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A certain morning’s act.
I feel the glare of the morning sun and think I heard birds singing. I have to make breakfast... I wonder what Dirk wants to eat…

I unconsciously reached out my hand and a large hand, which always touches me, grabbed it.

“... I am here, Rosarin.”

Ah, it’s Dirk… is what I thought, but I was so sleepy I couldn’t open my eyes. I was happy to feel a hand gently caressing me, and my cheeks naturally loosened.

“... Still sleeping?”

I'm awake, but sleepy. And since Dirk was hugging me, I was extremely comfortable. Dirk is so warm. Let's snuggle.

“Are you cold?”

Oh, fluffy... I'm too happy. Is Dirk trying to make me sleep twice? Feeling the fluff all over… what a luxury in the morning… this must be a reward for my hard work last night, right? Fluffy futon, delicious. Too delicious. It's a treat.

“... How cute.”


As I said, I’m not cute. Dirk's eyes were strange. Kuh… stop patting me, it feels too good and makes me even more sleepy…

“I like your strong-willed eyes.”

N~? Is that so~? I don’t think they are strong-willed, more like selfish…

“... It makes me happy to be the one doing the pampering from time to time. I love how you say you are self-centered, but in the end you always end up helping others, and I love how kind you are.”


No, no, I’m only sweet to my people~ Oh nyo, don’t kiss my neck.

“Rosarin, you said that when I smile, you'd be happy on your own... you said you’d make me happy... but ever since I met you... I've been incredibly happy.”

I'm happy to have met you too, Dirk. I thrashed against what was probably Dirk's probably chest.

“... I am usually really embarrassed to say this, but… I really love you with all my heart… Rosarin.”

I trembled at the kiss that was just a light touch. No, we're a couple, right? Do more embarrassing things to me… but… my heart throbbed.

Uoooooohh!! I woke up all at once!

Nuaaaaaaah!! First of all, I want to writhe on the floor!! It’s hard to stay still!!

“Oh, maybe I should cook a meal once in a while.”

Dirk brushed my hair for a while and then walked out of the room. I was in agony, but thank God I had completely missed the timing to get up. I almost screamed and rolled over!


I roll around in bed screaming. What is this!? What is that!? What is going on!? How muuuuuuch!!


Oh, no! This is beyond thrilling! Dirk is coming to finish me off! The cause of death is a cuddly death. My husband is too handsome, it's so difficult! But I'm happy!! I love Dirk too much!!


My excitement and heart palpitations are too much!!

“... What’s wrong, Rosarin?”

Dirk rushed in, startled by my strange voice... and immediately closed the door.


“Wear clothes!!”


I was completely naked. Nope. I mean, Dirk was more embarrassed when the switch was off, even though we usually do a lot of things... But I haven't recovered enough to look okay yet.

If it’s like this…

“Rosarin? I’m coming in? I made breakfast for you, so let’s eat………”

Dirk froze and looked away.

“Wear. Clothes. Properly!!”

“I am. Can’t you see?”

I put on only Dirk's shirt! It's his shirt! The important parts are hidden!

“I can see! It’s a little see-through! Do you want to get assaulted!?”

Dirk huddled into a ball. No, well, yeah.

“... I guess I do?”

If I can cover up the damage I did earlier, I'd rather be attacked. I'm sure he will look at me suspiciously for the rest of the day otherwise.

“......... I see.”

Ah, crap. Dirk's air has changed. This… I seem to have hit the eagerness switch on.

“... I mean, you said you loved me… and stuff.”

Dirk froze in the position where he pushed me down.

“You were awake…?”

Dirk's eyes told me to say no, but I answered

“I was awake since you said, ‘I am here, Rosarin’. I was half asleep, but my mind was clear!”

“N, nooooooo!! Pretend you didn’t hear it! So awkward! Having my monologue heard is embarrassing!”

Dirk jumped down and rolled on the floor.

“I, too, was rolling around in love, happiness, embarrassment, and heartthrob, making strange noises just now!! I know exactly how you feel!!

“So that’s why!!”

“But I was so happy! Too bad I didn't record it!!”

“Don't ever do that! I would die of shame! I'd rather die… no, I want to die now! I want to run away! It's too embarrassing!!”

It was a big mess.

After that, we were working at the Barton residence after eating cold Dirk's homemade rice together…

“... Young Master.”

“Wnyat is it?”

“... Young Mistress.”

“Nyeed meowthing!?”

“......... It’s nyothing…… I mean, it’s nothing.”

We were acting so suspicious that the butler had to inquire… but in the end he guessed what was going on and didn't ask.

We were both deeply damaged, and it was not until the next morning that we calmed down. In short, I think Dirk is at fault for being too handsome.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/84353386 


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