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Rinka’s dark history.
After that, I had a chat with Lavi-kun, aka Evi-san. He seemed to be interested about my world, so we talked about games and TV.

“I want to know more about you, Rinka.”

Lavi-kun’s past… iit’s not fair that I know something he does not want me to know, so I told him about my background.

I was born as a descendant of the Watase family. The Watase family is a lineage that serves Gods. I was trained as an exorcist because I had the talent for it. I was also more gifted than the descendants of the main branch, so Baba… my great-grandmother hated me and harassed me.

Well, I harassed her back!

I pay back tenfold for a grudge! Whenever I heard a sarcastic comment, I invited Ten-chan and others and talked shit about Baba in front of her! In front of the deities, even Baba couldn’t lose her temper!

The deities knew she was an ill-natured bitch, so they didn't stop me! Rather, they protected me as if they wouldn't forgive her if she laid a hand on me.

I was revered by the children of high abilities from other side branches. They wanted my guidance.

When Baba sprinkled water on me by “mistake”, I flooded her room. When she hit me, I partially destroyed her room… well, completely. I mean, if she hit me 10 times, I would definitely die, after all! So even that Baba could resort only to verbal abuse against me! Fuhahahaha!

I spent my elementary school life with difficulty. I was a moderately troubled child, ripping off the wigs of teachers I didn't like.

My mother died when I was eight years old, and my Rin Neechan… the Beneficiary of Rosalie, took care of me. She taught me to do housework, and when I was around 10 years old, I started living by myself. She often brought me side dishes and came to check on me.

Since that time, I was doing housework and studying moderately, but when I turned 12, my new mother came.

The new mother was not a bad person, but... she was not good at housework, so cleaning took a lot of time and effort from me, and the food she cooked was also not good... Looking back now, I was doing things freely until now, so I was quite stressed out.

One day, I lost my temper. The trigger was something trivial. But it was important to me.

The curtains I had chosen with my biological mother had been discarded.

I'm sure she didn't mean to be harmful. They were old, so she just replaced them with new ones. But I couldn't forgive her.

That's when I realized.

I was sad and disgusted that she was erasing the place where my mother had been. I cried and screamed and rioted, and my father came home and blamed me and……… I found myself at Rin Neechan’s place again.

“Rinka? Uwah, you're so ugly with your crying face. Come in, you stupid girl. And let it all out."

I was relieved to see Rin Neechan smiling at me as usual even though I came in the middle of the night, and she let me in. The warm cocoa was warm and gentle... I told her my incoherent story while crying, but she listened to me. Rin Neechan laughed at me.

“Alright, I understand. I will go squeeze them out.”

I wonder what Rin Neechan understood? I could see Hannya behind her, though!?

A few minutes later.

“I’m sorry.”

My Father got down on his knees in front of me. Umm… Rin Neechan… you don’t have to kick him……… really.

A Pissed-off Rin Neechan is the strongest.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/83618906 


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