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Rumors of Magic Vehicles
Three days after the discussions with the trading company leaders, under the leadership of Prime Minister Sylberg, recruitment began for personnel to construct a magic vehicle factory outside the walls of the Capital.

The gathered laborers, if they wished, would become workers in the factory after its completion. Brother Roland was delighted that this would provide job opportunities to the poor who had gathered in the Capital.

A week later, construction of the magic vehicle factory began in earnest.

Around the same time, magic vehicles released by the major trading companies began to sporadically traverse the streets of the Capital. We had already delivered twenty magic vehicles to the major trading companies. Someone must have purchased those magic vehicles.

Commoners seeing the magic vehicles for the first time were astonished, and children who became interested in the magic vehicles sparkled with excitement, as reported by Castle Knights who patrolled the city.

Another week passed, and as I headed to Prime Minister Sylberg's office to inquire about the progress of the factory construction, Count Panyamin rushed down the hallway with a flustered expression.

Count Panyamin was a Court noble in charge of financial matters.

"It's quite remarkable how much attention these so-called magic vehicles are attracting in the Capital. Following various rumors flying around the city, it turns out Prince Ian is the inventor of the magic vehicle. Truly splendid!"

"Not at all, I merely came up with the idea. The dwarves are the ones who actually made the magic vehicle."

"Nevertheless, before the Capital's trading companies started selling them, I wish we, the Court nobles, had been informed. Then the Court nobles here would have eagerly purchased the magic vehicles. It's quite regrettable."

That's exactly why I didn't want to.

If we leaked information to the Court nobles before negotiating with the major trading companies, the Court nobles would surely monopolize the magic vehicles.

Court nobles and regional nobles don't get along.
If the Court nobles acquired magic vehicles, they would undoubtedly boast to the regional nobles.

This would deepen the rift between the two sides and could even turn against the Royal family.
I didn't want to expose myself to such dangerous consequences.

Unaware of my frustrated feelings, Count Panyamin continued speaking.

"The magic vehicle will become a symbol of the castle’s, no, the Royal family's authority. I would very much like to purchase one as well. Prince Ian, could you please assist me?"

"I can't prioritize selling magic vehicles like that."

"With Prince Ian, the inventor of the magic vehicle, advocating, I'm sure Prime Minister Sylberg wouldn't refuse. Please, I implore you."

"Some things are just not possible!"

Feeling pressured by the ongoing conversation, I showed both palms, shook my head from side to side, and quickly left the scene as if escaping.

Running down the corridor and impatiently knocking on the door, I burst into the room, where Prime Minister Sylberg was sitting solemnly behind a luxurious desk.

Perplexed by his demeanor, I tilted my head.

"You seem tired. Is something wrong?"

"It's you, Prince Ian... The Court nobles, who heard rumors about the magic vehicles running through the Capital, are insisting that we, who serve in the castle, have the right to purchase these magic vehicles... I'm trying to persuade them to wait until the magic vehicle factory is completed, but they're not satisfied..."

I sensed this from Count Panyamin's behavior, but it seems the Court nobles had also approached Prime Minister Sylberg.

It's nice for the magic vehicles to be desired like that... but I don't want them to be monopolized by nobles alone.
That's why I reached out to the major trading companies...

Prime Minister Sylberg glanced at me briefly and let out a heavy sigh.

"The problem is what to do with the existing magic vehicles... and then, once the magic vehicle factory is completed, we need to consider whom to prioritize for sales..."

"Wouldn't it be fine to just go with a first-come, first-served basis?"

"If we do that, only the Court nobles in the Capital will end up with the magic vehicles, and nobles stationed in the outward regions will have delayed purchases. Plus, there's a risk that the number of magic vehicles we wholesale to the major trading companies won't be enough."

I thought the problem would be resolved once the factory was completed, but perhaps my foresight was too naive.

Nobles' pride is quite something.
If first-come, first-served isn't an option, we need to think of another way...

After pondering with my arms crossed for a moment, I made a suggestion to Prime Minister Sylberg.

"How about a lottery? Since it's based on luck, both Court nobles and regional nobles shouldn't have any complaints."

"I think that's a good idea, but publicly presenting it as a lottery may lead to rumors that the castle or Royal family is secretly prioritizing certain favored nobles."

Huh, would it be perceived that way!?
Nobles really do have a twisted way of thinking.

"In that case, why don't we hold a public lottery event? We can assign numbers to the magic vehicles produced at the factory, and match those numbers with lottery numbers. The magic vehicle corresponding to the winning number will become theirs, so it'll be hard for anyone to complain. Then, whether the magic vehicle arrives quickly or slowly will truly be up to luck."

"Ah, that's a great idea."

"And as for the magic vehicles we wholesale to the major trading companies, we'll set those aside separately. We can just tacitly allow the nobles to buy magic vehicles from the major trading companies."

"I see. So those who want to purchase magic vehicles quickly can rely on the major trading companies. If that's the case, dissatisfaction from not getting a magic vehicle won't be directed towards the castle or the Royal family."

"Yeah. It might inconvenience the major trading companies a bit, but since they'll still profit, they shouldn't have any complaints."

For a while after that, Prime Minister Sylberg and I brainstormed together about organizing a lottery event.
It promises to be quite an interesting event.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104093022


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