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Mr. and Mrs. Burton after the girls' party.



What sound is that, you ask? It’s the sound of the tail of My Darling Dirk, who was angry at his wife for coming home late, hitting the floor in a bad mood.

By the way, Dirk was sitting cross-legged on the floor with his back to me.



“I’m home~”

Pam… pam-pam~

Muu, when I hugged from behind, his tail stopped for a moment, but then resumed its actions again.

“I’m sorry for being late.”

Smack. Pam-pam-pam~

I pecked him on the cheek because he didn't respond too much, and he gave me a smack with his tail. Thank you for the reward. However, from his tail, I guessed that he was very angry, which was unusual. What should I do?


I looked into his face and he gave me a pout. I'm in shock. I'm kind of on the verge of tears, but what can I do…

"I'm sorry… you don't like me anymore? Answer me..."

There is no reply. I know it's my fault, but can I cry… Huh? What's tickling me? I rolled up my skirt to check, and his tail was tangled around my leg. It's okay! He doesn't hate me yet!


I sat down on his lap and thrash around, but he didn’t make eye contact with me... but he doesn't hate me because his tail looks happy! Thanks, Dirk's tail! You have managed to keep me from faltering!

But then he seemed to remember his tail, and he started to pam-pam-pam~ again as he tried to keep his tail away from my leg.

“As an apology, I will do my best to serve you! I’m truly sorry!”

Pa…………… pam~

He was still clearly upset! One more push! Okay!

"I'm sorry I made you miss me… d-e-a-r. Tomorrow is my day off... and I want to make out with you... take a bath with you? I'll wash you. Hey… forgive me… please… I beg you..."

I slurped on Dirk's chest while begging in a sweet voice. He lowered me from his knees.

Eh? No way, a refusal? And when I looked at Dirk's face... it was bright red up to his neck, as if he was enduring something. Ah, he curled up.

“It’s too hard for me when you act cute on purpose… Rosarin, you broke a promise so I’m angry with you.”


A promise? A promise…

“Continuing at home…”


I froze. I did! I had indeed made a promise in the Elven village! I mean, Dirk remembered our lovey-dovey promise and waited for me... and I didn't come home until late, or rather, until Dirk called… That sucks! And I thought Dirk was cute when he sulked because I didn't come back!

“I am truly sorry. I'm sorry for moaning on the inside about how cute you are when you miss me! I love you! I will endure any punishment! So please don't ignore me! I endured it because your tail was comforting me, but I was about to cry!”

"...Hate… I can’t! I can't say I don't like you, even if it's a lie! I'm sorry I was mean to you too… I got sad when I thought you weren’t looking forward to it..."

Awawawa… his ears and tail are pissed! This time it was completely my fault!

“... But when I pretended to be angry, you rushed to act spoiled, so I was happy.”


My Darling is super adorable! I think I’m going to swoon!!

“Dirk… be prepared for tonight. I won’t let you sleep. Until morning… no, I will throw you around even after morning passes!”

“Rosarin… I’m happy…”

Dirk didn’t seem to mind a little cuddle or more when he's alone with me. Oh, the happiness.........

I got on Dirk's lap, and as I declared, we made out, took a bath and fooled around, and as a result of hitting Dirk's erotic switch repeatedly, I couldn't……… move in the morning. There I was. My body was tired, and I don't remember anything from the middle of the night.


Dirk gave me a morning dogeza.

“No, it was me who stirred you up… and to be honest, I really liked it. What about you?”

“No, well… it was the best, I guess? But to go so hard that you can’t even move…”

I rubbed against Dirk.

“Dirk, you are so patient that you need to be let loose once in a while. Rather than that, I would like to use your arm as a pillow. Let’s get some flirting done. I'd rather do that than see you on your knees.”

“... Okay.”

Dirk quickly returns to the futon. His top half was still naked, so the skin was comfortable.

“I want you to be next to me when I wake up... I want to be hugged when I sleep like this… can you?”

When I tilted my head, Dirk started shaking.


Angel what?

“My Rosarin is too cute, it’s too difficult for me…!”

“......... Wanna do it?”

“No, I was already too reckless yesterday…”

“I apologize for being sly… I wanted to have you more…”

I am ashamed to admit it, but I begged. Dirk was writhing in some kind of agony.

“...... Kuhh… cute… it’s you who asked me to… don’t stop me in the middle, okay?”

Dirk's switch seems to have been turned on. I was dizzy from the tremendous sex appeal.

“... Yeah. I love you, Dirk.”

In the end, we spent almost the entire day in a lovey-dovey, sometimes erotic way.

Dirk took good care of me when I reached my limits.

I was a shut-in today, but it was a very nice day off. I think it's good to have a day like this once in a while.

Next chapter: Akuyaku Reijou ni Nanka Narimasen - Chapter 393


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