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This is the latest chapter and makes it the third novel I have finished translating completely! Thank you very much for reading and your support! 

Chapter 107 - Towards the future.
One year later. I was standing shoulder to shoulder with Fii, who was dressed in formal attire, under a clear, cloudless sky, that seemed to represent my heart. My second wedding dress was a new one that Fii and I had settled on after an entire day of discussion. I remembered that the last time, Anton had been in charge of everything and prepared it for me, so he hadn't listened to the bride’s opinion whatsoever.
At that time, it was a wedding made by His Majesty, and the ceremony was filled with all the bigwigs, so I assumed that the weddings of the high-ranking nobleman were all like this, partly because of the formality of the ceremony.
So when I suggested to Fii that I wanted our wedding to be celebrated only with our relatives, he agreed, saying that he had thought that way too.
I'm glad I was able to escape the formal, stuffy ceremony thanks to him.

“You are beautiful, Yurika.”
“You are the best bride in Ligisia.”

My mother was moved to tears as she complimented me. I hurriedly focused to stop myself from crying. My father seemed relieved that I had finally settled down to a place after my divorce.

“You better be happy this time.”

My sister Marlene, who came to my and Fii’s wedding incognito, said. Marlene’s husband, the King of Ligisia, who formed the bonds between me and my ex-husband, was apparently house-sitting in the palace today. I forced him to take care of the kids, she laughed.
My sister has always been feeling at His Majesty, after learning that Anton, the husband has chosen to marry me, has despised me as his wife.

“Please take care of Yurika, General Garland.”

My sister was weeping, saying she wouldn’t forgive Fii if he made me cry. She was happy seeing me remarry. Denis retired from his position as General after Anton’s “death”, handing over the position of the head of the Garland family to Fii. He and his current wife, Margot, have now moved into the mansion where his late wife had been resting. Fii became a general, the head of the Garland family, and married me.
A lot has happened up to this point. Anton approached me with divorce papers, and eloped with the maid I trusted. After my divorce has gotten approved, I was separated from my stepchild, Noah. After that, I got kidnapped and confined by my ex-husband, got stabbed by the jealous Anna, and met with the Troyl’s King that Anton tried to kill.

And I was shocked to learn that Fii was actually the child of the late Crown Prince of Troyl. I was distracted by the fact that King of Troyl had been attacked by Anton, but I was later troubled by the thought of Fii’s identity. But Fii didn't seem to care much about it, so I asked him about it when he returned home from Troyl.

“Hey, how do you feel about Troyl, Fii?”
“I don’t think anything of it. After coming to Ligisia, my Mother and I left our position and honor in Troyl. When we returned to Ligisia, the people of Troyl believed we were dead, so I don’t feel like going back now.”

Thanks to Fii’s clear explanation, I felt relieved that I don’t have to hold my feelings back any longer.

“I’m glad…”
“Can I just continue to like you?”
“I am Garland family’s Fionn. I’m the son of my old man’s second marriage. I have no relations to Troyl. Is that all right with you?”

Is someone like me good enough? When I replied “Of course” to his question, he replied with a thank you.

“I may not be able to give you the life of luxury. But my feelings for you are second to none. And I love Noah like he's my own son.”

In the natural course of events, he proposed to me after this, and I had no reason to refuse it. It was Noah who was the first we reported this to, and Noah was overjoyed and happy to see his wish come true.
Perhaps our very own Cupid was Noah. Maybe he was the one who brought us together. How deeply moved I was, when the angel arrived with Denis and his wife.


Denis and Margot have come to the Capital’s mansion the night before yesterday. Noah, who stood between his grandparents, was pulling on their hands as he came over.

“Mother, you look beautiful. Uncle Fii also looks so cool.”

Noah had a look on his face that said he was very happy. Denis and the others were smiling too.

“Hey, Noah. It’s not Uncle anymore, right?”
“... Father.”

Noah couldn't help but call Fii his uncle, and then he blushed as he called him Father. That was very endearing.
After the ceremony in the church, we held a party in the garden of the Garland family's house, inviting the people from the Imperial Guards who had helped us, as well as Denis, and Fii’s business associates and friends. Then, I was surprised to see a certain gentleman there.

“Lord Sole…”
“Just Sole is fine. I am here today to congratulate my friend on his marriage. Congratulations, Fionn.”

Although he said they were friends, Sole, the King of Troyl, and Fii are cousins. There was a blood relationship between the two of them. Sole said to Fii.

"Fii. The Sunlight Monastery, which you are donating money to, has entrusted me with a barrel of beer and plenty of bread to celebrate your wedding today. Serve them all.”
“I'll take it with gratitude. You brought it all the way here. Thank you.”

I had never heard of Fii making a donation to a monastery. I wonder what is in that Sunlight Monastery that caught his interest? Fii thanked Sole for his help.

“He seems to be practicing as if he was possessed. Say hello to your old man for me. See you.”
“Didn’t you just get here?”
“I just came to see your happy face. Take care of your wife.”
“I don’t need to be told that by you.”

I could feel how close the two were as they hit each other’s backs. I felt a bit jealous, but I also felt that I shouldn’t interfere.

“Yurika, let’s greet everyone.”

Sole parted with Fii and Fii turned around and held out his hand to me. Putting my hands on his, we walked towards the future that awaited us.



This is such a rarity for a Japanese LN/WN. Not only does it have a complete well written story with flushed out characters, but it is also ONLY 107 chapters long. Most just keep going and going. Don't get me wrong, some series make it work, but so many get discontinued and never have an end.