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Information from Mr. Kernel
Under the moonlight illuminating the night sky, I slipped out of the castle and headed towards the town. Of course, Emilia sister, who had been keeping an eye on me, came along as well.

When the two of us headed to the ruins, Kernel-san and Oral were waiting.

Kernel-san grinned when he saw me and raised the sake barrel he held in his hand.

"Ian, do you know about Count Mercelc, a noble?"

"Yes. Count Mercelc is an earl with a territory near the royal capital, in the central part of the kingdom. Although there's no particularly prominent specialty from that area, it is known for its thriving grain and other crops."

"Hmm, that's correct. Ian, have you looked into him as well?"

Upon hearing my answer, Kernel-san snorted.

Emilia sister is a talented woman who remembers the faces and information of nobles within the kingdom.
There was still more information about Count Mercelc that she had shared with me.

The Count’s Household is said to have won their title for their military exploits in the days of Count Mercelc’s predecessors, but since then, his family has made no notable achievements, and are now gradually falling into the path of the fallen aristocracy.

Taking advantage of the abundance of crops, the current Count is said to have left his domain in the hands of lower-ranking noble deputies and is now playing at home in his villa in the Royal Capital.

He is said to be on good terms with Count Ostrov, the Minister of Finance, who is in charge of palace politics, and a nobleman in vestments.
Sister Emilia tilted her head, she must be thinking that the court nobility and the country nobility were not supposed to get along well with each other like that.

“I have learned that Count Mercelc has a considerable amount of money, which he distributes among the nobles with whom he is connected. I have also learned that Count Mercelc is a man of many tastes. He used to frequently keep prostitutes in his mansion. Recently, however, he seems to have changed his mind and no longer invites prostitutes to his home.”

“Don't teach Ian anything nasty. It's filthy.”

“Kernel, you're disgusting. Pervert.”

Emilia and Orlan hurled cold words at Mr. Kernel’s explanation.

Under their icy stares, Mr. Kernel’s body shrank as he muttered, "I was just explaining.”

I'm but a ten-year-old kid now, but I have a passing knowledge of the nighttime experiences.

Some of my memories of Japan in my previous life include AVs.

And although I don't have personal memories, I was an adult when I was in Japan, and I think I experienced those things.

I would never talk about it in front of Sister Emilia or Orlan, though.

But still, it's strange.

According to the information I was given by my Sister Emilia, the current generation of Counts is in the process of falling.
If that's the case, he can't afford to throw money around to the nobles with whom he is connected.

Besides, if Count Mercelc is as lustful as Mr. Kernel says, it's strange that he no longer buys prostitutes.
A person with a special proclivity would not simply abandon that proclivity.

I thought about this, and then I suddenly realized.

Perhaps he is selling children and girls on the black market for profit and distributing the proceeds to the nobles in the area.

If Count Mercelc is the master of the black market, he would have the children and girls of his choice at his fingertips to use for his pleasure, so there would be no need to call prostitutes to surround him.

It all makes sense.

Then, if we sneak into the Count's mansion, we might find children and girls who are still being held captive.

As I was sinking into my thoughts, Mr. Kernel tapped me on the shoulder.

"Perhaps your thoughts are correct, Ian. There should be information leading to the Spider at Count Mercelc's mansion. I can't sneak into the mansion myself. From here on, let Orlan guide you."

"Thank you for everything."

"Don't mention it. I'm just helping because I like you."

Mr. Kernel turned his face away shyly. Seeing him like that, I couldn't help but smile.

Sister Emilia, who was next to me, grabbed my hand.

"You are going to the Count's mansion, right? Then I'll come along too."

"That's not a good idea. I have a blessing, and Orlan is an assassin, so she's used to sneaking into mansions. It would be too dangerous for you, Sister."

"But if the children or girls are locked up in the mansion and suffering, my protection could be useful, couldn't it?"

Sister Emilia has the Saint’s Blessing.

If the imprisoned children or girls are injured, she can heal their wounds.
I know it would be better if she came with us, but I don't want to put her in danger.

As I hesitated to answer, Orlan muttered quietly.

"I'll protect the Milkwoman."

"Who's the Milkwoman? Aren’t you just a washboard yourself?”

"I'm still growing."

"Ian likes women with big breasts like me."

"Milkwoman, I'll kill you now."

Sister Emilia and Orlan started bickering again.
Since Orlan said she would protect her, I wish they would get along a little better.

And definitely, I'm not into breasts.

I think there's beauty in both big and small breasts.
I wish they wouldn't impose weird fetishes on me.

Mr. Kernel restrained Orlan, who was about to grab the handle of her dagger with threatening eyes, and I desperately held Sister Emilia back as she tried to pounce at Orlan.

"Both of you, if you're going to fight, I won't take you with me."

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