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Please make me a lady - Dance Edition
When I arrived at school, Yue-chan came running up to me, looking excited.

"Rosarin-chan, thank you! Thanks to you, I got engaged to Fizz!"

Yue-chan looked genuinely happy. I'm glad for you, Yue-chan. But let's stop twirling me around. It's really making us stand out.

"I'm glad it worked out. I was watching with magic. But I didn't do anything. It was thanks to Kurarin's power and Yue-chan's hard work."

"No, Rosarin-chan, you listened to my problems so many times! And you encouraged me!"

No, so please stop twirling me... well, as long as my friend is happy, I guess it doesn't matter whose help it was.

"Congratulations, Yue-chan. Will you have a formal engagement announcement? Or will it be private?"

Yue-chan finally put me down.

"... A formal announcement... we will."

"I see."

"Rosarin-chan... I have a favor to ask! Make me a fine lady! I want to become a woman worthy of Fizz!"

Yue-chan was desperate.

"... Wouldn't it be better to get private lessons from a teacher or hire a dedicated tutor?"

"Well, that..."

It seems she got a tutor, but for some reason, she ended up learning men's etiquette. I understand wanting to train handsome girls, but let's do the job properly!

"... Then, not just me, but how about we get Milfi and Leticia-sama to help with etiquette as well?"

"Thank you!"

As expected, Yue-chan was handsome. Kurarin also needs to gather love, but there's a deadline for Yue-chan's announcement. I consulted Kurarin.

"Rosarin, Kurarin will gather love on her own. Help Yunyun with her request. Kurarin can wait until you're done."

"Sorry, Kurarin."

"No, it's fine. Thanks to Yunyun, Kurarin was able to power up. Besides, I might get more love at the announcement. Kurarin loves the kind Rosarin. Really, Kurarin should do her best alone, but... yes, Kurarin has been relying too much on you!"


I promised to help Kurarin again once Yue-chan's matter was settled and asked Milfi and Leticia-sama in the classroom to be teachers.

"I'd be happy to."

"Me too!? I-I'll do my best!"

Milfi readily agreed. Leticia-sama was quite enthusiastic.

The four of us discussed and decided to rent a dance hall to first check Yue-chan's dance level. The dance partner was Aldin-sama. Aldin-sama had grown quite a bit, and his build was roughly the same as Fizz. Dirk was also available and came to help.

Yue-chan immediately started dancing with Aldin-sama...


"Indeed, she’s stiff. There's no problem with the steps, but..."

"The posture is good, but..."

"How should I put it... it feels masculine?"

We spoke in turn: myself, Milfi, Leticia-sama, and Dirk.

"I wonder... maybe it's because of the muscle from doing kendo? Dirk, let’s show her an example!"

"Huh? Okay."

It's been a while since I danced with Dirk, but it's fun. We stepped lightly. Dirk is good at dancing, so I entrusted myself to him with confidence.

"Umm… well…"


"… Ugh…"



The atmosphere froze at Yue-chan's comment. It seemed to be erotic. Well, I guess… we are a married couple?

"N-no, but that softness is necessary!"

Milfi hastily tried to follow up. However, there was no denial about it being erotic. It really seemed to be erotic. Leticia-sama and Aldin-sama were flustered. Sorry about that.

"Alright, Yue-chan! Dance with me!"


I used the ring to disguise myself as a man and started dancing madly. Since I’ve been training, I can easily support someone like Yue-chan. Although she is slightly taller than me, making it a bit difficult to dance.

It was difficult to dance, but…


"Ha, hahaha!"

Yue-chan started laughing. Good, good, that's better.

"Milfi, the music."

Then, we both danced the steps I taught. I rarely play the male part, so I occasionally made mistakes, but Yue-chan danced almost perfectly.



Milfi and Leticia-sama exclaimed excitedly.

"There was no stiffness in your movements. Sometimes, it’s also good to leave it to your partner. Honestly, if the man is good at dancing, the woman can just spin around and still look good."

"I won't deny that. Surprisingly, it can work out that way."

That was Aldin-sama. Apparently, Alphage-sama forced Rabishac-han to dance without teaching her, but it turned out quite well. I'll make sure to scold Alphage-sama later.

"Fizz is good at dancing, so I think you’ll be fine if you can dance this much."

However, Yue-chan wanted to learn a bit more, so I taught her the basic dance steps. I suggested something on a whim.

"Maybe it’s easier to remember if you think of it like kendo forms?"

"…!! That's true!"

From there, Yue-chan was amazing. She quickly learned multiple dance steps, and the tension and stiffness were gone. She mastered dances from intermediate to advanced levels.

As expected of the original heroine, she’s high-spec. Now, she was dancing effortlessly with Aldin-sama.

"Yue-chan, you’re amazing."

"I think your teaching skills are amazing, Rosarin. Yue-sama is amazing too, though."

"I agree with Miss Milfilia."


"It's because it's Rosarin."

Dirk chuckled at my confused expression. I just taught her normally though?? Anyway, it seems the dance just needs some fine-tuning now.

By the way, since Milfi and Leticia-sama asked, I danced the male part with them several times as well. It was fun.

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