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Hiiro (47)
"Help me understand."
"Ah, that's fine."

I instructed them to sit. We faced each other on the carpet.

"Lord Rikimaru visited Lord Sai's room with Naruhito. He asked if there were no shops in the Empire, as Naruhito didn't seem to understand how to shop. Lord Sai explained to Lord Rikimaru what a Combat Doll is. He said that Combat Dolls are weapons, and that weapons don't shop, play, or sleep in beds."
"… Him again?"
"Lord Rikimaru seemed confused."
"And Naruhito?"
"He seemed unbothered, as usual. I heard he had some pudding there, then fell asleep while Lord Murashige carried him back to his room. Lord Rikimaru left with the pudding."
"What a coward."

Naruhito was breathing quietly, curled up and tense as if cold.

"How do you see this?"
"I think it's a flashback. It's one of the symptoms that appear in those who have psychological trauma. In situations similar to the painful ones they experienced, memories resurface, and they relive the experience. Both physical and mental pains are recreated. Naruhito can't handle 'beds'. He can't tolerate being touched either…"
"That's ridiculous. This person loves being close to people. He used to spend the whole day rubbing his cheeks against a bed, looking enraptured."
"He must have had such a terrible experience with something he loved so much that he now instinctively avoid it desperately."
"Can reactions differ when he’s conscious and unconscious?"
"Yes. The lack of awareness of the trauma can make the unconscious symptoms deeper and more challenging. When conscious, it's possible to identify triggers and avoid them while treating the issue. Actually, I recently discovered that Lady Otoha also has a trigger: 'hospitals'. While visiting Naruhito during their hospitalization, she panicked just by approaching and looking up at the hospital. Her memory was hazy, but she clearly stated that hospitals were terrifying once she regained her senses. However, while awake, Naruhito loves beds and cuddling with Your Highness, but in his sleep, he relives such horrors that he screams and escapes from the bed."

Ikumatsu's voice was trembling. I sighed.

"How sad…."


Hiiro (48)
For a while, I listened to Ikumatsu sniffle.
The situation brought back painful memories...

"Is overwriting possible?"
"If we make him learn that nothing terrible will happen in that situation anymore, wouldn't that work?"

I voiced this, wondering if it was a naive thought of an amateur, but Ikumatsu nodded with a very convinced expression.

"I think that's a very, very good idea."

He continued with an excited tone.

"Yes, nothing terrible will happen. It won't happen. If he comes to know that!"

Watching helplessly in this situation isn't good for my mental health either. Not being able to touch him feels like torture. I should teach him, over and over again, that nothing scary, painful, or distressing will ever happen again. We have plenty of time. We'll be together for life.

"Alright. Understood. Then you should return to your room and sleep now."
"I'll be taking a break for a while. I'll be away tomorrow for the preparations, so take care of Naruhito during that time. You should sleep now. You'll probably get out of shape, right?"
"Yes... I think I might already have a slight fever."

I brought a pillow and a blanket and returned to Naruhito’s side. I kept a careful distance so as not to touch him.

"I'll be here tonight. Sorry for calling you in the middle of the night."

Ikumatsu, with a look of determination on his face, headed towards the door. I spoke my final words to him.

"Get some sleep."

He won't sleep... He'll probably be researching something.
In the now quiet room, I gazed at Naruhito’s tense sleeping face, which didn't look like he was sleeping. How many times did I reach out my hand only to pull it back?
Suddenly, his eyes opened and found me.

"How are you feeling?"

When I asked, he snuggled up to me with a displeased look. His right hand gripped my nightwear tightly. I gently wrapped my arm around his back and patted him softly. I could feel the tension leaving Naruhito’s body.

"Feeling calmer?"

There was no response as he was starting to doze off again.

"Can you go back to the bed? Is it okay if I take you back?"

He didn't resist when I lifted him up, and he entrusted his body to me as if completely at ease. Only his right hand held onto my clothes tightly.
I understand.
It's alright.
I'm here.
When I hugged him on the bed, he relaxed and fell asleep as if exhausted.

In the morning, with a heavy heart, I pried his hand off my clothes and got out of bed. If I took a sudden day off today, it would be harder to take a long break later. I hoped he wouldn't cry when he woke up as I got ready for the day. A soft knock sounded. When I responded, Ichinose Murashige entered.

"Thank you for your hard work last night."
"Ah, your men took good care of us. Thanks."
"Your words are too kind. I will convey them."
"It seems that Naruhito has been in your care recently. I appreciate it."
"Yes. Your words are too kind. Today, I have a request for Your Highness. May I become his exclusive guard?"

… What does he plan to do about his duties as the head of his family?


Hiiro (49)
"Do you know what this is about?"

Summoned to Akemi's office, a letter of resignation was tossed onto the desk. Such fine penmanship.

"Who is it from?"
"Ichinose Murashige."
"Ah, he did request to be Naruhito’s exclusive guard."

It was just this morning.
I told him I'd think about it, but he said something about not needing a salary and just wanting to guard of his own accord. So, does this mean he's resigning to take care of Naruhito...? Did he win over someone again?

"Can you call Muramasa?"

Akemi called out to the servant standing by the wall, who quickly bowed and left. He, too, barely made a sound with his footsteps.
Before long, the servant returned with Ichinose Muramasa and Akari in tow.
Were they in the middle of a guard duty?

"Muramasa, explain this."

Akemi immediately had Muramasa stand up from his quick kneel and clasped fist salute, waving the resignation letter in front of him.
Muramasa lifted his head and began speaking without changing his expression.

"Yes. My father is so worried about Naruhito that he can't focus on any other work. So, a bit earlier than planned, he decided to pass the family headship to me, retire, and devote himself to guarding Naruhito. We have already completed the headship succession ceremony. Hence, I will live next to the detached villa as the head, and the guard duties for Lady Akari will be transferred to our kin, Shigemori."
"I haven't accepted this resignation yet, you know?"
"Whether or not you accept it is up to Your Highness. The headship succession is a matter within the Ichinose family, so this is merely a report."
"You mean to say you’re moving to the detached villa?"
"Yes, recently, that detached villa has become our base of operations."

Muramasa answered nonchalantly.


It's only natural that I couldn't help but raise my voice.
That detached villa, isn't that my house...?

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/110137325


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