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First date begins.
Author’s note: Just in case, since it's been a while.


A friend of Rosarin and brother of Judas.

He wants to be Rosarin’s follower, but she keeps refusing, so he is still only her temporary follower.
Rinka’s Point of View
Yesterday, Rosarin and I came up with a date course. Torte-san also helped me with the coordination of my equipment, and we're happy with the result! I've also earned an allowance for the war efforts, so it's perfect! My weapon is my smile!

“Rinka Watase! Going to the battle!!”

“I wish you good luck, Rinka-sama.”

Torte-san bowed deeply. Thanks to Torte-san, I feel like I can sing a pretty song today! I feel like I'm going to melt!!

A beautiful, blonde-haired brother with animal ears passed by me, and he seemed exhausted. His guard was shaking.

“Juties-sama! You won’t be able to get a wife like this! You are lacking delicacy too much!”

The passing brother was Juties-sama… I think he was Judas-sama's brother… he was in tears. I was later told by a maid who likes to gossip that he boldly kept on attacking and getting defeated by Torte-san’s mate.

Well, as soon as I arrived at the meeting place and was about to play with Mr. Squirrel, Evi-san was there. Why?

*The current time = one hour before the meeting time.

Evi-san hadn’t noticed me yet. He was being all fidgety and glad-looking… somehow, my heart is throbbing!!

“... Rinka.”

Ah, he noticed me.

“Sorry to keep you waiting?”

I ran up to Evi-san. Aya? Evi-san? Evi-san?? He was frozen with his eyes wide open. I waved my hand in front of his face, but he didn’t respond.


“...... Sorry. You look so cute today… I was smitten.”

“............ Eh?”

You… you means me, I was cute? I'm very happy with the work that Torte-san did for me today. And you were smitten? Evi-san, me, cute, smitten?



“Torte-chan, Torte-san, Torte-samaaa!! Thank you so much! Thank you very much! I’m too happyyy!!”

I unintentionally struck a gut pose and worshiped in the direction where I thought Torte-san was.

“You are that happy? You are overreacting… you are ruining everything.”

“I'm sure there isn't a girl who wouldn't be pleased to be called cute by someone she likes. Ah, I'm so excited. By the way, aren't you here too soon? How long have you been here? There’s still an hour left.”

“I, I just happened to come out for a walk! You're too early, too!”

I see, you were just out for a walk.

“Then, I will be waiting for you here with Mr. Squirrel and see you in an hour.”

“W, we can just go now! You are too early!”

“Is that fine? I wanted to see you as soon as possible, so I thought I'd go early and enjoy waiting for you.”

When I laughed, Evi-san held his head in his hands. Why?

“... I was looking forward to seeing you too, so I came too early! Show me that squirrel! Let's go!”

“Okay. Mr. Squirrel! I'm looking forward to working with you today. I'm so glad you're looking forward to it, too, Evi-san.”

A black haze enveloped Mr. Squirrel, turning him almost black. Mr. Squirrel jumped down from my own hands and........................ turned into a handsome man with squirrel ears and tail.

Judas-sama was looking at him with a blank stare.

“Let’s go, Rinka……… Rinka?”

No, yeah. What a sleek boy. Taller than me and slightly thinner than Dirk-san. His eyes were slightly slanted, and his hair and eyes were black at first glance, but in the light, they had a strange hue that looked green or blue.

“You look very cool, Evi-san. You also have the squirrel ears and tail from Mr. Squirrel… Evi-san, so you were an ikemen…”


“It means a cool-looking guy.”

“Ssss, s, stop making fun of me! Let’s go!”

“No, it’s the truth? I’m not making fun of you.”

“This is how we are supposed to look in the first place… enjoy it.”

The first date started with a shy Evi-san taking me by the hand and a smiling Judas-sama seeing us off.

First, we went window shopping. Since Evi-san and Judas-sama rarely leave the castle, I thought it would be fun to take a leisurely walk around the castle town, holding hands. Wolfanea has a lot of craftsmen, so sometimes you can find amazing items that you can't even see in my original world.

“There’s lot of stuff here.”

“Yeah… the town looks very different from what I remember.”

Evi-san was looking around happily.

“Young lass over there, won’t you take a look? How about a matching ribbon made for couples?”

“A ribbon?”

“Yeah! Are you a traverler? In Wolfanea, if you have a lover, you wear a ribbon of your colors around your wrist.”


I want one. I want matching ribbons. If it's Evi-san and I, it'll be black… but I would like it...

“Give me this and this.”


“Thank you~”

Evi-san wrapped a pretty embroidered ribbon with delicate white flowers mixed with black, green and purple on me and took a simple black ribbon for himself.

“... I thought you wanted it. It's hard for me to wrap it around myself, so wrap it around me."

“T, thank you very much! I will gladly do it for you!”

I was so nervous that my hands were sweating profusely! But somehow, I managed to tie it neatly around Evi-san’s wrist. I'm so happy.


I can't help grinning. I stroked the ribbon, and it felt so soft and comfortable. And it's a sign of a lover! In other words, I’m Evi-san’s…… I can't help but smile.

“... You are so happy with something like that? Sorry. I should have looked into it more if I was going to come with you, but it was so sudden."

“I’m glad! I’m having fun! I’m happy just being with you!... Huh? Evi-san, where did you get the money from?”

“Judas and Juties told me to take it. The price is labor. They found out that I helped Judas out when he was sleeping.”

“Is that okay?”

“What is?”

“If you're getting paid for your labor, you might as well buy something you want.”

“There's nothing I want. Besides, it's not bad to see you happy. And it's not bad to see you wearing… my colors.”

What? What is this? I'm about to moan to death! No, I'm already dying of moe! Your smile is too nice!

“Hey, what are you acting like? You're getting in the way when you crouch down."

“Basically, it’s your fault, Evi-san.”


The date continued with Evi-san being the one to get the better of me!

Next chapter: Akuyaku Reijou ni Nanka Narimasen - Chapter 394


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