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Teacher Dirk’s class.
Today is Teacher Dirk's first class.

"Dirk, should I come along with you?"

"It's fine, it's fine."

Dirk was all smiles. But what if someone says something terrible to Dirk? No, I'll just take care of any such ruffians myself!

"Rosarin? Are you thinking something scary??"

"Huh? It's fine! If anyone says something terrible to you, I'll make sure they regret it!"

For some reason, Dirk was giving me a smile as serene as a bodhisattva.

"Ah, yeah... I'll do my best to make sure Rosarin doesn't have to step in..."

Dirk's muttered words didn't reach my ears.

I was so worried about Dirk that I asked Mofumaru to observe. Since Mofumaru is small, he won't be noticed, and he can share his visual and auditory senses with me.

Already, there's trouble. I'll remember this well. Memo, memo.

"We have nothing to learn from a beastman!"

"Yes, we will protest to the school!"

"Feel free to do so. But I'll give you all a zero for this class. Swordsmanship is a mandatory subject, so you'll have to repeat the year and try again next year."

Dirk is so cool. Wonderful! Handsome!! Marry me! Oh wait, we're already married! I'm never letting you go!!


The noble sons were fuming. Apparently, this was a class with my brother and Alphage-sama, who looked exasperated.

"To refuse to learn from a beastman is beyond foolish. I've remembered your faces. Don't expect to advance in your careers."

"No way!?"

"Over something like this!?"

Good, Alphage-sama! Hooray for power!! You, master of cunning!!

Currently, we have friendly relations with Wolfanea, so those who discriminate against beastmen are a nuisance.

"Then, take it seriously. Your antics are wasting class time and causing trouble."

Brother!! Cool! Ultra cool!! So impressive!! I'm in awe!!

In the end, even the protesting nobles participated.

"Well then, run 100 laps around the schoolyard."


By the way, one lap around the schoolyard is about 500 meters. After thorough warm-up exercises, the students froze when they were suddenly told to run 50 kilometers. Oh, and by the way, the swordsmanship class is for boys only, combining both noble and servant classes.

"If you fall behind, Hand Golem-kun will tickle you. Anyone who slacks off despite having the stamina will get a kiss from Shaka-kun."

So that's what they're used for. Hand Golem-kun is just that, a standalone hand golem.

The horror golem Shaka-kun (a very scary golem with only an upper body) smiled and blew a kiss. The students screamed and ran with all their might. Everyone was crying. Hang in there! This is tough!


"Hah, hah, hah, hahh, hahhh!!"

It was pandemonium. A scene from hell. Shaka-kun and Hand Golem-kun were slowly chasing them. That was scary.

However, those who genuinely struggled with physical activity weren't penalized. Those who ran out of stamina were instructed to do stretches. Probably to prevent muscle soreness?

A few idiots who pretended to collapse became Shaka-kun's victims. May they rest in peace.

A few in the servant class also tried their best, but only my brother and Alphage-sama completed the run. However, they were both exhausted. Dirk also ran but seemed unaffected.

"Only two of you finished the run. Now, the two of you should practice swinging. What are your preferred weapons?"

"... Rapier... Damn, I was training, but... ugh..."

Alphage-sama looked frustrated. He could barely stand. His legs were shaking.

"... Short sword... sigh... I've been focusing on research lately, so I'm a bit out of shape..."

My brother also seemed tired, but he still had some energy left.

"Alright, practice your swings. For those who dropped out, I'll teach you how to run properly. For those who aren't motivated... let's have some fun. Everyone, come at me. If you can defeat me, you can skip class. By the way, this routine is basic training for knights. After this, we'll stretch, do 300 sit-ups, back extensions, and push-ups each, and then move on to combat training."

(Knights are too awesome.)

The nobles were shocked, and the servant class looked as dead as fish. Perhaps because there are also those aspiring to become knights.

The job of a knight is first and foremost to walk and run. No matter how skilled you are with a sword, it's useless without stamina.

The boys from the noble and servant classes have already learned some basic forms for self-defense, so it seems they aimed to improve their basic physical fitness and lower body strength.

After a round of training, Dirk engaged in mock battles with the students who were trying to boycott the class.



"No way?!"

"You can also use magic."

"Damn it!!"

It's extremely difficult to land a hit on Dirk. In the end, Dirk faced off against 10 students plus 10 escorts (who were allowed to join midway) unarmed, but he did so effortlessly. Not even a scratch.

The students understood that no matter how hard they tried or how many people they had, there are beings they can't defeat. Their spirits seemed broken, and afterwards, they silently followed Dirk.

And thus, Dirk proceeded to command one Sylvester male student after another using this method.

No one dares to say they don't want to learn from a beastman teacher anymore. They can't. I remembered the looks the male students gave Dirk. He... Dirk is indeed...

Lunch break.

"Rosarin, I've come to pick you up. Let's have lunch together."

"I'm so happy that Dirk came to pick me up! I love it! But please don't hug me!!"

My excitement level is at its max. Super high tension Rosarin!!

"Eh? Well... I guess it can't be helped. But let's save the hugging for when we get home, okay?"


I received a forehead kiss. Ah, I'm melting... I'm so happy...

"Miss Rosarin."

Leticia-sama approached with a nearly tearful expression.


"I'm sorry! I finally understand that you never saw Aldin-sama as a romantic interest!"


I didn't deny it. My romantic interest = my darling Dirk. She finally got it!

"I've been wrongly accusing you of trying to seduce Aldin-sama... I'm truly sorry for everything!"

"I don't mind. But I'd be happy if we could get along from now on."

Well, yeah. Leticia-sama, your choice of words... Aldin-sama looks so sad. It's true that he's out of the picture romantically, but... subtlety is key. It seems like it's going to be quite challenging ahead.

Well, Leticia-sama promised to smile and get along, so it's fine.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105349332


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