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Graduation Party (2)
Kou’s Point of View

In the end, I couldn't escape from Young lord Vic and had to accompany him to see his brother, Young lord Sharon, and Princess Rodenlight.
What should I do? I only know the trick applied to this dress!

"Princess Rodenlight, Brother Sharon, I have brought Young lady Kou."

"Oh, Vic. Perfect timing, we were just talking about you two."

"Talking about us?"

"Yes. Your lead was impressive, but more than that, we were amazed by Young lady Kou's dress. I was curious if it was really possible to dance in such a tight-skirted dress, but the way the skirt opened up was surprising."

"Thank you. I will convey your compliments to our dressmaker."

"Speaking of the dressmaker... I've heard a strange story. The official dressmaker of Marquis Vardmoi has gone missing, hasn't he?"

"Th-That's not..."

What should I do?
How should I answer this!?

"Brother, please don't harass Young lady Kou too much. It is true that there was a rumor... or rather, a fact that a body wearing clothes with the emblem of the Marquis Vardmoi was found in the slums."

"Yes. Our house investigated it too, and there's no doubt it was the emblem of the Marquis Vardmoi. From the type of emblem, it was likely the dressmaker. The body was found a week ago, and from the state of decomposition, it must have been dead for a few days. Then, Young lady Kou, the daughter of the Marquis Vardmoi, appears in a dress never seen before. It's natural to want to ask about it."

"But it's not appropriate to pry too much into the affairs of another house..."

"I'm not asking out of idle curiosity, Vic. The McFarlane family is also responsible for maintaining the security of the Royal Capital. It's only natural to investigate if a mysterious body appears."


Well, the McFarlane family is indeed responsible for maintaining the security of the Royal Capital.
But still, to think that the missing dressmaker was found dead.
Did I not hear about this, or do my parents not know either?

"Sigh, gentlemen really have no tact. Continuing such a crude conversation in a place like this."

"Ugh... But, Princess Rodenlight."

"If you're going to investigate, you should do so through appropriate channels. There's no need to spring it on someone at a party."

"That is... true, but..."

"Then, let's end this topic here. Now, I have a question for Young lady Vardmoi. What kind of fabric is your dress made from?"

"This? Actually, even our dressmaker was a bit vague about it. They only mentioned it's 'a bit better than Spider Silk'."

"Better than Spider Silk. Is it Mana Spider Silk? But, the sheen..."

Hmm, I have handled Mana Spider Silk in my own territory, but the current dress has more sheen.
The texture feels similar, but... what kind of fabric is this?

"Fabric, huh. As rough warriors, we can't understand such things."

"Indeed. By the way, I am a bit thirsty. Excuse me, could we get some drinks?"

Young lord Vic called a waiter to bring drinks.
We quickly received the drinks, but the embroidery on my left arm changed to a purple color.
Could it be!?

"Everyone, this is poison!"



"Young lady Kou, how did you... No, apprehend that waiter... He's gone!?"

Young lord Vic tried to give instructions, but he was a step too late.
The waiter had already disappeared into the crowd.
More importantly, how am I going to explain how I detected the poison...?

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106241526


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