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v2, Chapter 3

Fun Times
The sweet treats and warm tea soothed my soul.

“Please eat a lot.”

“Y… yes.”

The sweets, which I had never seen before, were like jewels on a plate.

“Oh my, the cheese goes really well with the wine.”

“It does, I’m glad you understand. Then, can you tell what the secret ingredient in these cookies is?”

“It’s cinnamon and herbs.”

They're so delicious.
And the aroma is very enjoyable, too.

“These cookies would well with milk tea. They are the perfect combination on a cold day.”

“On a cold day?”

“Yes, I’m ashamed, but I would buy these in my student days.”

I used to buy cookies and milk tea with my friends from school and eat them outside.

“The real pleasure of student days, indeed. How cute.”


“It’s so cute that you went out to buy sweets. I did much more dreadful things than that.”

“Mom! Please don’t say any more than this.”

Henry’s expression turned grim.

“I was thirteen years old when I seduced my late husband at an upper-class party.”

“Mother-in-law… did?”

“It was a big deal among the upper class, which was more closed off than they are now. But I don't regret it.”

So she has always been so direct, hasn’t she?
Very aggressive and fearless.

Henry told me that he was the end result of a passionate love.

“I'm tired of hearing about your start of romance, Mom.”

“I could talk about it all the time, you know? On the other hand, I don't know why you are so stubborn in the opposite direction, Henry. How many times did I ask you to introduce Marie to me.”

“I thought it would be troublesome to do so.”

“I was just worried about you. You studied all the time. You were no fun.”

The two really have a relationship where they can tell each other anything.
They are the opposite of our family.

“Well, I'd say you have used up all your luck getting Marie to marry you.”

“Sorry for being a poor talker.”

“A real man would tell me honestly. The new era is one in which both men and women are equals.”

“I know that.”

Everything is really different.
I envy the relationship between parents and children, who can say anything to each other.

I wish I could have had a parent-child relationship like theirs.

“My son is boring. That’s why let’s get along well, the two of us.”

“If you don’t like it, you can refuse. Don’t force yourself.”

“Your jealousy in unsightly. From now on, Marie is not going to be only my daughter-in-law, but also my non-blood related daughter, you know?”


Not only a daughter-in-law, but also a non-blood related daughter? What does she mean?

“I thought of adopting Marie.”

“Mom, that’s…”

“I mean, if I do that, my inheritance will go to Marie. I've already made preparations for that… just in case.”

I could not help but be stunned by my Mother-in-law's thoroughness in her preparations.


v2, Chapter 4

I was surprised to hear out of the blue that she was going to adopt me.

“You want to adopt me?”

“You can't go back to your parents' house, and in case of emergency, I can protect you by saying that you are my daughter.”

I can't believe that she has thought this far.

“I am not a noble, but I am a successful merchant. I have friends among nobles.”


“Mom, what are your true intentions?”

Contrary to my tears of emotion, Henry was skeptical.

“I wanted a daughter.”

“Let’s leave it at that. Marie, do you dislike it?”

“No… I’m happy.”

I am so happy that I can be my Mother-in-law's daughter.

“It’s decided then.”

“Well… we planned on living together anyway.”

Thus, I was warmly welcomed by my in-laws, and after a discussion with a lawyer, they agreed to talk to the Ranfords on my behalf.

The Ranfords didn't seem to have much interest in my affairs, and my Mother didn't take the conversation seriously, telling me that I should do whatever I want through her proxy.

The only problem was that Father was away from home.

“A letter came. It’s from Viscount Ranford.”

“From Father?”

“Yes, he wants to discuss the adoption.”

Father wasn't there when we were evicted.
I am sure that Mother was able to kick us out only because of Father's absence.

“Marie, you need to tell Father-in-law everything.”


The only person in that house who was on my side was my Father.

(Marie, you don’t need to force yourself.)


(You are not Shepard. You are fine as you are.)

It was my Father who was always there for me in my isolation.

“I have no attachment to that house.”


“But, Father is…”

My parents are not wealthy.
We were able to rebuild the fading family, but it was a difficult situation.

That’s why Father often had to leave the territory.
I felt sorry for bothering my busy Father and causing him trouble.

Three days later, I was able to arrange a meeting with Father.

“I apologize!”



When he saw us, he got down on his knees.

“Madam Anesia, how can I apologize for this?"

“Viscount Ranford, please raise your head.”

He bowed to Mother-in-law as well and continued to apologize incessantly.
I had never seen my Father like this before, and I couldn't bear to look at him, but my Mother-in-law helped him up and told him what was happening.


v2, Chapter 5

As a Father
“Marie, I’m really sorry.”

When I told him everything, Father looked like he was going to cry.
I guess he regretted that he was away from home so often that he didn't notice.

“I learned later that the gift I was sending you from my place of work had not been delivered. I was going to give that house to you both... and she took the liberty to…"

“It’s all right now, Father-in-law.”

“You don't know how sorry I am. I'm sorry for everything I've put you through.”

Father had high hopes for Henry.
Big brother was not a good heir because he was too much of a prodigal, and he looked down on Father.

That is why he had high expectations for the serious Henry.

“Viscount Ranford, do I have your permission to adopt Marie?”

“Yes, you do. If I may be so bold, would you do me one more favor?”

“What is it?”

Father took out a jewelry box and some papers from his bag.

“This is my personal property.”

“This is a deed to a land and this jewelry is a family heirloom, is it not?”

The land was separate from the Ranford family and was acquired by Father as his own personal property.
It was worth more than the current land of the Ranford family.

“You didn't accept the wedding gift, did you? Instead, I want you to accept this pendant. And this land was bought for Henry with all the money I've accumulated over the years.”

“Isn’t that the Halwyn?”


“The price must have been substantial…”

Halwyn is the nearest coastal territory to the Capital.
I have always been attracted to its beautiful view of the sea, and the dreamy scenery made.

“I know the circumstances are strange, but this is my gift to you.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Please, take care of Marie, Madam Anesia.”

“Yes, you can leave her to me.”

Father was pleased with my adoption, and he told me he would send our belongings over secretly once things have settled.

“What will you do now?”

“We'll talk it over properly, but it's going to be a divorce.”

My Mother does not properly understand the situation of the Viscount's family.
What is going to happen after she spent money like hot water and doted on Big brother so much that she threw a lavish wedding?

I probably don't need to think about it.
I doubt that the Big brother’s wife has a proper understanding of our family's situation, but that is irrelevant to me.

I wonder what is going to happen now that Henry and I aren’t there, and she will get divorced from Father.

I wonder if they will be able to live properly with not so many servants.


Now that things have turned out like this, I’m thinking of cutting all my ties to them.

Next chapter: I Will Abandon My Family! - v2 Chapter 6, Chapter 7



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