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Hiiro (50)
"What do you mean?"

Before I could say anything, Akemi continued speaking.

"I was surprised when Prince Akemi requested urgently that we provide personnel as servants for the detached palace, but, well, it has become extremely popular."
"Yes. The work, which involves greeting others while cleaning and doing laundry, was quite refreshing. We rarely have guests, and any uninvited visitors are quickly dealt with, so they've gradually decreased. On top of that, the meals—breakfast, lunch, and dinner—are absolutely delicious. We even get snacks. Once our work is done, we're free to do as we please, and we can even spar with Lord Kujou and Lord Hitachimaru. Lord Rikimaru is also a perfect match for us. As members of the Hidden Clan, we couldn't engage with non-family members except in real combat, so we're quite pleased. And there's more!"
"There's more?"
"Lady Otoha and Lord Naruhito are so adorable! While we're working, two angels come and talk to us. Watching them play together is such a blessing for the eyes."

You really said it all... Akemi was stunned. It's rare to see that.

"Umm, so?"
"Oh, right. The work at the detached palace has become so popular that we've created a duty roster. Even those with other jobs are eager to take their turn, so they try to finish their tasks as quickly as possible. My father loves Lord Naruhito so much that he doesn't leave the palace during the day. And since it's more efficient to hold meetings there rather than gathering at the estate outside the royal castle, the Chief has decided to work as the head butler at the detached palace, giving instructions and receiving reports."

With a slightly excited tone, Muramasa finished his report.
Becoming the Chief meant he could stay at the detached palace all the time, so he was clearly overjoyed.
Well, since Ichinose gets along with him, he can do as he pleases. It's helpful to have someone take care of the detached palace.
Though, the phrase "loves Lord Naruhito too much" does bother me a bit.

Akemi placed his hand on his forehead and spoke in a low voice.

"Hiiro. Ichinose belongs to me."


Hiiro (51)
"Isn't that obvious?"

I'm very grateful to be able to borrow Ichinose, but I have no intention of making him mine permanently. After all, I have no desire to take on work that requires the Hidden Clan.

"Our loyalty belongs to His Highness Akemi."

Muramasa placed his right hand over his left fist and bowed his head.

"We do not mix our personal and professional matters. If that caused you any concern, I apologize. My Father decided to retire because he no longer felt confident in separating his private life from his work. But I am fine."
"I have no need for the Hidden Clan."

At my words, Akemi let out a sigh.

"I think it wouldn't hurt to have them, though?"
"I don't need them. In fact, I came here today to ask for some time off."
"What? That's inconvenient. The reform proposal you suggested for the license system is about to be approved."
"Is that so? That's good to hear. I only made the suggestion, so you're free to handle the rest as you see fit."
"Don't you dare dump it all on me. It's an excellent proposal. Since we're submitting it under your name, you need to see it through to the end."
"What? No, I just said it's a waste to let so many talented people without surnames go to waste, and that we should remove the identification fees when obtaining various licenses."
"It was a bit too extreme to remove them all at once, so I proposed that if a guarantor is present, they should pay the same amount as those with surnames. Rokujo, Shichijo, and Kujo agreed with the proposal. Sanjo and Gojo opposed it, and Shijo and Hachijo asked for more time to consider it. I need you to attend the next meeting."
"... I'll attend the meeting. Just give me some time off. Naruhito’s condition is not good. He's been crying at night, and I'm sleep-deprived."
"Crying at night?"
"It's called a flashback, apparently. When someone has had a traumatic experience in a certain environment, they relive it. It seems that beds are a trigger for him."
"No way! Naru loves the bed!"

Akari, who had been silently listening, couldn't help but speak up.

"Yes, he does. But when he falls asleep, he desperately tries to escape from it, crying out. He’s also terribly frightened of being touched, so I can't even comfort him."

She gasped. I feel the same way. That guy loves to cuddle and absolutely loves the bed.

"I want to let him stay in a place he likes. I want to be by his side as much as possible and show him that it's a safe place. Brother."

I bowed deeply.

"Please. Give me some time."


Naruhito (57)
When I said I wanted to take a bath, Hiiro was really surprised.

"You're not feeling bad anymore?"
"I'm fine."

When I said that, he laughed and reminded me that I had a fever earlier. I see. I had been in bed all day today. But I ate, I slept, and now I feel fine.
Ikumatsu had wiped me down earlier, but I ended up sweating again afterward. I never used to sweat much, but lately, it happens from time to time. Since I'm not used to it, I feel the need to wash it off.
Also, Hiiro always smells really nice, so I want to smell the same.

"Bath time~"

I got a towel, pajamas, and a fresh pair of underwear ready. I took out Hiiro's things as well.

"Wait here. You had a fever, so I'll ask Ikumatsu if it's okay for you to take a bath. If it's fine, I'll make sure we have the bath to ourselves."

With that, Hiiro left the room. The detached palace has two large baths that the residents use as they see fit. Even the servants who live here are allowed to use them. Usually, they're separated for men and women, but if a married couple wants to bathe together, they can reserve it. Since "married" means people who are together, the bath is reserved in turns for me and Hiiro, Otoha and Hitachimaru, and Hirosue and Murakano.
I don't like bathing with anyone other than Hiiro, so we always reserve it for ourselves.

Hiiro came back quickly and, saying, "Let's go," picked me up.


When we got to the bath on the first floor, I eagerly started taking off my clothes, and Hiiro looked at me with genuine surprise.

"Is something wrong?"
"I'm glad you seem to like baths now."
"Because it feels good."
"Yeah, it does feel good."
"I want to smell like you, Hiiro."
"Smell like me?"
"Hiiro smells good."
"We already smell the same."

When Hiiro said that, I felt really happy. He washed me, and I felt refreshed.

"It's hot!"

I said as I got into the bath.

"It's lukewarm," Hiiro always says. It is hot, but I want to be in here with him. As he held me, my body started to relax, and I began to feel sleepy. Even though I slept a lot today. Hiiro gave me lots of kisses on my forehead, cheeks, and lips.

I think I really like baths.

"It feels like we'll always be together when we smell the same. That's nice."

When Hiiro smiled at that, I thought to myself how much I really love that smile.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/110564875


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