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Naruhito (43)
I fell asleep again in the middle of talking with Rikimaru and woke up on the bed.
This time, Mutsumine was sitting by the bed, and Sai was sleeping on the sofa.
It's surprising to see people I rarely encounter.

"Are you awake? Feeling okay?"

Mutsumine asked in a gentle voice.
Yeah, I'm okay. Just can't get my body to move.
When I nodded, Mutsumine looked slightly relieved and carried Sai over from the sofa.
Sai's eyes were closed, but it seems he wasn't asleep. He held onto Mutsumine firmly.

"Naruhito. How are you feeling?"

A frail voice asked.

"I'm fine."
"That's good then. Lately, I've been having severe dizziness and can't even keep my eyes open. It seems the machine in my head that was supposed to be fixed is acting up."

Sai spoke slowly, furrowing his brow. It must be difficult for him to even talk.

"They're going to open up my head and take it out. I wanted to apologize to you while I still can, not knowing what might happen."

To keep Sai steady, Mutsumine stood there with him on his back without moving a muscle.

"I'm sorry, Naruhito. I left the fighting to little kids like you, while living care freely myself. I'm sure I had the power to stop it."

Sai doesn't remember anything. I know he's been used and going through a tough time.


Sai opened his eyes slightly and looked at me lying in bed, unable to move. His eyes closed again quickly, with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I am, happy."
"Yes. When I get better, could we live together again?"
"Yeah. We're family."
"The person you love and live with is family, right?"

Tears overflowed from Sai's closed eyes. What's wrong? Mutsumine even looked like he was about to cry.

"Thank you, Naruhito."

I didn't quite understand what he was thanking me for.

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