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Naruhito (49)
I cuddled with Hiiro and took a nap. I slept a lot. It felt great. We even kissed. I could have stayed like that forever, but Hirosue came to call us for dinner, saying they were celebrating my discharge from the hospital.
It's my first time eating with so many people.
Since I still can't walk, Hiiro carried me to the dining room. Going anywhere in this big house seems like a hassle.
Individual trays of food were set out on the low table. There was a lot. Everyone sure eats a lot.

"Your Highness, the seat for Naruhito is over there."

Someone called out to Hiiro, who was about to sit me on his lap. There was a splendid chair waiting for me. It had supports on the sides to hold me in place. When I was placed in the chair, I could sit back comfortably against the backrest.
In front of me, the same kind of food was laid out. I was surprised and compared it to Hiiro's next to me.

"Naru-boy, this is your porridge. The usual. And next to it is the miso soup. The radish and carrots in it are soft, so try to drink it. The side dish is white fish in a thick sauce. I think you can handle it, but if you can't, just let it go. And here's the chawanmushi. There are no ingredients inside, so you can eat it without worry. I think you'll like it."

Hirosue came over and explained. Everyone else's trays had plates with green food, but they were mostly the same as mine.
Saliva filled my mouth. It smelled so good.

"Naruhito, welcome back. You have done well, well done."

Gramps was delighted and brought out some sake.

"Uncle, don't overdo it."
"Lady Otoha, don't be so dull on such a celebratory day."
"You drink all the time anyway."

Everyone chuckled while preparing tea and listening to their exchange.
Eating wasn't very important to me before, but I think I really like this time together.


Naruhito (50)
Everyone sat down and put their hands together, saying "Itadakimasu." I mimicked them, pressing my elbows and hands together. It's a greeting, not just feeding time or refueling—this is a meal.
I brought the chawanmushi closer. It looked like pudding, but without the black stuff. It was delicious. Really delicious. Maybe yellow things are tasty!

"As usual, you only eat one thing at a time."

Rikimaru, who was sitting on my left as if it were natural, put some porridge in my mouth. Nyoo.

"Rikimaru, why are you here?"
"Huh? I've been working hard today. Helping to chase away some lady who barged in, cleaning up afterward—it was a lot. I think I've earned my dinner."
"Eat and then leave immediately. Also, move away from Naruhito."

Hiiro and Rikimaru talked across me. Eating with so many people is fun. And the chawanmushi is delicious.

"Are you serious? Naruhito's discharge is thanks to me. I deserve a reward."

I don't need the porridge. He put it in my mouth again. Seriously? I'm eating chawanmushi.
Hiiro clicked his tongue.

"… What do you want?"
"I want to live here. Starting in April, I'll be working at the palace, so it'll be convenient. And I can play with Naruhito on my days off."
"Come on~ I've done enough to deserve it."
"I can play with Rikimaru soon?"
"Naruhito! Ask His Highness to let me live here so we can play together."

When I looked at Hiiro, he turned away. Huh?

"Naruhito, try the fish too."

Rikimaru scooped a small piece of the fish with a spoon and put it in my mouth. I've never seen food like this before. It's soft and delicious. I tried my best to chew. When the soft part was gone, the remaining fish was still tender but hard to swallow.

"Mm. Nnngh."

Hiiro hurriedly gave me some water, but I still couldn't swallow it. He told me to spit it out and took it from my mouth.
I started coughing a bit, and Hirosue rushed over.

"What got stuck?"

Rikimaru answered.

"I thought so. That was quick. Sorry."

It was delicious. Don't look so sad, Hirosue.

"Chawanmushi is delicious."

When I showed him the empty dish, he smiled happily. I smiled too, feeling glad.


Naruhito (51)
I became able to move on my own. The bandages were removed from my head, but since my shaved hair hadn't grown back much yet, I wore a red knit hat and ventured out of the room.

I sat down on the stairs halfway and couldn't move any further. I meant to take a short break. Going down the stairs is harder and more tiring than going up. And this house is too big—it's inconvenient.

I absentmindedly watched the people working. Everyone moved without making a sound, with no wasted movements. Both men and women were surely martial arts experts—strong people all around. They were diligently cleaning, like those who work as guards, soldiers, or security… It seems fun though.

The guard who had been following me from the front of the room seemed hesitant to speak to me. What should I do?

"Do you need help?"

Before I knew it, someone was beside me. Sure, I was tired and absentminded, but I didn't notice them coming this close.


I said that and stared at him.
He’s the person who blew away the loud woman's escort when I returned to this house. He’s fast, but also because he has no presence, he can strike without me noticing. He returned to his original position as if nothing happened.
I think he’ssuited for assassination.

"Strong, you say… me?"
"Yeah. You're strong."
"... Thank you very much. My name is Murashige Ichinose. Sir Naruhito, do you need any help?"

Murashige smiled a little happily.

"Thank you for saying it so straightforwardly. Please call me Grandpa."

Isn't that complicated since it's similar to Gramps?
And I think he's younger than Gramps.


Grandpa responded happily and easily lifted me in a sideways hug. I appreciated it and leaned on him.

"Where to?"

He asked with a cool face while walking down the stairs.

"To Sai’s place."
"Am I not heavy?"
"You are so light, it’s making me worried. Perhaps you could grow bigger, so Grandpa doesn’t get worried too much, what do you say?”

I've been trying to eat hard lately.
I want to eat a lot like Rikimaru.

"Will you be here all the time?"
"Are you waiting for me to grow bigger?"

It will take time to grow big right away, but is that okay?
Grandpa had been making a kind smile, but he suddenly looked surprised when he looked at me and smiled happily.

"I'm sure you'll grow bigger before this old man passes away."

In that case, it should be fine.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/107982530


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