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A schemer(?) Rinka.
Things have finally settled down after the engagement of Rabisha-chan and Alphage-sama, the Gator matter, and catching the mastermind who attacked when at the engagement party.

Today was the trial of the Spirit King of Wind. The temple was located at the top of a rocky mountain where the wind blew strong.

This time, Rinka said she had thought of a strategy, so I decided to leave it to her. The members were myself, Dirk, Jash, and Ernst.

The Spirit King of Wind smiled smugly.

“I was awaiting you. Well then, let’s begin the trial.”

“Victory goes to one who maks the first move! Be swift, as the law dictates!"

Water overflowed from the talisman. Is this water-based magic?

The water was still overflowing. Perhaps because it was charged with magic power, it did not flow to the ground, but surrounded the Spirit King of Wind instead.

The water was still overflowing. The Spirit King of Wind, who had been calm and composed, thought he was in trouble and tried to break through the wall of water, but it didn't budge.

The water was still overflowing. What? Isn't this… bad? The encirclement of water around the Spirit King of Wind was slowly… slowly getting narrower. The Spirit King of Wind seemed to be having a bad feeling about this just like me, and was desperately trying to use some kind of magic with teary eyes, but the wall of water was too thick to let him through. I looked closely and found that the water contained dense magic power. It was not just a wall of water, but a barrier.

The water was still overflowing. The magic power disappeared from some of the water. In other words, since he was surrounded on all sides by a wall of water… it was water torture.

Finally, he had to stand on his tiptoes and managed to get his face out to where there was air. It looks very tight.

“Here I come, my attack!”


Isn't that water torture barrier, in a sense, already an attack? The Spirit King of Wind, he was scared, wasn’t he? Notice it!


Oh, I've seen that before. It was the rolling cube type thingy. Looking closely, it had a face, too.

Rolling ➡ Air goes up ➡ Spirit King goes up for air ➡ Rolling ➡ Air goes up ➡ Spirit King goes up for air ➡ Rolling ➡ Air goes up ➡ Spirit King goes up for air ➡ Rolling ➡ Air goes up ➡ Air goes up ➡ Spirit King goes up for air ➡ Rolling

Stop it! Stop, Botejiiiin!! Why! Why is there a torture in this programme! Why would you roll over here as well, you are heartles! Botejin!!

Finally, the Spirit King of Wind sank. Rinka immediately deactivated the water botejin. Fortunately, the Spirit King has not drowned yet… but he was dead tired.

“Rinka, sit there.”


Rinka sat down obediently.

“Rinka, we are here to take a trial.”


“This is a trial, rigth?”


“What happened to accepting the Spirit King’s trial!? This is a one-sided abuse, no, a torture, no matter how you look at it!!”

Rinka tilted her head.

“... The Spirit King of Wind is strong, isn’t he?”

“He is.”

“I've been taught that you have to catch a superior opponent off guard and give it your all at once. Since wind is a vibration of air, I judged that I could reduce his power by blocking the air around him.”

“... That’s correct.”

Certainly, the Spirit King of Wind was underestimating Rinka. If he had given his all in the early stages before the talisman activated, it would have been different. Rinka is not far behind the Spirit King of Wind in terms of magic control and actual battle experience. It's certainly reasonable to think of using a devious strategy to make up for the difference in ability.

“Don’t be convinced by her, Rosarin. Rinka-san clearly went too far!”


It was reasonable, but there is a problem. This was like in a fighting game where you comboed the opponent so hard they didn't even have the chance to counterattack. That's how I explained it, but…

“... This is real, though. It's not like a game. I wouldn’t like it if someone got hurt because of me.”

“... Yes.”

That's true. Rinka often had to fight under disadvantageous conditions... and concluded that she had no choice.

“Don't give up! You are Rinka's guardian, right? That wasn't a trial by any means, it was one-sided violence… torture!"

“... It was a torture, wasn’t it?”

“It was.”

Jash and Ernst agreed. But Rinka fought seriously and things ended up like that…

“I will forgive you this time.”


“Rinka is right. The Spirit King is so strong that there is no denying that someone could get seriously hurt… I don’t want to regret things when my friends die because of my poor handling of the situation or my lack of common sense.”


Even those with common sense fell silent.

“It’s certain that you overdid it, though. It seems that the Spirit King has woken up, so why don't you apologize to him?"

“Yes! Spirit King of Wind, I apologize.”

“Nono, that startled me.”

The Spirit King of Wind did not mind at all. I think it's okay to be angry, but he gave Rinka an assortment of blessings.

Many unexpected things happened, but we got the Spirit King of Wind’s blessing!

Next chapter: Akuyaku Reijou ni Nanka Narimasen - Chapter 387.1


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