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Regis’ Point of View
As soon as the rain stopped, I headed for the inn where Elle was staying. I couldn't bring a large group of people with me, so I entered the inn alone, and the Proprietress came from the back.


As soon as the Proprietress saw my face, she looked surprised for a moment.
Could she have recognized me as the Duke?
I thought about it, but quickly denied that it was possible. I'm not sure even if a commoner from my own country who would know my face.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not here to stay.”

I said to the Proprietress, who was about to give me the paperwork for my stay, but she gave me a suspicious look. I guess it's a natural expression.
The Proprietress tilted her head and asked, "May I ask what you are here for?” I nodded my head.

"I'm trying to find someone…”
"I think you'd better go to the patrol guard station then.”
"Actually, I saw someone who looks exactly like the person I'm looking for enter this inn. I'd like to confirm that was her."

The Proprietress’ eyes sharpened at my words. She bowed her head deeply and replied, "I'm sorry, but we can't give out the personal information of our guests.”
I know, since that was obvious, but I still have to see Elle.

"It's my daughter I'm looking for! Let me check!"
"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you even if it’s one of your relatives or not."

The lady’s response was not wrong. Even so, my frustration was compounded by the fact that I wanted to see Elle as soon as possible.

"I'm just checking!
"'Enough of this, I'll call the guards!”

The lady glared up at me with a strange kind of intensity.
Still, I couldn't give up on Elle.

"Does the name Elle mean anything to you?”
"Oh, the girl named Elle left earlier before evening.”

The lady replied coldly. It's possible that she's just telling a lie to get rid of me.
I said I would check and proceeded inside the inn.
The lady followed me from behind. She told me to stop several times, but I couldn’t.
Elle's room, as reported by the search party, was at the back of the second floor. When I reached it, I opened the door. I was expecting to see my daughter, but when I looked inside, I was shocked.
It was not Elle, but another woman who appeared.

“Who are you? Where is Elle,”

The woman looked dubious at my question. I could even feel the hatred in her eyes.
It could be Elle in disguise. I suspected so, but I didn't think she could change so much in just a few hours after being so frightened during the day.

“I’m just a traveler. Who is this Elle you are talking about?”
“She’s my daughter. Where are you hiding her?”

Maybe she is Elle's collaborator.
When I asked with that in mind, the woman said coldly, "I don’t know your daughter.”
I didn’t feel like she was lying to me.

“And how rude are you to barge into someone's room without permission?”

The woman's low voice rang out. She was clearly angry.
I felt sorry to her. But I was more preoccupied with Elle.
So where did Elle go?
When I choked up and was puzzled, the Proprietress said, "I told you that Elle left before evening.”

“Ho, however… Elle was here, my daughter…”
“I don't know who gave you this information, but I know it's not your daughter who is staying here now. You're interfering with my business! You need to leave!”

She shouted at me and pushed me back, and I was kicked out of the inn.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54920095 


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