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The Visit of the Seventh Prince Adolf
Three days after the meeting between myself, Brother Roland, and Prime Minister Sylberg in the throne room, the presidents of the Cassel Trading Company, Melton Trading Company, and Rankle Trading Company were summoned to the Royal Castle.

In the audience chamber, Prime Minister Sylberg explained to the three individuals that the castle would partially subsidize the prices of magic tools and requested that they lower the prices accordingly for the benefit of the common people.

Then, sitting on the throne, Brother Roland expressed a plea as acting King to alleviate the suffering of the kingdom's populace due to the soaring prices of magic tools.
The presidents of the three trading companies knelt in acknowledgment, accepting his request.

As the top figures of the kingdom in the absence of the King, Brother Roland and Prime Minister Sylberg's persuasion left little choice for the presidents of even the largest trading companies.

A week later, magic tools were discounted and sold through the sales channels of the three trading companies within the kingdom.
As a result, the commoners who desired magic tools gathered at the stores and merchants of these three companies.

The effects gradually became apparent, with the rise in magic tool prices halted, and a month later, prices had dropped to a stable level.
If the subsidy continued for a few more months, the prices would likely stabilize further.

Around that time, we received a report from Sister Emilia that the miasmic water in the swamp discovered by Brother Adel might run out.
Hearing this, Brother Adel set out with Kreiss to find a new miasma swamp in the Primitive Sea of Trees.

Along the way, they mentioned seeking the cooperation of the Adventurers' Guild in the town of Beakel, so Liam and Rune might be recruited as guides again.

Bathing in sunlight streaming through the window while reading in my room, the door suddenly opened, and a castle guard entered.

It seemed that Brother Roland was calling for me.

I wasn't sure what had happened, but it sounded urgent.

I left the room with the guard and headed towards the throne room where Brother Roland was.

Opening the door, I saw Sister Emilia standing in front of Brother Roland.

"What's going on?"
“The Bardhain Empire is requesting a massive order of magic vehicles from us.”

"What's the problem with that? Selling magic vehicles is a good thing, isn't it?"

"They're asking for a thousand magic vehicles all at once. Our current factories can't handle such production capacity. If we redirect all the upcoming production of magic vehicles to the Bardhain Empire, it will disrupt the supply within the kingdom. Besides... there's no meaningful reason for such a large-scale order."

Having said that, Brother Roland cut his words short and sighed.

Sister Emilia seemed troubled as well.

Brother Roland, Sister Emilia, and I all understood the intentions of the Bardhain Empire.

The Bardhain Empire is a military state. Ordering a large quantity of magic vehicles undoubtedly means they intend to use them for military purposes.

With modifications, magic vehicles could even be repurposed as tanks.
Unlike regular carriages that stop moving when the horses are killed, magic vehicles can continue to operate.
The Bardhain Empire must have realized this.

Sister Emilia lowered her beautiful eyelashes, wearing a troubled expression.

"But that's not the only issue."


"Accompanying the Bardhain Empire's diplomats this time is Prince Adolf VII. He's proposing a marriage to me..."

Huh?! Prince Adolf VII proposed to Sister Emilia?!

When Prince Adolf VII was captured after losing the battle at the border, Sister Emilia scolded him harshly.
Could it be that he fell in love with Sister Emilia at that time?

Sister Emilia is indeed a beautiful girl, and even from my perspective as her younger brother, she's charming, but...

Since there’s a possibility of Sister Emilia becoming the first Queen of the Kingdom, numerous marriage proposals have been made to her from within and outside the kingdom.

However, the Kingdom of Critonia is a neutral country sandwiched between the two powerful nations of the Bardhain Empire and the Elfast Magic Kingdom.
Therefore, regardless of which country Sister Emilia marries into, it would upset the balance of the three nations.

For this reason, Sister Emilia has rejected marriage proposals from other countries.

Nobles within the kingdom who proposed marriage to Sister Emilia were all flatly rejected by her, and now they fear her wrath.
There are no longer any brave souls within the kingdom who dare propose to her.

Listening quietly, Sister Emilia quickly approached and embraced me tightly.

"I won't accept any marriage proposals. I'm waiting for Ian to grow up. I'll always be by Ian's side."

"Hey, hey, Sister Emilia. We're siblings by blood. We can't get married."

"That doesn't matter. As long as there's love, it's okay. We just need to create a fait accompli. Then no one can stop us."

"Enough with the brother complex."

"Our love is true."

Brother Roland tried to stop Sister Emilia, who had started saying ominous things.
But Sister Emilia, in her excitement, couldn't be stopped.

For a while, I stood there in astonishment as the two continued their argument.

It's nice to be loved by a beauty like Sister Emilia, but this brother complex is a bit too much.

After that, the three of us—myself, Brother Roland, and Sister Emilia—discussed and decided to visit Prince Adolf VII, who was staying in the guest room.

Heading towards the guest room located away from the main castle, Prince Adolf VII was seated on a large sofa, looking nervous.

Upon seeing the three of us, he stood up from the sofa and walked towards Sister Emilia.
Kneeling down, he took Sister Emilia's hand and brought his face close.

"You are my Goddess. When I was struggling in the darkness, you illuminated the path with your strong light. You are the beacon that illuminates my life. Please, I want you to marry me."

"Absolutely not! I only have Ian in my heart! I refuse the proposal!"

Saying this, Sister Emilia clung to me.

Pointing at the two of us, Prince Adolf VII looked bewildered.

"Ian? Isn't he your brother?"

"Our love is eternal!"

Ah, Prince Adolf VII's eyes were rolling back.

Earlier, when we discussed in the throne room, we planned to politely decline the proposal.

Looks like things turned out like this after all...

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104467546


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