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Frost Wyvern Subjugation This Time
Due to the commotion surrounding Talat's evolution into a Frost Silk Spider, our departure for the Frost Wyvern hunt, our original prey, was delayed by a day.
The journey was similar to when we defeated the Ice Cyclops, so it wasn't much of a problem.
When we arrived, it wasn't Snowelter's dwelling but simply a steep cliff.
This seems to be the Frost Wyvern's habitat.

"Definitely here. It matches perfectly with the Adventurers' Guild's records of the Frost Wyvern's habitat."

"I thought we might encounter the Snowelters again, but that didn't happen."

"That was a special case. Now, regarding how to deal with the Frost Wyverns, they will attack if disturbed while flying or perched on rocky outcrops. Please intercept them."

"Seems rather vague..."

"That's all we have, Lily. If you don't misplace your aim, they'll come at you one at a time, and they have no breath attacks or poison spikes, so the danger level is low. They're basically flying lizards compared to the Plain Earth Dragons."

Although Melanie's explanations raised various concerns for me, the members of the Wildcat Claws didn't seem to mind much.
They really just seemed to regard them as nothing more than flying lizards.
I wonder if it'll be okay?

Anyway, without fighting, we couldn't get started, so I tried luring the first one.
Tomoa used lightning magic on a Frost Wyvern far away, but it didn't flinch at all.
What's more, it was rapidly approaching.
Its flying speed far exceeded my imagination and was terrifying!
However, everyone dealt with it calmly, hitting it with numerous arrows.
Then, Uhinna deflected its tail strike with a shield, after which Keuko cut off the tail.
The Frost Wyvern lost balance and crashed to the ground, and Uhinna decapitated it to end the battle.
It really was just a flying lizard...

We dismantled the defeated Frost Wyvern into parts of suitable sizes, loaded them onto the Lumite Grand Wing, and aimed for the next prey.
This time, Talat wanted to try, so we entrusted it with interception and dropping the wyvern to the ground.

Talat wanted to do it from the start, so we left him to target the wyvern.
I was worried if Talat's thread could reach, but it turned out to be unnecessary concern.
Talat's thread, vigorously shot from his rear, entangled one of the flying Frost Wyverns.
Talat then pulled the thread, causing the Frost Wyvern to crash to the ground.
He wrapped it around with the thread like a cocoon, and the barely alive Frost Wyvern stopped moving completely.
We needed to dismantle it, so we had the cocoon undone, and the Frost Wyvern was completely dead.
Melanie also mentioned, "Frost Wyverns should have cold resistance..." So, I wonder how it works?

Anyway, I learned that Frost Wyverns can be safely hunted if not careless.
We managed to hunt the maximum of six that could be loaded onto the Lumite Grand Wing that day.
Yeah, with this amount, we shouldn't have trouble with hunting grounds during winter.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103539952


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