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“Big sister Elle, I beg you. Please save my Mother!”

It was an unexpected line that was spun as a plea.
Save Lady Margaery?
What had happened to her? I wrinkled my brow and asked, "What do you mean, ‘save’ her?"
Ewelynne’s gaze shifted from one place to another as if she is having a hard time saying it. She tightly grasped her hands in front of her chest, and stared at me fixedly with her uneasy-looking red eyes.

“... My Mother has been imprisoned.”

This is also unexpected. Just why would the Noble Consort be imprisoned?
I couldn't honestly understand this unbelievable story. But the expression on Ewelyne’s face as she nodded to my confusion, “Yes…” was a serious one.
It seems that she was not lying.
There is no rumor that Lady Margaery was being held in captivity. However, Giselle had informed me that she had not been seen in public.
It would make sense if she didn't show up because she was locked up.

“Who imprisoned her? Did Prince Blanche allow it?”

She said she has been imprisoned, so I guess she wasn't kidnapped.
No matter how cold the relationship between the Prince and the Noble Consort may be, he was not the kind of person who would tolerate the imprisonment of the Noble Consort.
Ewelynne, who showed a reluctant expression, said something shocking.

“It was under Prince Blanche’s orders.”
“It was my Father who imprisoned my Mother.”

Prince Blanche is a man who cares about appearances. He shouldn’t be as foolish as risking the criticism of the foreign countries by imprisoning the Noble Consort. Why would he want to imprison Lady Margaery?
The unexpectedness of it all made me very upset. Giselle's eyes widened in disbelief.

“I don't know the reason, but my Father has locked up my Mother two months ago.”

What happened that it warrants her imprisonment?
I would understand if he had locked her up in the mansion as punishment for a blunder that could shake the country. But I haven't heard anything about Lady Margaery’s blunder. Even if I hadn't heard about it directly, I'm sure there would be some kind of rumors already. If Giselle, who arrived in Arburn before me and gathered information about her, didn't know anything about it, there's no way she could have made a blunder. It was useless to think about it, since her daughter, Ewe, didn't know the reason in the first place.
Then there's a good chance that Lady Margaery has done something that Prince Blanche cannot forgive.

"I asked Father why, but he wouldn't tell me. So I…”
"So you left the house.”

My heart aches for Ewelynne, who was drooping dejectedly. I owe Lady Margaery a debt of gratitude. I want to help, but...

“... I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do.”

I shook off Ewelynne’s clinging arm and looked away.
It may seem cold, but I can't get between the Prince and Noble Consort’s affairs. This is something no one, be it a commoner or a Duke’s daughter, should meddle in.
If the Prince finds out that I was asking about the imprisonment, I'll be in big trouble.
“I will pretend I didn't hear about it," I said, hoping to forget about it.

“... My Mother has been tied up in the castle’s prison cell for the past two months.”
“Prison cell? And in the castle…”

Just what does it mean to be tied up in the castle’s prison cell?
A bad feeling passed through my heart.

“My Mother has been locked up in the Nutre Castle’s dungeon!”

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/56580348 


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