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Obtaining Miasmic Water
After somehow convincing Sister Emily, Brother Adel proceeded to persuade Brother Roland, and then set off with Kreiss and the others for the Primitive Sea of Trees again.

Brother Adel can be stubborn once he sets his mind to something, and lately, he's been frustrated with political matters, so going on a journey might be a good break for him.

Now, until Brother Adel returns from the Primitive Sea of Trees, let's advance our ideas for tool making.

Emmy and I continued discussing in our room.

Through our daily deliberations, we decided to create a magic vehicle.

A magic vehicle is an automobile powered by the mana from magic stones.

When you think of automobiles, they're like representatives of machinery from my previous life in Japan.
If we can make this, it will surely make an impact even on the Elfast Magic Kingdom.

However, I don't know much about the internal structure of automobiles.

So, Emmy thought of ideas for components, and I supplemented them to create the design of the magic vehicle.

In the midst of all this, time flew by, and a building for the dwarves, who were camping at the Royal Castle Knights' training grounds, was constructed on an empty lot in the Capital, and the dwarves moved there.

One month passed since Brother Adel departed for the Primitive Sea of Trees.

I wonder if he managed to find a miasma marsh successfully.

Knowing Brother Adel, as long as he doesn't cause trouble...

While enjoying tea in my private room, Sister Emily rushed in as the door opened.

"Adele has returned. He's entered the castle just now."

"Then let's go greet him."

I stood up from my chair and headed to the first floor of the Royal Castle with Sister Emily.

We descended the stairs, walked through a long corridor, and headed towards the square, where Brother Adel was giving orders to soldiers in a worn-out appearance.

Surprisingly, Liam and Rune were next to him.

Brother Adel noticed us and raised one hand, smiling happily.

"Ian, as promised, I found a miasma marsh. I brought back barrels of marsh water. There's plenty, so feel free to use as much as you need."

"Thank you. I understand you went to the Primitive Sea of Trees, but why do you look so worn-out?"

"Let me tell you. Adel suddenly appeared in the Town of Beakel and got into a big fight with adventurers at the Adventurers' Guild. Then he asked me to guide him deeper into the Primitive Sea of Trees, so we went with him. But he got so engrossed in defeating monsters that we couldn't make much progress. And once we found the miasma marsh, he insisted on bringing back the swamp water."

I can vividly imagine Brother Adel's reckless behavior. He must have caused quite a bit of trouble...

"I'm sorry for all the trouble."

"You have nothing to apologize for, Ian."

As I bowed my head, Rune encouraged me, clenching both fists against her chest.

Rune and Liam came to the Capital together with them as escort guards under the instructions of Mr. Berd, the Guildmaster of the Town of Beakel.

Upon hearing this, Sister Emily nodded lightly at the two.

"You've been a great help. Would you like to stay in the Royal Castle as our guests?"

"Oh no, the Royal Castle is too tense for us. Adventurers like us are better suited to staying in modest inns in town."

"In that case, please take this."

Sister Emily took out a leather pouch from her pocket and placed it on Liam's palm.

Upon looking inside the pouch, Liam exclaimed, then took a few gold coins and returned the pouch to Sister Emily.

"Don't just casually hand over such valuables like Radian Gold Coins. This is more than enough for our share."

Radiant Gold Coins are the highest denomination currency circulating in the Kingdom of Critonia.

In Japanese yen terms, they are worth about ten million yen (~63k USD).

These coins are usually seen only by major trading companies and nobles.

It's no wonder Liam was surprised.

Sister Emily grew up in the Royal Castle, so she wouldn't know about adventurers' reward fees.

I don't know much about it either.

The two planned to stay in the Capital for about a week before returning to the Town of Beakel.

Since they've come all the way to the Capital, I'd like them to enjoy sightseeing in the city.

When I ordered the soldiers to carry the barrels to my room, Sister Emily stopped me.

"The water in that barrel is from a miasma marsh, right? What if you open the barrel and the miasma comes out? It's not safe to bring such dangerous things into the castle."

I don't know if it's true, but it's believed that although a small amount of miasma won't cause any problems, a large amount can poison the body.

Brother Adel and the others who brought back the miasma water seemed fine, so I didn’t think there would be any problem, but it's understandable that Sister Emily was worried.

"Since they've brought it all this way, don't be stingy about it."

"That's not the issue here. You really are foolish, Adel."

"Ah~ the pot calling the kettle black!"

Sister Emily and Brother Adel started bickering.

Since their banter is nothing out of the ordinary, I'll leave them be.

I can't leave barrels of miasma water in the Royal Castle like this. Where should I conduct the experiment?

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103191613


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