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v2, Chapter 8

Father’s Regret (2)
Shepherd, who was full of self-esteem, thought he was a wonderful person since he wanted to give Marie the best education we could afford, that is, sending her to a nearby church because it cost too much money to hire a single tutor.

“Marie is stupid, so that’s all she needs.”

“Women don’t need education.”

I guess she felt resentment, so she not only tattled to Mother-in-law and made me the bad guy, but she started giving Marie a hard time.

Even though I could protect her while I was present, there was a limit to how much I could try since I was not always at the mansion.

“A daughter of a Viscount's household can only afford to study at the church because she has no money, that is a disgrace to the world. Are you going to announce to the public that our family is strapped for cash?"


“There is a public school in the fief, where tuition fees should not be so high.”

I imposed a certain condition to stop them at all costs.

“Moreover, there are the exams for the Noble Institution.”

“Shepard can get into the Noble Institution in the Capital.”

They look at your academic ability as well as your manners.
Don't these two know that the tutor is concerned about Shepherd's bad behavior?

In comparison, Marie, is doing her best to sneakily learn what she can.
A neighbor, a lady who was a tutor in the Capital, is secretly teaching her manners.

Marie, who is eager to learn, is much better than Shepard.

So I suggested that the money-hungry pair allow her to learn manners via apprenticeship.
And when I said that I would pay them, the two threw their hands up in the air in delight.

“Marie, how is your manner apprenticeship?”

“It’s fun.”

“I see…”

Marie has a good reputation, and the Countess to whom she is apprenticed, is very fond of her.

“Diaz, Marie is a very good girl.”

“Thank you very much.”

“She's bright and intelligent... why don't you enroll her at the Royal Academy in the Capital?”

The Royal Academy in the Capital is the most prestigious school run by the royalty of the Arsense Kingdom with the highest standards.

“However, the tuition fees are..."

“Yes, it is the most prestigious school in the country and the tuition is expensive. But they do have the special scholarship program, you know?”


Sure, if you are a special student, your tuition will be fully exempted.
If Marie could join the student council, her treatment would be surely different.

“Please arrange it.”

“Yes, I will make the recommendation.”

But there was no way those two would say yes.

“What are you talking about? Marie will go to work soon.”

“Are you trying to waste our money!?”

My Mother-in-law and Dania objected vehemently.
They were infinitely lenient with Shepherd, but too harsh with Marie.

Why do they mistreat Marie so much?


v2, Chapter 9

Father’s Regret (3)
I clenched my fists at the two people who were hurting Marie to no end.

“This is the Countess’ goodwill.”

“Then let Shepard go.”

“Of course I would let Shepherd take it, but it would be difficult for both of them considering our family's situation. That's why the objective is to let Marie become a scholarship student.”

“Scholarship student? Pfft… ahahaha! What are you saying?”

“Stop laughing, Shepard. Have you finally lost your mind? It’s impossible for that stupid, incompetent, lass with no class, no? If she were a little more beautiful, she could marry high.”

School is not a place to marry high.
What nonsense are you talking about?

“Once she takes the test and fails, that's it. You can do as you please then. But you can't refuse the Countess because she has her reputation to uphold.”

“She really is a very stupid woman. Well, you'll learn your lesson when she fails.”

You're the one who doesn't know your place.
The Countess is a well-known person in these parts, but Dania is always trying to get in the way and spread bad rumors about her at social gatherings.

Well, it always ends in a failure.

“Marie, the Countess hopes you will learn a lot.”


“Countess won't force you if you really don't want to. What do you think?"

I have no intention of leaving the Ranford family to Shepherd.
If I did, it would be the downfall of the family in an instant.

It would be like building a mud boat.

“I will do my best.”


“Are you stupid? Everyone can do their best. The results are everything.”

I will return those exact same words to you.
Shepherd's is a regular school, but his classes do require a certain level of academic ability.

Marie's, on the other hand, is in the same building, but it’s a special class with an elite group of students.
The difference between the regular classes and the special class is like the difference between the moon and the stars.

As expected, Shepherd failed the exam.

“Ridiculous! How could I fail!?”

“There must be a mistake! That’s right…”

He thought he was perfect, but it was somewhat predictable.

However, as luck would have it, Shepherd, who had the opportunity of filling a vacancy, managed to pass just barely.

“As expected of my Shepard.”

“You did great.”

“Of course.”

Are these three idiots?
He was the worst class in the regular course.

And they are so proud of him, just because he was filling a vacancy.

“Well, it was pretty difficult, so Marie will probably drop out, no?”

“Yes, I think so. Even Shepard had a hard time like this.”

Their expectations were unexpectedly turned out to be wrong, and Marie was at the top of the class.
She was also accepted as a scholarship student and was chosen to join the student council.


“Marie! I hope you hadn’t cheated!”

“You are the worst!”

The three of them had no intention of saying anything good to Marie, who they had not recognized for her abilities until the very end, but as long as she was recognized by the world, they had no choice but to accept it.

Yet, three years later.
I had no idea that they would do such a thing to Marie, locking her up in the fief and insulting her lover and fiancé, Henry, as well.


v2, Chapter 10

Family Register
I wanted to take things slowly, but Otousama had to leave the Capital early.

“I wish he would have taken more time.”

“Mom, Father-in-law has a lot of cleaning up to do.”

I’m sure he will be going to the Randford house after this, but wouldn’t he get criticized upon his return? My heart felt heavy.

“I wonder what he will do after a divorce.”

“He will be all right. Father-in-law is an excellent noble and merchant. It was your Father who rebuilt the family from the ground up.”

My Mother used to mock him as worthless, but there is no one as sincere as my Father.
He put his own affairs behind him and made sure the people in his fief were not starving.

Because of that, his time at the mansion was short, but I loved this side of my Father.

“The only problem is the family register. We are still in the Ranford family’s registry, aren’t we?”

“Quite on the contrary, you know? Madam Dania has been working around the clock to get you out of the family registry. And it's not legitimate either, I believe?”


“Normally, there were procedures to follow when Henry was taken in as the son-in-law. Even if she had you removed from the family registry immediately, there would be a procedure... but it looks like you were removed from it two months ago."

I wasn't hurt, but I couldn't help but feel disgusted.

“Moreover, it seems that even with a son-in-law, Madam Dania intended to keep all of the Ranford family's property for herself.”

“I see. Well, I had a guess to a certain extent.”

All the money we earned was taken away from us, and we didn't even get the money we needed each month.
Whenever I needed to buy something, they would check to see if I had enough money to live on, and when I didn't, they would blame me for spending too much.

The clothes I usually wore were handmade by me.
I even secretly did some side jobs to tailor a suit for Henry.

Even that warranted a scolding.

“You not being in the Randford’s registry anymore is a good thing. It will take some time to officially change back to your maiden’s name, but it will be fine. I won't let anyone get in the way.”


“She is in a violation of the law with her third-rate lawyer.”

She smiled with her mouth, but not with her eyes.

“How many insults and mockery of my son do I really have to endure? But I'm glad you are not connected anymore.”


“In case she asks for your help.”

I can't deny it.
If the Ranford family were to go under, there is a possibility that they would ask for assistance from my in-laws, who are wealthy.

When I got married, I was not only set up with the expenses, but they also deliberately chose the most expensive meals for the dinner party.

I felt embarrassed the whole time, and felt horrible when Mother-in-law shouldered the costs.
She didn’t even bat an eye when she was served a poor quality chicken and hard, inedible bread as a harassment, but my Mother-in-law loves chicken so much that she returned a smile.

She really is a strong person.

Next chapter: I Will Abandon My Family! - v2 Chapter 11, Chapter 12


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