising your voice and becoming emotional is unsightly.”

“Amazing. As expected of Mother.”

I have been passive until now.
I have never used my head like Mother does.

I’m not saying that I wanted to speak to that person like this.
I’m saying I was stupid not to use my head.

I just relied on Henry to protect me.

“I want to be like Mother too.”


“A wonderful woman like Mother.”

“You don’t have to be like her. Listen, don’t imitate Mom, okay? Never.”

But I feel like I can’t survive in the social world unless I can return malice with malice.

“Lord Henry, that’s where a husband’s worth lies.”

“Lady Oriana…”

“It’s okay. You can do it, Lady Marie.”

Someday I want to be a fine lady like my Mother.


v3, Chapter 9

Unreasonable Request
Mother's brilliant counterattack was over, and the ball was coming to an end.
I was exhausted on the first day, but Henry's expression didn't change, which was amazing.

"Are you okay, Lady Marie?"

"I'm sorry, Lady Oriana... I'm not good at these kinds of places."

"It can't be helped."

I have to get used to it from now on.

No, I can't afford to take things leisurely.

"My daughter-in-law is the same."


"Eliana likes music and dancing, but she's not good at places where there's only social etiquette. And her body is weak."

Now that I think about it, I heard that the young Duchess had a weak body and couldn't go out to social events much.

"The change of seasons is making one worried. Is she eating well?"

"Recently, she has no appetite, and I'm worried if she can give birth safely."

Even with my healthy body, giving birth was hard.

"If only she could eat something that suits her taste."

I couldn't eat anything because of morning sickness and my stomach swelled up, meaning I couldn't even move properly.

"I guess they are similar after all."


"You are so much like Lord Diaz.”

Looking at me, Lady Oriana smiled wryly.

"Lady Marie, excuse me for being rude, but I have a request."

"Eh... Lady Oriana?"

"Wha... Lady Oriana!"

I panicked when Lady Oriana bowed her head in a public place.

"Would you please come visit the Duke's house?"


"I would like you to meet Eliana."

The Duke's house...

Surely not.

"Since childhood, her body has been weak, and she has been depressed since the recent incident."

I remember she was plotted to be assassinated.
And it was a maid who her husband trusted.

"Please, Lady Marie. You have experience in childbirth… I cannot trust nobles of the Royal Capital.”

“No, I am…”

“Those ‘noble’ ladies who act for their own selfish interests cannot open that child’s heart. And that is also because of that stupid son of mine.”

Mentioning the Duke here?
Is it okay in such a public place?

“Just how much pain did Eliana suffer because of that idiot?”

“You really love Lady Eliana, don’t you, Lady Oriana?”


Why is she surprised?

“Am I wrong?”

Did I say something rude?
But her eyes were really worried about Eriana, so I thought so.

“No, you are not wrong. As I thought, I really want to ask you of this favor, Lady Marie. Eliana will surely open her heart to you. No, no one else will do.”


“Lady Oriana, please forgive my rudeness. My wife is…”

Henry tried to refuse for me instead.

“Oh my, that’s wonderful.”


“Why don’t you accept, Marie?”

Mother, why do you have such a happy expression!

“Everything is experience, Marie.”

“Bu- but…”

“It’s okay if you just become a conversation partner. Just once… please.”

“It would be rude to refuse. Right?”

“… Yes.”

I couldn’t refuse in this situation.
I had no choice but to accept, but I didn’t know that this exchange would lead to further misunderstandings.

Next chapter: I Will Abandon My Family! - v3 Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12


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