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The best husband.
After obtaining the fluffy love, Milfi said:

"Rosary, is the time okay?"


I activated the pocket watch-shaped magic tool to check the time. It was currently 8 PM. Completely out of time.

"Oh nooo!! I have to go home!!"

"I already contacted Dirk. He asked me to tell you that he's cooking dinner and waiting for you."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner!?"

While it was a relief that Dirk wasn’t worried and looking for me, still!

"... I did try to tell you several times, but you were too busy passionately talking about fluff."

"Idiot! I’m such an idiot!! Anyway, I'm going home! Kurarin, see you tomorrow!!"

"Rosarin, Kurarin will be at school, so see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, Milfi and Cidar-kun!"

I hastily teleported home. Dirk greeted me in an apron.

"Welcome back, Rosarin."

"I'm back, Dirk."

I thought this might be the classic newlywed question: bath? dinner? or me? But instead...



Dirk's loud stomach growl immediately made dinner the only option.

"You must be hungry! Sorry for making you wait, Dirk!"

"... I've been thinking for a while now, but it seems like you still have this image of me always being hungry."

"......... Yeah, maybe I do."

"Well, let's eat."


Dinner was stew and bread. The stew was hearty and filled with lots of ingredients... even pumpkin, making it very satisfying.

"It's delicious~"


Huh? Despite being hungry, Dirk was looking at me with a calm expression.



"Aren't you going to eat?"

"I will. But seeing you enjoy the food makes me feel happy."

"Ah, now you understand why I always want to watch you eat."

"Yeah, it's nice. Even though I cook sometimes, I’ve never really watched you eat my food so happily."

Dirk's eyes were very gentle.

"Thank you for the delicious meal, Dirk. Sorry for making you do it when you’re tired."

"No, you were helping Kurarin, right?"

"Yes, but..."

"Sometimes it’s okay, right?"

"At least let me do the dishes!"

"If possible, let's do it together. I’d like to be the one who wipes. Then, after we're done, let's relax. Give me a reward, my cute wife."

"Anything you want! I'll serve you!"

"No, rather, I’d like you to just stay still."

Dirk's request was for me to sit quietly on his lap. Just being close made me happy, and Dirk gently combed my hair. He even petted me... Is this a reward for all my hard work?

His tail wrapped around my arm. When I stroked it, it snuggled up as if playing. What bliss!

"Rosarin, will you be collecting love with Kurarin again tomorrow?"

"Yes, I can’t leave a task half-finished, so I'll attend only the necessary classes and help out."

"Then why not contact those who can come and have them help too?"

"... Good idea."

That would certainly be more efficient.

"By the way, Dirk, could you stop petting?"


Dirk showed no sign of stopping.

"No, I mean, your petting is making me sleepy..."

"Go ahead and sleep. I’ll carry you to bed later."

"No way! If I'm going to sleep, I'll go to bed!"

"I still want to hold you like this... Is that okay?"

How could anyone resist such an adorably cheeky Dirk, tilting his head like that? There was no way I could win against his request.

"... Just a little longer then."


As expected, I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was morning.

"You're so cute, Rosarin."

Dirk had woken up before me and was poking my cheek.


I made a grumpy sound, annoyed that he was the cute one. Since I'm not a morning person, Dirk usually wakes up before me.

"I love you... I get too shy to say it when you’re awake."

"... I love you too. Sorry, I was awake. Your morning 'I love you' woke me right up."

"~!?? Couldn’t you have pretended to sleep a little longer!"

"No way! I think it’s less embarrassing if we both suffer together than if I suffer alone!"

Though we embarrassed each other in the morning, Dirk gave me the energy to keep going. I feel ready to face the day!

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/108044949


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