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“W, we are watching from here?”

It was a box seat in a not so spacious theater. It wasn't the spacious room I used to have, but a two-seater sofa where we had to sit shoulder to shoulder.
As soon as we got there, Jed turned red and shook his head, "That’s impossible for me."
It's true that I felt a little embarrassed too, but it's just a play. If I concentrate on the play, I won't mind.

"Just sit down, please. I don't want to be seen making a scene.”
"A, aren't you embarrassed?”
"I'm a little embarrassed, but I'd rather not be seen making a ruckus.”

I pushed Jed, who was standing in front of me, to sit down on the sofa. It wasn’t anything luxurious, but a reasonably comfortable sofa. At least it would be easier to enjoy the play than the first floor chairs. I sat down next to Jed, who covered his face with his hands and groaned, but it's narrower than I expected, so our shoulders were bumping into each other. If we both moved closer to the armrests on either side, our shoulders wouldn’t bump into each other so much. I think we should give up on the idea of our feet not touching each other, though.

“A, aren’t you embarrassed?”

He asked me the exact same question as before.
If I were asked whether I was embarrassed or not, I would be embarrassed, of course, but in this case, he was way more embarrassed than I.
It’s only going to make me feel weird if you are that conscious of it.
When I tried to cover it up by drinking alcohol, I heard the sound of a heart beating next to me.
I saw Jed turn red and freeze.

“You don’t have to be this nervous.”
“T, this is my first time sitting so close to a woman.”
“It’s only normal for me to be nervous, right?”

I knew he wasn't used to women, but I didn't expect him to be this new to it.
He has a good face and is tall. He has a meddlesome but kind personality. So I assumed he was popular with women. I wonder if he ever had a relationship with a woman in all his travels. No, judging from the way he's acting now, it looks like he hasn't.
What to do, I don't know how to deal with this.
I'm not used to men, either, and I don't know how to behave well in such situations.
As I was embarrassed, the lights dimmed and only the stage was illuminated.

"Let's concentrate on the play.”
"Y, yeah, right.”

I think I'm a fast learner, but I can't help it because I want to concentrate on the play. I can feel his agitation from next to me, but it's best to ignore it at this point.
Because if we are both aware of each other, it would create a strange atmosphere.
After a few words of caution, the play was about to begin.
The curtain rose, and the glittering scene spread out, probably representing a noble’s ball. The reason I didn't feel very good about this was because the last ball I saw was not a good one for me.
The actors were blameless, though.

Then the scene changed, and we were in a noble’s mansion. A young girl, Louise, was scrubbing the floor. She lamented, "Why me, a young noble lady?” Apparently, she was the daughter of the house.
Then her parents and someone who looked like her sister came back. As soon as they saw Louise, they began to curse her. They slapped her cheeks, kicked her in the stomach, and spat on her as much as they could, Louise’s situation reminded me of the way I was treated in the Ansanse Kingdom.
The family that tortured her left in a merry mood. She was left with the question, "Why has everyone changed?”

The scene changed again, this time to a scene that looked like a recreation of an audience hall at the royal palace. Louise is the one being looked down upon by the royalty. Many of the nobles surrounding her sent her disdainful glances. Stepping forward was a figure that looked like a prince and a young woman. They stood in front of Louise, and the prince thrusts his sword at her.
Then the drama of absolution begins. The prince says, "You are a great sinner who tried to hurt and kill my beloved. Louise looks up at him with her powerful eyes and replies, "You will regret it one day. No one is going to take her side. As a result, Louise was sentenced to exile. She left the country with the hope of one day getting her revenge.
The curtain fell and there was a short intermission. The audience was in an uproar, probably because the content was not as good as expected.

“What a sickening play. I feel sorry for Louise.”
"Elle? Is something the matter?”
"It’s nothing…”

I just found the story too familiar.
I felt as if I the play was based on my past, as if what happened to me had been dramatized.

"Could this be a revenge play of the girl named Louise?”

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55439047 


Orestes CainX

No mínimo curioso e bastante parecido pra ser algo normal da peça kkkkkkkkk