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A God?
When everything finally settled, and we returned home, a battered Ten-chan arrived.”

“Hah~ I had a terrible time.”

“Why do you look so battered? Did you get scolded by Tenko-sama?”

Tenko-sama is the God of the Tenko Shrine managed by the Watase family, and Ten-chan’s father.

“Half right. The other half is that Atsu was so persistent… It’s good that he’s feeling better, but…”

“Good job. Over here, mainly Rosarin-chan… Rin Neechan and the world were in trouble.”

“Rin Neechan aside… what about the world?... No, I don’t want to hear it! I have a bad feeling about this!”

Ten-chan was plugging his hears and pretending not to hear.

“Hello. Because of your foolish actions, not only Rosarin’s spirits but also the Spirit Kings went berserk… This world was on the verge of destruction.”

Dirk laughed. He looked Ten-chan squarely in the eyes.

“Would you please never, ever! Kidnap my beloved wife again without permission?”

Mr. Dirk smiled calmly, but his eyes were completely serious. With both killing intent and anger overflowing, Ten-chan was unable to breathe properly. The windows were also crackling. Rinka was scared behind me.

“I’m sorry… sir.”

However, even in that situation, Ten-chan apologized properly. When Dirk heard the reason why I was kidnapped, his anger subsided somewhat. Ten-chan took me away not for his own selfish desires, but for the sake of his friend and Futaba-san.

Dirk was scary, but I felt happy to be loved. Dirk, who gets angry for my sake, is wonderful. When I snuggled up to him, his tail wrapped around my waist. And, and he said! My beloved! Wife! Ufufu~ I couldn’t help but grin! Fortunately, no one noticed my mad-in-love face.

We decided to take a tea break since it was awkward to just stand and talk.

“My Pops said I’m getting too involved. But when my friends are getting troubled, I can’t just do nothing… I can’t accept that doing nothing is really the right answer!”

That’s a difficult situation. I smiled wryly at Ten-chan’s grumbling.

“N~ yeah. This time, when Ten-chan took me to Japan, this place almost got destroyed. Was Ten-chan wrong?”

“Ugh… I was wrong this time.”

“Whether you were wrong or not is up to you to decide. I don’t think you were wrong at all. This time, I realized how much I am loved by those around me, and if we didn’t come, it would be a big problem. Futaba-san could have died if things had gone wrong, and Atsu-kun didn’t have to commit an unnecessary crime and ruin his life. I don’t think you were wrong.”

“... Yeah.”

“But I don’t know if it’s right as a God. There are limits to how many people you can save, Ten-chan.”

“... Yeah.”

“Well, it’s your choice in the end. By the way, there’s something I want to ask you.”


“What is a God, exactly?”

(Ten-chan) “Eh?”

(Rinka) “Gods are Gods, no?”

“There are gods like Ten-chan who are born from Gods, but are Gods made Gods by humans?”

“That’s… complicated…”

Ten-chan seemed completely at a loss. Well, it can’t be helped. Would Tenko-sama have known? As I was thinking about that, Poppo-chan spoke to me.

“I am relieved that you returned safelyyybleagh!?”

In an instant, my high kick exploded on Poppo-chan (who was probably Shiva inside).

“Rosarin-chan, poor Poppo-chan! It was Shiva-san who made you angry!”

Rinka tried to protect Poppo-chan’s body.

“That’s right. Poppo-chan wouldn’t make such a lame joke!”

“I was wrong, so stop dissing me please!”

Shiva in Poppo-chan with a macho body huffed.

“”Stop huffing, it’s gross.””

Exposed to our cold gaze, Shiva seemed to have retreated.

“I apologize for Shiva-sama. Dirk-sama, earlier when Rosarin-sama was suddenly taken away, my mind went blank, and I couldn’t give a proper reply. I’m sorry.”

“Ah well, I’m sorry!”

Ten-chan apologized on his knees to Poppo-chan. Poppo-chan probably… probably isn’t blaming Ten-chan.

It was good that Shiva retreated. He is more honest than Shiva. I threw a fastball.

“Poppo-chan, is Shiva weakening?”

“Pihiyu~ pipi~”

Poppo-chan, who was sweating profusely and whistling poorly while avoiding eye contact.

“… He’s weakening, isn’t he?”

“How did you know!?”

“”It’s obvious.””

“It’s easy to understand.”

“Even I can tell…”

“Ku… Kuruppo…”

Poppo-chan, was crushed. I quite like his honesty and seriousness.

“Really, this is why Poppo is… Owowowow! Don’t poke me!?”

Although it can’t be seen, Poppo-chan seems to be attacked by Shiva on the other side.

“… I feel like I could get along with Poppo-chan. Poppo-chan is the liaison and assistant for the heroes, right? I also like Poppo-chan.”


Poppo-chan turned red. Whether it was to hide his embarrassment or not, he showed off his sharp train movements. Poppo-chan, in his macho form, was making sharp train movements… What a surreal sight.

“… Rinka, you might want to reconsider…”

Rinka ignored Ten-chan’s warning.

“What do you think? Poppo-chan.”

“I will serve you with all my heart and soul!”

Poppo-chan became a supporter for both me and Rinka.

Now that Rinka’s supporter has been officially decided, let’s get to the main topic.

“How can a God’s power be restored?”

“Experiment! Experiments always come with sacrifices!”

“I have a bad feeling about this!?”

In order to save the weakened gods, we decided to ask for cooperation from various people. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/85044100 


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