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v3, Chapter 4

Glamorous World
I made my debut in the social world at the splendid and gorgeous royal palace, and I was desperately trying to get used to this atmosphere while being escorted by Henry.

"You don't have to push yourself."

"I'm fine."

I say I'm fine, but I'm just going along with it.
Mother walked with her back straight and dignified, attracting attention from everyone around her.

"You are beautiful, Mother."

"As always."

Mother smiled and greeted people in this situation, looking relaxed.

In the meantime, the eyes of the women gathered in one direction.


"It's Lord Diaz."

"He's as handsome as ever."



"Oh, he's always so popular. Mainly with young women."

"Younger women..."

Indeed, most of the women who have been staring at him with hot eyes are young.

"Henry, do you know something?"

"Well... I've been on inspection trips with my Father-in-law, and I've met him in the Capital before we got married."


What does that mean?
I haven't been to the Capital since I graduated from academy.

I didn’t see much of my Father's work.

"Lord Diaz. Congratulations on this occasion."

"Thank you. I'm inexperienced, but I'll do my best..."

"You're too modest, Lord Diaz."

The woman who greeted him was a young lady who was a little younger than me.

"She's the daughter of a marquis who controls the southeast."

"A marquis..."

"Her father is the head of the knights and her mother is a princess from another country."

Why is my Father so friendly with such an amazing person?

"She was a little princess at home, but she had gone to study abroad.”

"Is... is that so?"

"You should look around more."

Henry told me to look around.


"Mr. Prime Minister."

"How have you been? I'm very happy that you accepted the title of Count."

How frank is that?
They look more like close friends than a boss and a subordinate.

"Mr. Prime Minister, are you sneaking out alone?"

"Chief civil official, that's a nasty way of saying it."

"It’s the truth, isn’t it? Diaz. You didn't show up in the Capital much. From now on, I'll make sure we get along more."

My Father is so friendly with the Prime Minister and the Chief civil official.

"Oh my? Did you not know?"


"Here, lemon squash."

Mother gave me and Henry lemon squash.

"Wow, what a beautiful color."

"The lemon squash here is delicious."

"Mom, you're really thick-skinned."

Mother is amazing to be able to enjoy this situation.
But I was very curious about my Father's social relations and watched them closely.


"Are you curious?"


"About your Father's social relations."

I turned around when I heard a voice from someone I didn't know and saw a beautiful lady who was worthy of being called a noblewoman.


v3, Chapter 5

Lovely Lady
She was a wonderful lady, in a different way from Mother.
She was neat and beautiful, standing upright and captivating.

Not flashy, but full of grace.

"Good day.”

"Ah... good day to you, too.”

How rude of me.

But she was so beautiful that I was enchanted.


"I am sorry for suddenly speaking to you without greeting you."

"No, that's not it."

How wonderful she is, even though I was the one who was rude.

"My name is Oriana Heinsch."

It sounds familiar.

"The Old Duchess Heinsch."


"Oh, do you know about me?"

I was speechless at Henry’s words.
This is the Princess's mother!

"I apologize for my rudeness.”

"No need to be so formal? From now on, we will have a close relationship."


A close relationship?

What does that mean?

"What do you mean?"

When Henry asked in confusion, she smiled beautifully, but this smile was the same as Mother’s.

"Guh... my stomach."


Is this a sign of something bad happening?
Henry always complains of stomach pain when something terrible happens.

"The Monhan territory was originally a branch of the Ducal family's territory."


"Becoming Count Monhan means becoming a relative of mine."

I didn't know, I didn't hear anything about this.
Looking at Henry, who had already turned pale, I could tell that my Father didn't know either.

"Excuse me, but..."

"There's no need to be shy."


Henry told her as politely as possible while holding his stomach.

"The Count's territory was once ruled by a lord who died of illness, and then the territory became unusable due to its roughness."

"That is the truth. To be prices, it burned down due to a dispute with a neighboring country."

Was it more than just a problem property?

"And strangely enough, after that, the people who became lords met with misfortune. It's as if the land didn’t want a Lord.”

"Then why..."

"I once asked Lord Diaz to act as an agent for that territory. And it went well."

What is that?
Apart from my Father, several generations of nobles who served as lords were hit by accidents or illnesses or arson.

But five years ago, when no one became a lord, my Father, who was entrusted with managing part of the land in that territory, restored the land and resolved the crisis of the people.

"I would have liked to give him a land closer to the center of the territory, but I'm sure he wouldn't accept it."


"So I had no choice but to give him Monhan territory and think about it later."

It was all planned!
She understands my Father's personality very well.

"And if I suddenly gave him good land, there would be many fools who would say something nasty."

I can’t believe she even filled the outer moat!


v3, Chapter 6

Father’s Networking Relationship
I hardly knew any of my Father's friends.

"Lord Diaz was a really excellent student in his school days."

"My Father was?"

"To supplement, he has the talent to be liked by strange bugs."


Did he have a disadvantageous talent?

"Yes, really bug-like man. Mainly His Majesty."

"His Majesty... pardon?"

What now?
Did you say His Majesty?

"At that time, he was a plain, uncool, stubborn boy with a runny nose."

"Duchess Heinsch..."

"No. Can you call me Oriana? Lord He-n-ry."

Henry’s complexion was getting worse and worse.

"Lady Oriana.”

"It’s good to be honest. Let's go back to the story."


What did my Father do while he was in school?

"Lord Diaz was excellent from the beginning of his enrollment, but he was harassed by status-obsessed fools.”


"But he was smart and could endure without being directly retaliated against. Well, a scholar who hates power happened to witness it, and the stupid people were severely judged."

I also attended the Royal Academy, so I understand.
The school is completely meritocratic and no misuse of authority is tolerated.

That being said, it’s not like there is no bullying.
It is a mammoth school size-wise, so it was impossible for teachers alone to thoroughly do everything.

"Lord Diaz was very caring at the time and took care of weak students and students with problems."

"So, are you saying that those problematic students were royalty or students in the highest position in the country?"

"You are sharp. To be precise, they were students who have been removed from the heir selection and had nowhere to go."


I didn't quite understand the story.
After all, I heard that His Majesty was a son of a concubine, but he became Crown Prince and succeeded to the throne at the age of 18.

"What do you mean?"

"In short, it was a group of problem children who were geniuses, but couldn’t keep pace with others."

That’s harsh.
How straightforward can she be?

"By the way.”


"I used to be one of them. I was selfish, self-centered, ignorant of the world, and foolish."

Is there anyone who can say such terrible things about themselves?

"I hated everything around me. It was painful not to be understood by anyone."

"Lady Oriana..."

“Even though she grew up in a blessed environment,” that's from a third party perspective.
Other people's environments may seem good, but only the person themselves knows the truth.

"Your father was truly wonderful."


"Please be proud of him."

I don't know what kind of student life my Father had, but these words are true.
He is a Father I am proud of.

Next chapter: I Will Abandon My Family! - v3 Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9


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