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Lottery Draw
A month after the construction of the magic vehicle factory began, the factory was finally completed and began operations.

Brother Adel and Sister Emilia, who had been traveling around the countryside, returned from their journey.

According to them, the local nobles were eager to purchase magic vehicles, and they took twenty vehicles with them, all of which sold immediately.
They said there are still many nobles in the countryside who desire magic vehicles.

Sister Emilia mentioned that there's a possibility that all the local nobles might switch to using magic vehicles.

In the Critonia Kingdom, there are over a hundred local nobles who hold the title of baron or higher, along with Knight barons and quasi-barons who oversee towns under their rule.

If all of them were to switch to magic vehicles, it would be quite a substantial number.

It's good to have customers secured, but being turned into a tool for showing off is another matter to consider.

Two weeks later, fifty magic vehicles with assigned chassis numbers were completed in the factory. Another fifty were expected to be finished in the following two weeks.

In response to this, a public lottery was held at the Royal Castle.
Messengers were dispatched from the castle to ensure equal information distribution to the local nobles.

On the day of the lottery, the great hall of the castle was filled with nobles from across the kingdom or their representatives, all with serious expressions as they took their seats.

The noble families residing in the Capital have mansions, and influential local nobles also have separate residences here.
However, the local nobles without a mansion in the Capital and their representatives stayed in inns just to attend the lottery.

It seems like this has become quite an event, more than expected.

On the platform in front of the hall, a box containing lottery tickets was placed, and Prime Minister Sylberg looked on with a serious expression, directing his gaze towards the nobles.

"Now, let us begin the magic vehicle purchase lottery. We have prepared tickets corresponding to the number of participants, but there are only a hundred completed magic vehicles. The person whose chassis number matches the lottery number will be the purchaser this time. Others will receive their vehicles when the ones with matching lottery numbers are completed. Now, Your Highness Emilia, please come up to the platform."

Sister Emilia's name was called, followed by Brother Adel and myself stepping onto the platform.

As for why they are participating too, when I explained about the lottery, both of them expressed their desire to join.

I knew the two festival lovers wouldn't stay quiet upon hearing about it, and it turned out just as I expected.

Sister Emilia stood in front of the platform and called out the names of each noble, one by one.
I couldn't do it, but Sister Emilia remembers the names of all the nobles in the kingdom.

When a noble or their representative's name was called, they stood up from their seat and drew a lottery ticket from the platform.

One official wrote down the lottery number and noble's name on parchment, while another official compared it with the list of a hundred chassis numbers of the completed carriages prepared in advance to determine if they were the purchaser this time.

Then, the results were conveyed to Brother Adel, who loudly announced the lottery outcome.

Nobles who won the magic vehicle in the lottery showed joyful expressions, while those who didn't, wore dissatisfied looks as they returned to their seats.

With breaks in between, the lottery concluded after about three hours.

Lastly, Prime Minister Sylberg stood on the platform and addressed the nobles.

"Those who have acquired a magic vehicle in this lottery and those who haven't, these are the results, all influenced by fate. I urge you not to harbor any grievances against the castle or the Royal family. Additionally, as a note, the magic vehicles to be made starting from two weeks from now will be delivered to the major trading companies in the Capital. If you wish to acquire a magic vehicle sooner, it would be wise to negotiate with these companies. With that, I conclude the lottery."

Upon hearing the Prime Minister's words, the nobles who didn't win in the lottery hurriedly left the grand hall with desperate expressions.

At this rate, the major trading companies might also find it difficult to manage, but let's pretend we didn't see that.

Since the lottery ended, representatives of nobles who couldn't participate in the lottery have been visiting the Royal Castle, pleading for the sale of magic vehicles to them.
However, Prime Minister Sylberg instructed them all to purchase from the major trading companies.

About three months after the magic vehicle factory began operations, it seems the fervor of the nobles has finally calmed down.

According to reports from the major trading companies, medium-sized businesses within the kingdom and wealthy merchants were now considering purchasing magic vehicles, so the demand seems likely to continue growing.

Moreover, the magic reservoirs (batteries submerged in the water of the Miasma with magic stones) installed in the magic vehicles, while requiring replacement based on distance traveled, should generate profit annually.

Thanks to the nobles' purchases, quite a substantial amount of profit has accumulated.

Carrying the magic vehicle sales report, I head towards Brother Roland’s chamber in the throne room.

Upon entering the room, Brother Roland was in the midst of a discussion with Prime Minister Sylberg.

"Ian, what's the matter all of a sudden?"

"I have something to discuss. Please take a look at this document."

I approached Brother Roland, who looked puzzled at my words, and handed him the report.

Yes... this was the proposal I had been nurturing since the idea of the magic vehicles came to mind.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104093024


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